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originally posted in: This was funny
10/24/2014 5:26:15 PM
Is there really a mystery here? I mean with Joe Staten and Marty dropping off the way they did right before release... The guy in the video said something that I thought was interesting. What if Joe left and they didn't want to have to credit him/pay him for the story? So his leaving essentially left a husk of a game? They couldn't use the story he lead the development of for one reason or another, which left them attempting to weave a tale out of assets already put in the game while telling a different story? There's more evidence in game for this than any other theory. Chopped up cutscenes, little to no narrative, Crow being repurposed, Stranger being basically useless, Grimoire Cards, Destiny App not quite being what was promised... If he bailed and they couldn't retain the story, then this makes senses. They're currently hiring for a position to develop an in-game player economy. Look on their Careers tab. There is no trading, so many things are missing---but they're hiring for those positions. Was someone there before? Who has left that position recently? How many cutscenes had Marty music in them that was somehow inextricable from the pacing? How much did we lose to Marty being fired, and what does that have to do with other personnel gaps? I'm not sure what I'm looking at here, but what I can see are lead positions being suddenly vacated and the game coming out looking like this. Whether Bungie caused those losses themselves I can't tell. My point is, we don't know. Did Joe just get offered better money, and Marty wind up in arguments that preceded a termination/storm out? Or were decisions made which neither of them liked so they moved on as to not be part of it? We just can't tell from the outside.

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