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originally posted in: How Hunters are amazing in VoG
11/7/2014 10:25:34 PM
ive ran the hard raid every week since i hit lvl 29(i am lvl 30 now), im a hunter and almost always lead my raid group in terms of kills and least deaths. golden gun is great for the raid its good for the confluxes and for atheon. hunter like op said are great with the relic as well, i personally always take the role of relic holder when possible. i ran the hard raid 2 times this week so far once on wednesday and once yesterday, each time we had atleast 3 hunters in the party(did 2nd raid to help my lvl 29 friend do the raid on hard for the first time). the only people that say hunters are bad are people that are looking to push the bosses off. or maybe they had bad luck with a hunter once or twice. but then if thats the case u can make that argument for any class. yes titans have a shield and locks can rez. but tbh id rather have a hunter on my team that didnt die than a lock who died and rezzed 10 times. im not trying to bad mouth any class, but the hunters are useless posts im seeing are so terrible. its not true at all hunters are invaluable in the raid, especially on hard.

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