I'm an atheist coz Christianity is a load of spiritual bullcrap, my fellow guardians. I'm also a third wave feminist, and evolution is bullshit coz it was Charles Darwin that thought of it and he's a man, when I think men are totally useless should be burned alive. I identify as a 2x4 Lego brick, and your just going to have to accept that, coz its, like, nature or some shit. Also, JET FUEL CAN'T MELT STEEL BEAMS PEOPLE. OPEN YOUR EYES. BTW my roleplay character is a 87 year old man, coz I like men for gaming, coz they're better at it than us girls. What's you're roleplay character? Btw if you didn't know this was a roleplay thread. CABBAGE MAN CAN BEAT GOKU! Oh and I'm a homophobic. Bby u wanna join me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) help me eat my cheerios
[spoiler] [/spoiler]
I played Skyrim once. The imperials were my favourite because they had the Thalmor so who was you're favourite
[spoiler]Honourable mention to Typhaonic and TwoGZ for the original thread and b8 tips[/spoiler]
http://ifunny.co/fun/U5oOV8Tu2 Relevant