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10/24/2014 7:13:09 PM
No one seems to be getting the point of this post. I will spell it out for you, the point is this: 1.) The game was advertised to have content which it did not actually have, and NO DISCLAIMER was made to tell us that the content was not going to be in the game. It would be as if a car company showed a car with wings and a jet engine flying in a commercial. You see the commercial, get excited about the car, see the car, see it has wings and a jet engine, but when you buy it, it doesn't actually fly, but no one told you that until after you have spent your money, and when you asked if it was going to fly before you spent your money, no one would give you an answer, but just told you to trust them it will be the best car ever. 2.) And... Here is why. Literally Millions of people pre-ordered the game. In theory, that guarantees Bungie a pre determined, minimal revenue stream in advance, and serves to help them finish the game. They use the money to help pad the budget to finish production. So they get money, in advance for a game they have not finished making. Instead of putting that money towards finishing the game, they spend it on making the DLC, which they can still sell. They are using your own money, to make more money off of you. It is not illegal, but it is dishonest and unethical. This is why no on should EVER pre-order a game, EVER. NEVER NEVER NEVER pre order a game. In the last five years, I have never found a game to be unavailable or sold out on launch day even though I never pre-order them. With Digital downloading taking over the market place, you will never again have to worry about not being able to get a game on launch day. Thus the only reason to pre order is so you can save maybe an hour or two waiting for the game to download. (Oh and they give you free stuff to entice you to pre order the game... that should be a big red flag to the consumer.) When you pre-order a game, you are telling the producers "here is my money, I don't even care what you are selling to me, I am going to buy it anyway". When a producer hears that, why would they invest any more time or money in the current project when they can move on to the next revenue source? Once a game's pre-orders cover it's development cost, the project is risk free, and paid for. At that point, there is no economic incentive to put any more work into the game. Its paid for. So, they then shut down any further content development and start producing the next revenue earning project. Think about your own jobs, who works past quitting time if you're not going to get paid any extra money? Very few people. And we sit here wondering WHY so much content is missing? Destiny had pre-sold over 700,000 copies even before the alpha testing. Almost $50 million PRE-ALPHA! They made $500,000,000 on launch day alone. Be honest, if you were 1/2 done with a project and you were guaranteed that kind of money no matter how good the end product was, would you honestly give everything you had? If you had 20 widgets, and someone handed you a check for a box of an undisclosed number of widgets, and they have NO ability to get a refund if they are not satisfied with the number included, who in their right mind would sell all 20 in one box?! Lets say for argument sake, that all the content of the first 2 DLC packs was already developed pre launch (or at least 80%+), what do you do? Finish it at a cost of $5 million dollars and put it in the base game? Or do you pull it out, and sell it separately? You already are guaranteed $500m with or with out it. You can put it in an make no extra money, and then spend another $50m or so to make new DLC, or you can just use what you've already got. Saving you $45m! Lets make another assumption, lets say 1/2 of everyone who bought the game on launch day, will buy the first 2 dlc packs for $39.99. That another $170m or so. Virtually Guaranteed. So the question as a company is this. Do we want a virtually guaranteed $165M (170 sales - 5 in additional development time to finish the redacted game levels) or do we want to sell the base game with more content, and then have to spend an extra $45m in additional DLC development. (170-50) to make a virtually guaranteed $120m. (obviously the numbers are just examples, but no one will disagree that holding back content is cheaper than developing all new content.) Any business person will take the 165 over 120. This is only a real option when the market signals its willingness to buy anything though. Some of you already pre-orders the DLC with the game. Some of you even already bought the DLC in full. Right now the are using that Money to make DLC packs 3 and 4. So the lesson is, NEVER PRE-ORDER, it allows developers to get greedy and play games with our games. I GUARANTEE that if NO ONE pre-ordered Destiny, the launch version would have contained more content. SO to the gaming community PLEASE, learn this lesson. NEVER EVER pre-order another game again. You will still get it on launch day, you will still be able to play, but you will keep the gaming mega corporation in check by re-introducing economic risk back into the equation. You will force them to actually earn their money by releasing complete games, and you will hold them accountable to a minimum quality standard. DON'T BE A SUCKER AND DON'T SELL OUT BY PAYING PRE-LAUNCH.

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