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Edited by ROBERTO jh: 9/19/2014 4:43:13 AM
Look this game is loads of fun and I am chomping at the bit to get back to it this weekend and prepare some more for the Raid with friends, but this [quote] To you I say that you will need to heed this forum's tagline more than any of the users: Be Brave. Don't buckle to the complaints, and don't stray from making what you see because of the outcry of those who don't agree on its beauty. [/quote] is a dangerous mentality to have. This game is not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but it can be fixed. At what cost is (literally) up to the publishers, but the universe has potential to make something truly wondrous. What Bungie [i]should[/i] be doing is listening to the criticism and taking it to heart so they can learn from it. Simply going on just as planned when you have so many disappointed fans is how developers go out of business, and that's why it is dangerous to have a mentality advocating such action. I want Bungie to [i]succeed[/i] and to do that they need to fix the game. Difference is no one (who has any brain cells) is saying that it is impossible to be fixed, or that Bungie can't do it. They [i]can[/i] and we as the community can help them figure out how. That's the whole point of a forum. At the moment, Destiny [i]is[/i] bland and repetitive, that's the whole point of everyone's complaints, and saying that this is what you are afraid we will end up with simply shows that maybe you are blind to the valid criticisms people have regarding the game. But we stick with it not to bash it, but because we see a lot of untapped potential, a very solid premise that simply failed to go anywhere, and in terms of gameplay, a good first outing. But that's all it is, just good. Nothing else, just good. Should [i]Bungie[/i] of all studios settle for just "good?" No, they're Bungie, the developers of Halo, they should aspire for greatness. They should aspire to become legend.

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