Because I don't understand. Here's my particular quandry.
People like to say, "Well, running full exotics would be OP!" But that then begs the question... How is it that every other MMO/RPG that I can fathom has NOT had this arbitrary limit and yet the end-game content is still difficult as heck? Prime example, Borderlands 2. Borderlands 2 allows you to put every epically amazing gun and shield and such on your character all at once. These guns can be utterly ridiculous, shooting all four bullet damage "types" at once, ricocheting sniper shots that leave shock trails, rocket launchers that home and fragment and rain down fiery death on your enemies, just all sorts of amazing ridiculous things. And there's no limit. And yet, Borderlands 2's (that's an awkward phrase) endgame content is some of the toughest stuff I've played through in a game. You feel powerful, and yet you can get smacked down by an angry mob or a ridiculously tough boss and have to use all of your considerable character skills and weaponry to overcome it.
Let's look at World of Warcraft. The whole point of that game is to constantly get better and better gear, and again there's no limit on the best gear you can take. And yet the end-game content is still incredibly difficult (although I use that kind of relatively since WoW keeps getting easier and easier with every patch and expansion, but I digress).
So clearly, given the precedent set by every other MMO/RPG that I can think of, it's entirely possible to allow a character to equip super insane gear and yet still find great challenge in the late-game bosses and arenas. That officially defuses the "it would be OP" argument. It wouldn't be. Unless you want to admit the end-game is poorly designed, in which case bad design COULD lead to weapons being OP. But barring that, you're no longer allowed to use that argument. Again, to recap, every other MMO/RPG does NOT limit your super-gear and yet they still maintain challenge in the end.
The other argument I get a lot is, "Well, it makes you make choices about your playstyle." Now I have to disagree with this on a few points.
First of all, this is a video game. Why do we all want our video games to be so deep and about choices. There are plenty of games that do that, plenty of GOOD games already out there that do that. And they're fun in their own right. HOWEVER, this game's ENTIRE goal is to become super powerful, and yet it is handicapping itself by saying, "Look at all this amazing stuff you COULD be wearing, but you can only use one!" That seems to defeat the overall purpose.
Second, it actually ends up limiting your playstyle instead of truly expanding it. Yes, I could switch gear in mission or between missions. However you run into a few problems. The biggest is that it can take anywhere from 10-30 seconds for the darn menu to load. Yes, I've had it take 30 seconds to load, I timed it. That means you really can't do any switching in battle that would add any strategic value. Either you'll be dead, your team will be dead, or the battle will be over. With any of those choices, you have to remove yourself from the fight to do it.
Now what about switching between missions? Well that's all well and good, but it's still limiting the options I have at my disposal. I go from locking myself into one particular playstyle, into locking myself into another. That doesn't really change the problem. Let's say I have a chestpiece that gives me boosts to heavy ammo and grenade count, allowing me to dish out damage decently well. And let's say I have a headpiece that allows me to revive teammates quicker, but I'm not wearing it because of the arbitrary limit. Now it's the end of the third wave on (insert any strike name here) and my teammates all just got clobbered and I have only a short period to get them up. If I had both exotics equipped I'd be able to run in and use the quick revive functionality (thereby opening my playstyle to allow me to support in a time of need) whereas otherwise I'd have to hide from the battle, switch out my chestpiece, switchout my helmet, hope I don't get killed in the minute of downtime it took to load the menu and make the switch, run around to revive my teammates and then repeat the process again if I want to keep dealing damage. Or run immediately into the fray playing subpar and likely getting killed and having to restart or get kicked to orbit.
Arbitarily limiting choices does not expand replay value. It doesn't. You want us to craft our own stories, Bungie? You want us to feel powerful? Then LET us. I'm entirely fine with limits in PvP (although I think Iron Banner would be hilarious with full exotic loadouts), but someone REALLY has to justify this PvE limitation. Think it'd be OP? No other game has had that issue. Think it creates replayability? It only frustrates and slows-down gameplay while limiting options in combat.
I don't get it. PLEASE Bungie, PLEASE let me be the badass I want to be. It's the light I've been clinging to for this game. It would make my time seem so much more worth the effort, like I'm actually getting rewarded for my efforts instead of being scolded and told to pick only one piece of candy. Choices are cute, but this game isn't about choice, I thought it was about being the strongest gaurdian you could be to fend off the incessant onslaught of four powerful alien races! You really think you'd be limiting your soldiers for that? Really, it wouldn't be fair to fight off the legions of enemies with really powerful gear so we have to do it with one arm behind our back?
i dont have time to explain why i dont have time to explain
Edited by AngryRUSSI4N: 10/26/2014 11:06:33 PMIt's a very simple answer. Level 30 is the end until DLC comes out. Bungie doesn't want you to accomplish 30 in a week or two. They want you to take forever to do it so you keep playing. That's why raids and nightfall only reset once a week. They want you to invest lots and lots of time playing to get screwed over by RNG. Instead of destiny they should just call this game Tuesday.
I agree with everything. Great post but, 30 seconds for your menu to load? You need a new copy of the game if you're on disc. Mine is instant, always has been, if it wasn't then I wouldn't play it. I switched from Xbox One to PS4 just because the interface was so slow. taking 20 seconds to load my friends list and the like.
There should be more exotics and we should be able to have two exotic armor pieces at once but still only one exotic slot for the weapons. At least we'll be some form of legend after that, right? [spoiler]But then the armor would get nerfed after that because reasons. [/spoiler]
I don't agree at all. The content difficulty is relevant to the gear you can wear, if you could wear full Exotics, they would tune it so. I think the reason they don't allow multiple Exotics is to create a "dilemma" If they allowed you wear all Exotics, you'd hit 30 easily. As it stands, you have to work around the gear you have available to you. It adds an interesting dimension. If you could equip full Exotic set, Legendary's would be obsolete and seen as a "stop gap" rather than LEGENDARY as intended. As for guns, again it creates yet another dilemma and adds more depth to it. It wouldn't allow for many item combinations that there currently are. The standard setup would be SUROS / Icebreaker / Gjallahorn and you would rarely, if ever, need to change outside of that. TLDR - Stop whining about what you can't wear and just enjoy what you can do. If you character is 30 with all raid gear + 1 Exotic and you have a bunch of good guns, YOU ARE as powerful as you can be. Are you some special little snowflake that has to be decked out in sparkly yellow gear to feel happy? Get over it and play the game
I'm not sure if anyone said this yet but I'm almost positive they haven't released the exotic legs for any class. Meaning not everyone would be 30 but they would only need one piece of raid gear.
It allows for a paradox of choice. Otherwise, you can almost guarantee that 90%+ of players would run around using Suros, Ice Breaker, and Gjallarhorn. I honestly find it tough at times to decide on my loadout, and I like that.
I think we should be allowed two exotic weapons and two exotic armors.
I've been collecting every exotic I can and not dismantling just incase they lift this limit. Wishful thinking, I know...
I don't know why either. Some folks think Exotics would kill lower players, but that's just nonsense. ANY player can kill ANY other player. I was crucibling at level 9 taking out douches with the COAL on and Suros. What was my weapon? A shotty named Two For The Road. Seen dudes trying to Myth my rear, what did I do? Swap over to Stalker build on a Hunter and proceed to wipe them. My buddy over in the Steel Syndicate ran the Kvhostov, you know the FIRST ASSAULT RIFLE, and went 30 and 5. It's all about your TACTICS, not your GEAR. Gear HELPS, but good gear won't make a shit player better, and bad gear won't make a great player suck. This is not just another CoD or Halo clone where you run up, bangity bang, and the opponent dies. You MUST adjust to the tactics. If you can't oh well. Folks seem to forget there's sliding, class features like Titan AOE denial, Warlock spamming, etc etc. So many different ways to kill, and you never need exotics for them.
Your use of wow is pointless since the number of orange gear is usually only counted on one hand or less.
like how you involved borderlands 2 but the guns are that op to were they chase your foes(not counting the shotgun you throw that chases your foes) and you cant do all the elements at once(3 with one gun using a certain class)
I think its because Bungie is known for PvP You get more exotics the longer you play. Eventually you get the proper roll and you get whatever youve been waiting for Having all your armor and guns would kill any low level player. Buy the game late, and you now have no shot. Crucible evens up damage and health, but with all exotics youre looking at stuff like extra grenades, active radar, longer lasting grenades, and guns that give health back, regenetate ammo, etc Sounds sweet from the perspective that everone plays a lot, or if you play a lot, but a guy just getting into the game is screwed no matter his gun skill. And you have a heavy advantage no matter your lack of gun skill. So it basically says don't buy the game if you're joining late. That might be fine for players, but at the end of the day Bungie would never want to discourage sales in any way.
explanation without having to read a novel: because the alert comes up when you equip one piece that says you can't equip anymore. That is why. Doesn't need some drawn out explanation. It is what it is. "shut it down, lets go home" shouted in Dirk voice
Eh most legendary weapons are better/same as the exotics so the weapons don't really matter.
I've been interested in equipping each exotic armor type and taking a screenshot of that character screen, and then photoshopping it so you see your guardian in full exotic armor lol. More on topic; one of my buddies suggested the limit being "you can only equip 2 exotic items" This meaning I could have 1 armor and 1 weapon, as usual, or 2 armors or 2 weapons that are exotic. I'd be inclined to push for a 3 exotic item limit, in that case.
Thing is most of the raid legendary weapons are better than exotic guns, and you can equip 3 of them at a time. Why not 3 exotics?
Thorn/TLW, Pocket Infinity, The Truth - oh man...
I didn't read the whole thing, but there really isn't a lot of exotics anyway... So I can imagine that everyone would just run the same thing and they don't really want that
Edited by Macguyvur: 10/28/2014 1:40:18 PMYou have to give [b]Bungie[/b] some time. They will in the future have it set up where every slot will be exotic or [b]equivalent [/b]. They just need more time to [b]Nerf[/b] items individually to be on par with legendary items. Then it's up to you to use your [b]imagination[/b] and [b]pretend[/b] your legendary gear is exotic.
Totally agree! Bump.
There's zero reasons to not being able to equip multiple exotic weapons. But there is reasons for not equipping more than one exotic armor piece tho.
I was thinking I'd be nice to add something later down the road to open up an additional slot for exotic weapons and armor. For example, say BUNGIE decides to allow the player to be able to buy something from the speaker for 777 motes of light to be able to wield two exotics at once. Now THAT would be something truly earned if someone manages to get that many notes of light. And maybe they could pay a homage to 343 industries and sell an exotic armor slot for 343 motes of light? Just my two cents
Edited by System: 10/28/2014 1:33:17 PMYou make some good points, however so do others stating why not to get rid of the limit. Overall I think they keep the limit in PvP and remove the limit only on exotic weapons in PvE... We all switch our weapons during PvE anyways depending on the encounter. May as well make it easier for us and just let us use the weapon loadout we want so we aren't wasting time switching the crap.
I didn't read all of it so you may have addressed this but... This game is balanced around only being able to use one exotic. Those other games are balanced around having all that gear.
Edited by Auriventris: 10/28/2014 1:32:52 PMPersonally Exotic armor does not offer any real game changing perks to me and are mainly aesthetic to be honest, So I feel full exotic armor should be allowed but not weapons. The only issue is that %80 of people would be level 30 by now. Even with three of four exotics plus vanguard armor for the rest it would get you to 30.