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9/19/2014 3:30:35 AM
I will admit to having been critical on several points. I do not post critical information to simply be critical, nor do I have a deep dislike of the game. if I disliked the game I would have less than the 20-30 hours logged in playing that I do currently. Instead, I post in the forum with the intent of giving Bungie feedback. That is what the forum is for, in one respect. They need to see where their vision has succeeded and where it isn't translating as well. Holding coarse in rough waters is only a good idea so long as it doesn't lead you deeper into the storm. So, let's look at some of my own thoughts on the game; Game mechanics, player characters, and gear - I have no complaints at all with any of this. There is sufficient gear options to give you a lot to work with, and while I can't say everything is inspirational an unique, I also can't say that this is a bad thing. These aspects of the game were very well done, and I totally congratulate Bungie on them. Story and NPC characters - here, the first installment of Destiny is lacking. We meet the Speaker twice, at the beginning and ending of the story, yet he serves no other purpose. Why? He should have been a more involved character in our story (assuming we, as players, are intended to be the focus 'hero' of that story). This was a missed opportunity. The Queen of the Reef, her brother, and the mysterious exo all served their purposes well, and I have no complaints on their writing or their use. Good job! But... in our journey you have 4 background characters? And the story itself, so far, is extremely short. Bungie had a very long time to work on this game, yet the story could have been thrown together in a matter of months. This is sub-par. Yes, I did enjoy what there was of the story, but that story should have been far deeper. I understand that further story arcs will be released (or at least one more story arc. I simply assume there will be more after), and perhaps this will flesh out what was presented originally. PvP/PvE balance - in this area, I feel that the balance is horribly off. Destiny is a game that is 'balanced' (one might even say over-balanced) to favor PvP. If Bungie's intent was to create a PvP game, they have succeeded. If their intent was to attract a broad and varied audience, however, then in my eyes while they have not failed, they also have not succeeded. "The game starts at level 20". This has been said very often. Very well, let us examine. Every single Exotic bounty features a very heavy Crucible requirement. For level 20+ legendary gear, there is only one PvE vendor, but 4 PvP vendors. It is far faster and easier to level up in the Crucible, gaining reputation and marks, than it is for the Vanguard (this is not simply my opinion, other people have said the same). Again, if Bungie wanted to make a PvP game, they have succeeded and they need do nothing more. If, however, they want to attract and keep PvE people, then there needs to be another, less PvP focused way to earn what you need for upgrades. (For those who point to Vanguard Strikes, remember this - a strike takes around 20-30 minutes. At level 20, you can get 2 Vanguard Marks for that 20-30 minute investment. In Crucible you can get 2-3 marks per game. That means a Vanguard player can get 2 marks and a Crucible player can get 4-9 marks in the same time period, depending on the player's level of skill) So yes, I do want to see Destiny succeed. And yes, I do enjoy most of the game. It is, however, not perfect, and if Bungie wishes to retain at the very least me as a player, then some of these things should be addressed in some manner at some point in time. Otherwise there are other games which will be releasing soon (Borderlands) that will draw me away, and it will then be up to Bungie to prove that there is any reason why I should return.

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