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originally posted in: Tough Anonymous Racists in Destiny
Edited by DRTYMcGRTY: 12/19/2014 11:44:07 AM
SUCK IT. MUTE THEM IF YOU DONT LIKE THEM. No one cares if you are black. Take your racial agenda somewhere else- im tired of people pushing racial issues when they have no base. PUSH MUTE. They are just talking shit, get over it. Push mute and grow the -blam!- up.

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  • I don't think it's a racial agenda... I'm not even going to bother reading the other replies, but that sounds ignorant... I'm white, by the way. Everyone should be treated equally. And if you knew anything about the word, it actually means dirty or filthy, but meant in the worst way. The best way to sum it up would be an analogy using the military training. When your drill instructor makes you run in circles to the cadence of "Should'of been swallowed aye aye sir!" it's pretty much saying the same thing as this. It's demoralizing and dehumanizing, no matter your race. So again, I disagree with you saying anything about a racial agenda. But just my opinion, as it is yours.

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  • Angry White Kid Alert! Hide or he'll start shooting.

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  • Edited by Prozog: 12/19/2014 7:54:19 PM
    At least they take aim and not spray out of a moving car yelling incoherent crap.... then never hit the target and kill a buch of kids in a house or a baby in a swing.... E: we can all paly this game.

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  • Edited by TheMighty3X: 12/19/2014 8:37:01 PM
    You mean "play" this game, right? Spell check is your friend, bucko. And it's not a "game". It's stupid. It's ignorant, self-serving, socially deficient people with no regard for anything aside from their own petty and small minded needs, whether it's Sandy Hook or South Central (or the internet, I could give you some parallels there, but I'm sure it'd be too much for your mind to comprehend). But if I'm not to be offended by non-Blacks using the N word, then what gives you right to be offended by me commenting the fact that the majority of mass murdering gunmen the last decade have been white? I made the comment intentionally waiting for the first idiot to take offense. Low and behold, it was you. I'm reminded why I haven't muted you now, you're so stupid it's mildly entertaining.

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  • Lol.. You think I am offended.... I am a free man I careless, I gave my opinion... Do not get so butthurt & write an entire story about.... Lol.....

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  • Edited by TheMighty3X: 12/20/2014 4:21:50 AM
    I never said you were offended. It's a general question you bleeding idiot. But I do love how you attempt a dismissive reply accompanied by a ton of periods. Your penmanship like many other things about you is pathetic. Next time you try to target me with your "opinion" try not making yourself look like a bitter, combative piece of shit. Yeah, we know you are, but just try. Reply with your clever last word in order to pad your fragile ego, but know that I won't be reading it.

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  • You win lol

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  • People [i]obviously[/i] care if they start yelling the n-word if there's a black person (or a perceived black person) in the lobby. "Grow the -blam!- up"? If you need to use slurs to enjoy a video game, I'd say you need to grow up. And move over to Call of Duty.

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  • Geeze, somebody has sand in their vagina.

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  • .. don't do that.

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  • ...little light.

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  • Wtf is this guy talking about?

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  • If you have to be a racist to enjoy playing video games for some reason you're an idiot, period. If you don't care, like racists like yourself say, why not try a different word? Yeah, it's because you know the weight words carry and some are more powerful than others. Maybe it's time for you to take your own advice and grow up.

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  • No one uses mics

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  • this guy gets it.

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  • Exactly leave or mute em.. Freedom of speech even if what you are saying is wrong or hurtful

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  • Edited by SgtCoolBeans: 12/19/2014 6:45:28 PM
    Well freedom of speech refferences the relationship between you and the government really. As in, sharing a political opinion won't get you jailed. But even in your context it still doesn't work. Because freedom of speech doesn't mean there are no consequences. If you say rascist or hurtful things at your job then you can still be fired. In this case the consequence was someone complained.

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  • That's not what freedom of speech means. If it meant what YOU think it meant then you couldn't lose your job over bigoted, racist or prejudiced vocal or written opinions. That happens every day by the way. Freedom of speech allows you to vocally, written or otherwise peaceably oppose the government.

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  • No it affords you the opportunity to say what you want unless you have a captive audience. Im sorry you are way off on this one! Now there is a difference between can and should. If you work for a company you essentially represent that company. You can say racists things, but since you represent the company it could cause a back lash and get fired. This is [b]ONE[/b] reason you should not say them when you still can because you have the right to.

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  • I think you're confusing freedom of speech and freedom of expression. Two different things

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  • Wrong

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  • Pretty sure you are. While they are both used synonymously they aren't the same things. If you look at Freedom Of Speech, there is a key word right near the beginning. I'll give you a hint. Political. Freedom of expression is an entirely different ball of wax.

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  • BILL OF RIGHTS -Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances Speech rights were expanded significantly in a series of 20th and 21st-century court decisions which protected various forms of political speech, anonymous speech, campaign financing, pornography, and school speech and several others. Sources: National Archives and Wikipedia for the last part. It basically sums up a bunch or court cases into a single paragraph.

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  • Not once does it say anything about bigoted or hate speech though does it? Again that falls under Freedom of Expression. You've proven nothing other than that you can copy/paste. Sorry, guy. I'm going to take the word of a professor that specializes in constitutional law (who happens to be conservative as well) over your opinion on what YOU think it means. Hate speech is covered in the Freedom of Expression amendments and does not afford you the same protections as Freedom of Speech. It's whatever though.

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  • Also several supreme court decisions are on my side. I will take their decision over a constitutional law professor, I mean obama was one.

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