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9/17/2014 7:59:12 PM
I agree man! I am having a blast playing Destiny! There is so much to the game, there are so many different routes to take depending on how you want to play. I can honestly see Destiny keeping me busy for a loooooong time the way it is right now! Sure there are a couple things I could complain about but over all this is an AMAZING game where the time put into making it shows 100%! Of course, like you said, people are going to always complain NO MATTER what! The people that are not enjoying Destiny are the people that either didn't/haven't played long enough to even start to understand, or the small minded people that are too stuck in games like Call of Duty that wont give any other game a chance! There is SOO much more to these type of games then COD. I really didn't even to start to understand the game until I was level 20. Now, a lot more is starting to make sense to me, even though i still have a lot of questions! I am really excited to see what these guys have in store for us and for the future of Destiny! They have already told us the will support the game for 10 years. So its very obvious there is ALOT more to come!

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