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Edited by Hene: 12/10/2014 12:00:35 AM
Isn't it too early for this? The dlc just came out. Edit: Also this sample isn't really valid as anyone regardless of if they have the dlc or not can vote. You don't even need to own the game but I think that's unlikely here.

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  • They've been developing it Since scratch. So no it didn't come out 24 hours ago.

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  • I mean for the players.

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  • The big deal is for the players that have 2-3 high level characters. They've spent 3-400 hours building and grinding to have everything reset. If you have say 6 legendary guns fully maxed. Done the vanguard level 28, and then the raid level 30 plus exotics. Now most of your gear is nerfed by 10%, and u need to trash that, and find something new. Because a couple stories, and 2 raids come with better gear. All of that trouble cost u 20$ when u were happy with the legendary guns u had, and the raid gear that u had upgraded already. If u leveled up new monarchy to get the vanquisher at 300 attack. Now u need to go do it all over again for a 331.

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  • Edited by Hene: 12/10/2014 1:49:01 AM
    Wouldn't you just have to farm the commendation and marks. Also I'm wondering where this conversation came from, this is mainly about the dlc content.

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  • It's been developed for longer than 2 months. Yeah which changed the new raid weapons, new raid gear levels=32 for DLC owners. I have one friend that's a level 11 vanguard and 6 new monarchy. Should he have to rank up another level to buy a helmet, or gun? When he was happy with say shadow price @300 attack. He has 2 level 30's, and one 29. So all that armor is going to need dismantled, farmed, and ranked for the next raid. All this, and then we just dropped 20$ for a novelty sparrow, a couple levels,strikes,raids etc. not a really big DLC. So it's been just 24 hours, but BUNGIE has been developing, and pushing this since day one.

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  • i think thats the point. it just came out and in 2 hours ive completed all but the raid. thats a disappointment.

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  • You're crota rank 4? You have all the new gear and weapons? Woah.

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  • Grinding for a shader shouldn't be considered content

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  • Main part of the expansion is the raid.

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  • Edited by Graelock: 12/9/2014 9:09:09 PM
    Yeah, but most of us beat the story content in 45 minutes, have found that our previous raiding achievements and rewards no longer mean anything, our exotics have become the equivalent of the Queen's Wrath blue items etc. Content wise, there's nothing there. Even, if the PS4 exclusive content was part of the Xbox experience, there's still not a lot there. I'm sure there are great weapons to be had, but as far as actual gameplay content...not really. I'll go home and do the raid and weeklies tonight, but I just don't see the "Expansion" in this expansion. The theme was great, the darker tone it took was very much desired, but all it did was whet your appetite, at best...I can't believe I managed to practically finish the story in a single morning, before work...and I start work at 8am LoL. I needed only another 15 minutes to beat the last level, which I manged to do at lunch(I work 2 1/2 minutes from home).

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  • Edited by Hene: 12/9/2014 9:34:48 PM
    Well yeah I wouldn't go as far as calling this an expansion more like addition at best but most of the content went into the raid and I doubt many people have done it completely. Also the story content doesn't end until the strike. Lastly comparing this to cod dlc there's still much more for around the same price and comparing this to the WOW expansions wouldn't work because they are priced at 60 with monthly payments.

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  • Comparing this to a wow expansion wouldn't work because a blizzard expansion (even Starcraft) that you don't pay monthly for shits all over this you know it I know it everyone knows it this game is a failure in terms of public opinion After house of wolves they will drop Support for this game all together to shit out destiny 2 to try and shove down everyone's throats again

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  • Well yeah of course it shits all over this because their expansions take well over a year to make while probably this took a month or three and it's priced at a new game. Also Destiny 2 more likely won't show until 2016 at the minimum with a likely expansion for the cabal sometime in 2015. Mind breaking your sentences for less clutter.

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