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9/29/2014 5:09:50 PM

Regarding Upcoming Destiny Content

Hey, Bungie Community. I hope you had a nice weekend. We noticed that you noticed that we already have plans for upcoming content packs in Destiny. We do! They have activity names (which may or may not change) and we have a really good idea what they're going to contain. They even have placeholder nodes in the Director, as you've already discovered. But neither of the Expansion Packs we've announced are finished. People at Bungie are hard at work to complete content for our first post launch pack, "The Dark Below," as I type these words. It will be finished soon. It releases in December. Soon, we'll detail it out for you so you can see exactly what we've been working on. Thanks for playing. Thanks for the passion. We know you want details. We'll talk more soon.

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  • :P

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  • Really? Are you sure it wasn't just hidden behind a pay wall?

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  • Why is the 404Architect thread not showing up for me? I didn't report the thread and I didn't mute the OP of that thread. And yet its not showing up. Someone wanna address this?

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    6 Replies
    • Bungie is the worlds greatest development studio that always gets into bad contracts with publishers.

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      2 Replies
      • Someone spoken out Deej we know whats happened behind the scenes any hope Destiny has is getting back in-line with the games true vision or else Destinys life cycle is gonna be more like 1 rather than 10

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      • 9mb for placeholders?

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        6 Replies
        • Where's my third subclass[spoiler]i asked you a question "Deej."[/spoiler]

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          2 Replies
          • Isnt all this content on the disk already along with the story that was gutted......and most of the mofoing game. That's what 404Architect said. Yeah I try to KCCO sometimes.

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          • Edited by Joker: 9/29/2014 9:15:29 PM
            This is the state of Destiny and Gaming. #Darkness

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            16 Replies
            • You're still a deejbag

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            • Agreed!!!! I think they'll live up to what everyone's asking for. I really hope so anyway. I've been a fan too long. Been disappointed by these guys and been impressed. This game is just a few tweeks away from being ridiculously awesome. The only way they can mess up is to not add any of the suggestions and fixes mentioned here. Bungie says they are listening so hopefully they are. before a bunch of guardians retire the game and move on.

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            • Quick clarification from this post- is all the previewed content we've been seeing snippets of planned to be only DLC content or will we see these as accessible without DLC? In other words, will we get new areas/missions prior to The Dark Below? Or are you even allowed to tell us? ;)

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            • DeeJ please tell your top team to never use Activision as a publisher again. Activision doesn't care if the game is good. Activision only cares if it sells, and if it sells on time. After you guys were told to gut the original story and much of the original content, you should have told Activision to either give you much more time or take a hike. Instead, you let Activision ruin your reputation.

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              2 Replies
              • Be Brave BUNGiE. It appears the culture of hysteria and self-entitlement among gamers has truly reached it's apex. Despite flaws in the launch of Destiny I have faith in both BUNGiE and it's product to swiftly develop into a game I will spend my weekends bashing in alien heads with many a friend. I played Myth. I played Halo. I now play Destiny. It is a BUNGiE game and even with it's failings it has that distinct spit and polish that sets you apart from other developers. Keep the faith. We'll make it through this storm together, as we always have.

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                5 Replies
                • What a stupid post pretty much devoid of any substance, while simultaneously avoiding any real issues that have been brought up. Keep up the good PR work, guys. It's obviously working.

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                  3 Replies
                  • Placeholders people have glitched into?. Regardless if you don't create new environments i'm calling BS

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                  • HA HAHAHAHA what's with the seraphim vault than that looks pretty finished its only missing enemies and script you lying cheating -blam!- tards need to give us the content we rightfully deserve. If you wanted us to pay $400 for the complete story than you should have charged us $400 for the game and include all the content day one. You had $500 million where did that go what you gave us could easily cost 1/5 that oh wait DLC that's right because you guys over at bungie and activi$ion are mony grubbing A-holes that don't care about the community. Where did that 7+ years of development go definitely not into the base game oh yah that's right it went into DLC. You guys are probably already done with the first 5 or 6 DLC packs included them on disc and than said hay let's see how much more money we can get out of this. You have betrayed your community and you will be lucky if they ever come back to you. Also explain why destiny is the most traded in game so far explain why a sport game kicked it from the top charts a -blam!-ing sports game. You have some serious turning around to do to make things right.

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                    9 Replies
                    • Edited by Danny Dirtz: 9/29/2014 9:34:54 PM
                      Ill respect Bungie when they admit to the game still being in beta phase. One month out after beta the game is release with no major changes? Really? O.o No one said the customization was weak? Really? O.o No one had issues with not being able to trash talk in pvp? Really? O.o No one complained about no social functions? Really? O.o No one complained about the loot drops? Really? O.o Sorry im not buying it. Theres waaayyyy too many bugs , glitches , loot issues and missing basic content for this game to be finalized. You expect me to believe that someone at Bungie said "[i][b]lets have the vendor with the shaders refresh her stock every X amount of hours but she will always have the same shaders on offer[/b]"[/i] No -blam!-ing way.

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                      4 Replies
                      • Why, why did bungie release an incomplete game and plan to release the whole thing with dlc? People are essentially paying 100$ for a video game.

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                      • After reading these comments I am starting to think the abuse I get at work from customers isn't as bad as this. I am not the one to blame yet I am the one that gets criticized my sympathies goes out to you.

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                      • Inb4 cut-content.

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                      • Bungie, I try not to be pessimistic or negative...but in all honesty what happened? I expected this entirely different game! One with vast exploration, unique missions, memorable characters and over-the-top competitive modes. Please don't take my message the wrong way, I am grateful you released Destiny, but somewhere along the line things went south...why? :(

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                      • I have no idea how I can keep playing destiny til December.. I have upgreaded my my player to level 27, now I am not sure what else to do. I am not a pvp fan I have played strike mission to the point of nothing is really surprising. Loot is underwhelming I have at least 2 shaders of each that exist, I have all blue guns that exist in the game after less then a month of play time I pretty much have it all. The queen quests are not that exciting because I am not interested in shaders or nick knacks. I spent 60 for the game and 34.99 for the dlc package.. So I have to wait til December for new content? I mean the strike mission are interesting I suppose but for the love of god we need variety in gear or something. I dunno what the heck you guys need to do, but justifying a story that is beaten in 10 hours and saying playing strike missions over and over again for underwhelming rewards is not going to get this game game of the year. I played to level 27, but now Its just a game I play to waste time.. As far as the engrams are concerned I noticed a trend after awhile getting the same gear over and over again. To me this is a problem. This game has a principal that keeps people playing it, but the depth of the game is not there. Its a bit narrow minded. What I would like to see is a major content patch add more loot variety in weapon looks and gear looks, get more guns with different magical effects etc. If you want us to grind strikes and patrols til December get us some gear please. Think about it man I spent one hundred dollars on this game and in less than a Month I beat it and and jaded with the same gameplay over and over again... Not a winning recipe.. Maybe make a weekend where the fallen attack earth and over haul random events etc. Give us a reason at level 20+ to log in and try and save the tower etc. Find something to get us wanting to play this game... Its a beautiful game, I want to play it... Yet I need a reason to do so.. besides strike missions and grinding over and over again for merchant perks....

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                      • Spouting the same PR nonsense as before I see. This doesn't excuse what we have learned about the games development Deej. You know as well as we do that the story we got was halfassed in 7 months with a whole ton of other content also getting the axe.

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                      • This is the biggest load of bullshit ever, obviously it's finished, trying to make an excuse saying that they're placeholders, why would they need placeholders for something that doesn't come out till December?

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                        3 Replies
                        • Sorry, calling BS on this. You mean hard at work retooling what was already done so you can sell it back to thanks. Not you personally, but with all the obvious missing stuff being gutted from the game, the shoddy cliff note story, and all the missing basics of an FPS and an RPG, nothing coming from you guys that has a price tag on it, especially after shelling out 180+ bucks for this game for me and my kids, not buying it. You shafted us once already, and looks like your coming back for seconds and thirds. Besides that...there wasnt enough game to last the first month, how many people will still be here in 3 more months...running the SAME repetative "content" ad naseum for another 3 months...? Yeah, no.

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