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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Liam Styler: 12/18/2014 10:50:02 PM

Are you losing interest in Destiny?

Has anyone else lost interest in Destiny since the expansion? I can't be the only one who feels like this, especially after all the time we've all put in. I absolutely love playing Destiny. I truly do. I'm not into many games at all, but I'm incredibly competitive. Regardless of what game I play, I like to put in the effort to be the best. So when it came to Destiny, I just had to be level 30. I enjoyed leveling up three different characters to 30. I enjoyed playing all three classes to their full potential. Now with Destiny though, I've just lost all interest after the DLC has launched. With all these idiotic changes that they've made to the new gear, re-leveling exotics, radiant materials, commendations, etc, I've just lost all interest in what little enjoyment I still had left. Everyone is getting screwed left and right and I just don't see the point in the grind anymore. I actually deleted my 30 Hunter to make a second Warlock because I knew there was no way in hell that I was going to re level more gear for a different class after the ludicrous ideas that Destiny are calling "patches". Why would I anyway? All I have to do is wait for the House of Wolves and then I can make a new class right up to where I left off (Hint: I can already do that). I can't be the only one who sees the insanity that Destiny is consistently producing. I'm not here to complain. Again, I love playing Destiny, I just won't be playing as much as I have when my progress will consistently be undermined without warning. Please tell me more of you out there feel like I do. By the way, the new Raid shotgun is an EXACT replica of the new Vanguard shotgun. I can't remember the name at the moment, but it has the EXACT same stats, lol. Why is my reward for beating the new raid just a regular shotgun that I can buy from the Vanguard armory? [b]Edit 1. Thank you for all your responses. I love reading how everyone feels about this game, regardless of it being positive or negative. Seems like I'm not the only one! Edit 2. I honestly can't believe this took off as much as it did. I wrote this late at night and I completely forgot I wrote it until I stumbled upon it in the morning. I'm so glad so many of you agree. These are your dedicated fans, Bungie. They're speaking up. Please take note of what we're trying to achieve with this feedback.[/b]

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  • Oogod look at all the little rentboys posting. That is keep sacking bungie off. DESTINY IS SHIT. After getting to 20 I lost interested Soooooo boaring. No story. Pvp is what bungie cares about but it just shit. Mindless idiots running round. Ooooooo shoot

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  • I lost interest when DA:I came out. Played the shit out of that game and didn't feel like logging in Destiny at all (was pretty certain that i was done with the game) and for some fkedup reasons im back and log in every day. F*ck this game!!! Bungie needs to spice it up tho, i won't be able to play the same 8 strikes as soon as i get one weapon and armor piece im looking for

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  • Slowly, slowly losing interest, to be honest I'm not very impressed with the new raid which is the main reason I bought the expansion. It's nowhere near as complex as VoG nor is it as entertaining (in my opinion). I think the mechanics of Downing crota is pretty bad, the fact that they've enabled noobs to reach level 31 with no raid experience whatsoever. So many times have I been into VoG or CE with 31s and some don't know what's going on. This should not be the case, if your pretty much at max level (for now) you should know how to do these raids, especially VoG!! The way they've gone about this expansion is just plain awful. Like so many have said, they have basically handed people level 31 on a plate.

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  • All I want is story in game. Some kind of emotional attachment that keeps me coming back to fight the darkness. Some answers about the golden age and how the collapse happened, and also what the darkness is.

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    • yeah after raid n nightfall im just doin bounties n im mostly just standing in tower

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    • Only after I kill the raid n weeklies...then I'm waiting

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    • You know something? No. I have not. But god dammit I wish I would. I wish I could share the same complaints as you, but I can't stay connected for more than five minutes at a time without either caterpillar or hawk kicking me out. And like an idiot, I keep trying to connect for HOURS. I work twelve hour night shifts and on the nights I have off, I spend around three hours a day trying to load my game back up. Playing Destiny is literally all I want to do, and because I can't get into any weekly strikes, raids, nightfalls, dailys, or the damn tower I can't progress any further. I wish I hadn't even started this game for that reason alone.

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    • Edited by Kovathos: 12/18/2014 5:08:21 AM
      I can only stand to play it for so long before I get sick of it again. I keep getting reminded of all the little things that could of made destiny so much better and then I lose interest. Destiny has solid gameplay but is mediocre in every other way except the raids. The expansion story missions are a bit more fun at least than the rest of the game. I more or less just play for the raids and weekly. Daily and strike playlists if I feel like it.

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    • Ye

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    • I'm still enjoying it, although I'm not as active as I previously was. I don't grind strikes anymore, I see them as pointless, I've only ever had one exotic drop from it in the hundreds I have done and handing in and leveling up the cryptarch is pointless, constant blues to delete. Most of the core group I started with have lost interest. Most have deleted two characters to create another another two of their favourite class. They just swap out armour and guns now. The change for me was just too quick. I had two characters at 30 for a while, all had their own maxed out exotics, I got my last one up to 30 the Tuesday before the DLC. Have to redo their guns and new gear so close to getting them all up to too level is disheartening. I hardly play my other two characters now, just concentrating on one. I'll work on the others in time, but I don't have the drive to chase Max level with anything anymore

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    • No

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    • I'm striving to be the best

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      5 Replies
      • Noooooo sir

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      • I'm back on Diablo 3. No idea how long that'll last though.

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        3 Replies
        • No I still love it

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        • Starting to feel like a mandatory thing to do, but I still love playing the game. I'll be playing through house of wolves at least.

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        • yes i am feeling the same.i think destiny is doomed.

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        • Ehh not really just want the dlc

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        • Not so much losing interest in the game but losing hope of getting what I want out of it. It takes way to many game hours to level anything and the only successful way to level anything is by doing bounties and patrols. I really don't want to spend every single spare minute I have for the next six months grinding destiny just so I can enjoy the fun parts. Wanting that one weapon and having no way of working towards it other than pure luck. Wanting a variety of mixed armour and weapons with various perks to choose from but don't have 600hrs spare to grind them out. It reminds me of Grand Turismo where you spend so long grinding to get the cars you want by the time you get them you don't want to play any more. I have put my game on it's final warning, if I don't have icebreaker, ghorn or black hammer by the end of the week its time to move on.

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        • I feel the same. It use to be l get home from work, jump on destiny and hardly get sleep. Then repeat. But lately I just can't be bothered to get on anymore. The game has become more o a chore than actual fun now. My opinion may change later but recently I been spending my time on other story based games like deadrising3 and shadow of mordor. And come Xmas time I will likely be playing the hell outta inquisition

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          2 Replies
          • I agree completely I mean I created a warlock for fun 2 days before the dlc and I got him just over 31 in 5 days just doing bounties, and I got raid boots and chest for my main titan but now I need to grind to get 30 some R shards to lvl just those up, it has become a chore really, I think I may just grind a bit more get 200 marks of each (VG and CB) on each character and make sure I have 200 of each planet rss and then just wait for the next dlc. I love the grind on most games and embraced this one's, but man does it feel like work and not entertainment

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          • Yes. They hosed the economy and there is no reason for me to run the VoG now. Massively disappointed.

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          • I'm getting extremely bored with this game. Same shit every time I play, and no improvements. Once I complete the nightfalls and weeklies, then maybe go at the raid for a little bit, I just can't be bothered to try anything else. The repetitiveness is killing me and the bullshit loot drops are frustrating. I'm seriously considering going back to Warframe soon where I can have some real fun.

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            • Gaining interest actually. I still need to get the new raid complete and I'm getting it on PS4 for christmas so It'll be a whole new start.

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              • Hit the nail on the head bro. Just pointless to keep grinding for three months. They should have done vanguard Lvl 30, IB LVL 31 and raid 32.

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                2 Replies
                • Edited by OggimusPrime: 12/18/2014 12:55:27 AM
                  yes.. and let me tell you why: The raid is too short. The armor is too easy to obtain. The mats are much harder to obtain than the gear, which is ass backwards from VOG. VOG was fun with tons to explore. I was a fully VOG raid gear 30 and now people are asking for 31's for CE, yet i'm sure the majority of the 31's are vendor gear 31's. The new exotic armor sucks. I'm tired of grinding for my upgrades ( I know this is a theme in these types of games). The warlock raid gear looks terrible. The vanguard warlock gear looks even worse. The nightfall rewards don't reflect the challenge. The weekly rewards on lvl 30, are terrible. The addition of new materials was a terrible idea. Lets add more materials for upgrades but not give more vault space. The perks on the raid gear are hyper specific to the raid, more so then VOG gear. Why do no raid weapons drop? I have yet to see any drop for anyone.. outside of an exotic drop from a chest. Did bungie give up on the new exotic gear and armor? An extra grenade on starfire protocol?!?!? That is already a perk in the warlock tree. Why am I running the same five missions over and over again? Why can people solo 4/5 of the new raid? Why is there a glimmer cap? Why is glimmer shared between characters but the vendor rep and marks are not? Bungie just seems lazy these days.

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