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originally posted in: This game NEEDS a trading system.
Edited by Aramintai: 9/22/2014 12:56:58 PM
You're wrong, this game doesn't need trading. You're supposed to level up more than one character in this game, therefore all three classes loot is valuable. The benefits of having more than one character are obvious - weekly events and raids have rewards per character. If you have more than one character you can have more rewards per week. The inventory is shared among all characters so all items there just stack up. Trading on the other hand, will just give an incentive for farmers to squeeze real money out of people who don't want to farm. And by real money I mean that they will find ways to arrange it behind the scenes on some off site or whatever, because (thank God for that, at least) Destiny doesn't have an auction house. And no, I don't believe in "Trading Only Between Friends" - farmers will just spam friend requests to random ppl to arrange trades. There's no way to know who's the real friend and who's random befriended person only there for a trade. Call me a cynic, but I never underestimate ppl's ingenuity when they see an opportuniy to make a buck.

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