Any other league of legends players out there in this community other than me?
If so, how many seasons have you been playing for, and what are your mains?
Right now this is my first season and Im about go into my second season next month!
My mains are Yasuo, Riven, and Lee Sin.
[u]3250 RP skins !!!![/u] Hai, I'm faixo. To be eligible for this; requirements simpily are; .Europe west (Euw) [u]Gold or above[/u] .Willing to carry a me to gold. .Skype .Mic About me; .I play mid/support. .I don't mind where I go. .I normally get around 100cs under 10mins. .I have won 3 games out of 3 in ranked. .I'm very friendly and chatty. Please leave your Skype name and Euw summoner name in comments if you wish. C [b]Note[/b]: I'm also willing to carry people through trails, raid challenge etc. Thank you
Heroes of the storm master race! But seriously couldn't stand LoL it's a gold farming simulator
Play in and out since pre-season 1. Got the Judicatory Kayle skin... Idk, the game is full of bitches. What were you wanting?
If it ain't SMITE, it ain't right. [spoiler]I kid I kid[/spoiler]
I've only been playing a few months, just recently hit level 30. My mains would have to be tossed up between Malzahar, Annie or Panth. I recently tried Kennen but I stink with him.
I play a little, but its safe to say that I'm more interested in the lore.
My friend plays a lot of it. And I know his older brother is pretty good
If you main yasuo and/or riven, you're a tryhard
Edited by MongotheDread: 10/7/2015 3:59:32 AMI've been playing since around late-season 2. According to my mastery points, my mains are udyr, thresh, and vayne, but I play a bunch of different champs a lot. My favorite champion is Draven, though I don't play him very much since I'm not great with him unfortunately. Also C9 6-0 in groups incoming.