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Edited by Dub City: 4/21/2016 12:47:56 PM

Destiny 2 should have its own "Darkzone"

[spoiler]this is a post of mine from about 2 years ago that I left here titled "the ultimate pvp experience, had no idea what the division was at the time. Keep this in mind. This is just a copy and paste of the original. The link is the original[/spoiler] Who here doesn't like massive online PVP fights? I do, and if you don't, the regular crucible is just for you so refrain from any hateful comments please :D Now that I've gotten that out the way. I would like to introduce you all to my new destiny pvp game mode. It's very raw, & I haven't thought THAT much into it, but here is the gist... Of #TheJungle On the loading screen, there will be a new planet, which the new game mode will be held on. On this planet, will feature some of the strongest alien life form known to the Destiny universe. I'm talking level 40 ahkamara Dragons roaming the skies, patrolling their territory willing to strike down anyone trespassing. Fallen strong holds, hive infestations.. And perhaps other ew enemies? Surely new wild life would have to make an appearance on this planet. But best of all..? It's open season. On every guardian there. Massive 30-50.. Hell.. 100 If possible... Player lobbies.. Where anything goes. Only the strong will survive. Forming alliances maybe the key... You are sent here to fight your way back into freedom. The only way though is to be the last 6 guardians standing. ( hinting that this could be the pvp version of raiding? ) Only those 6 will regain their freedom, and other rewards.. If they are lucky. This mode will require true survival tactics.. For they will not only be hunted by other guardians fighting for their own survival and freedom.. But from the various wild life inhabiting this hell of a planet. Radars? Gone. You will have to truly HUNT, guardians. Your senses and savvy will come into play here without a doubt. One would be foolish to run blindly into undiscovered territory to only find a team of 6 waiting to collect their heads... Or... Even worse... A queen ahkamara? Those "useless" blade dancers than can go invisible? Yeah. Watch out for them. For they will no longer be on your radar and are fully capable of wiping an unaware team. Those sun singers with self res? You'll need it. Imagine how useful those titan bubbles would be upon an ambush? Guardians. Something of this nature is what we need. Something to truly test how legendary we are. Level advantages will DEFINITELY matter here in the dark, rainy, evil jungle. Also, I believe they should rescale our health to avoid quick easy 1 shot kills from shotguns and such. This game mood could change the way we see destiny. It could be a GREAT way to add an alternative way to reach new level caps for players who simply do not want to raid or play pve based content. And what other way to brag by saying... "Yes, my team & I hunted & destroyed everything & everyone in the jungle this week. Check out my new _____" Does this not excite you? Imagine the thrill. Imagine the epic fights clan versus clan. Imagine the strategic planning... Having your blade dancer slowly creep the jungle to scout out the land for enemy contact... Imagine ambushing unaware guardians. Imagine taking down the queen of the ahkamara and getting the almighty ______ as a drop. ( imagine if you were only able to get the drop of your clan made it out of the jungle victorious? ) This can be something great guys. With your help, because i know I did not cover many aspects.. And support from everyone, we can eventually bring the jungle to life in future content of destiny. It would be unrealistic to expect this soon. Maybe in destiny 2? Maybe... Just maybe.. If you support the idea of #TheJungle , please guys.. BUMP THIS. I want Deej to see this. I love destiny and will continue to play it lol. There's just so much potential within this game. Leave all your comments and feed back here. Have a great day guardians. Edit: 1 this is a very raw idea, that's why I need support and ideas from you all to help bring this to life! Every comment will be read and replied to asap. Try to bring this to the eyes of as many guardians as possible. Edit 2. You only gain super energy from kills, so people couldn't just camp & only go out when their super is full. Intellect increases the amount of energy you receive per kill. Edit 3: this is getting a lot more support than I thought, I appreciate it all! Bump this and share the link you guys. We can make this happen. Edit 4: WE ARE TRENDING GUYS. Keep the comments and feed back coming, a few of you have posted some really great comments and ideas. Be sure to message me if you'd like to further the discussion. Edit 5: almost 300 likes guys keep it up. Loving the feedback. This is beginning to mold into something. If we can keep it alive long enough Deej is more than likely to notice it. #TheJungle #TheJungleHypeTrain Edit 6: NOW AT 400 GUYS. The amount of support for this idea was so unexpected, I appreciate every last comment. All opinions and suggestions are welcomed and I WILL be reading and replying to as many of them as I can in between work & sleep. Let's keep it up!! #TheJungle #TheJungleHypeTrain Edit 7: Still Trending and almost at 500 guys that's awesome. I've been talking to a few of you via PM to further discuss some new ideas introduced to me and it's coming along way! As always, all feedback, comments, suggestions etc are welcomed. We all want this game to continue to grow, it'll take us all for that to happen! Appreciate the ongoing support guys. Again, thank you. I will be posting some ideas from you all that I feel would be a great addition to #TheJungle within the next 24 hours. Be patient guardians, these 12 hour shifts at work are killing me lol. Edit 8: We have hit 500. Wasn't expecting this much support from you guys. I have seen some amazing ideas. This is the type of stuff we need to be putting out on the forums if we want to continue to improve this game. Only if we can get DEEJ to see this!! Edit 9: 10/22/15, 4:17PM. Well, I'm sitting here just getting off from work, stuck on base, and of course I start thinking about destiny. And I read this post and began thinking again... I want this idea to grab the attention of Deej or Cozmo.. Anyone! Even if it's just them saying "hell no that sucks". I've come up with more ideas and I just want to share them with anyone really. I had a little bit of support when I posted this awhile ago and I want this idea to come back to life. I'm sure a lot of people would enjoy this type of game mode. So feel free, join me on conversation.. #TheJungle #WelcomeToTheJungle Edit 10: 12/27/15 2:27PM For those just seeing this post, keep in mind that the original post was made well over 4 months ago lol. It was a very raw idea. But I think this would be a great new timed event or something they can add to Destiny 2? Hopefully. Edit 11: 02/01/16 10:33AM If any of you guys have played the division... This is kind of how I imagine #TheJungle would be, of course in outer space though with giant aliens and monsters and us guardians. Of course no big updates will be implemented in Y1 so this would be a good idea for Destiny 2... They have a lot of item to make this work. Let's try to gain the attention of bungie again with this post! Edit 12: 03/15/16 10:12PM SOOOOOOOO... I'm not saying the division took my idea because obviously the game was in development way longer than a year ago but look at the similarities between my idea and the dark zone... I made this post in 2014 <--- Give it a look and spread the word so we can get a game mode similar to this in Destiny 2! I'll start making daily updates on this post again!

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  • IF bungo can make it work so that you are running at full FPS with little latency then yes, but the way it is now there is no way in hell the servers could support that

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  • It wouldn't feel "right" to have it Destiny. Crucible is the way to go, make it better, make it larger (12v12 plz?)

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  • So you want to completely ignore the lore to make the Hunger Games in Destiny. *sigh* Another day, another tormenting "F*ck you lore" post.

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    3 Replies
    • Hell yes

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    • so much hate for the dark zone... its not really that bad...

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    • No

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    • All I'm imagining is [b]f[/b]ucking [b]snipers everywhere hell to the no[/b]

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    • Great idea but bungie doesn't have the servers for it. They can barely keep trials kings falls and iron banner all going at once.

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    • sorry but we need to separate pvp and pve not join them together even more

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    • Disable drop notifications when picking up legendary/exotic gear then if this happens. And please don't do a dark zone themed patrol. Dark zone is already shit with all these high leveled rouges and manhunts. Lost an yellow acr with an talent that gives 100% accuracy when shouldered. Please don't do what division did. You only get loot at the end of the game based on your lifespan alive. The longer the time, the more chances at gear. Top 6: 6 engrams of legendary and with 1 or 2 could become exotics. You're guaranteed a exotic engram for top 6.

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    • [b]No.[/b] Again, [b]no.[/b] Dark Zone is one of the most failed concepts for end-game PvP of and for any game of this type. Ask anyone, look at all the famous reviewers on Youtube such as Angry Joe and many others. Dark Zone does not need to be brought in to any other games, and it [i]should[/i] be removed or reworked in to something else in The Division.

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    • Nope, -blam!- that, not gonna rag on Division because it is it's own flavor, but I -blam!-ing hate PK systems. Why? Because you always got some pack of lucky high gear -blam!-ers picking the solo players off. They always do it right as the character gets some good loot too. What makes this worse is that people can turn on you AT ANY MOMENT. That is just -blam!-ing stupid as shit.

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    • Nah. I think if Destiny gets a DZ-esque mode, the community would become a living hell. Plus, level advantages can make it avoidable if implemented. Got that up to date Ghally? Sweet! Uh oh, nvm. Other guardians are gonna kill you. Lastly, it will be a nightmare for solo players who is trying to catch up with friends or to access high leveled activities. DZ is the sole reason I don't play Division much. Soo many self-concerned jackasses ruining other player's experiences for the game. I already dislike the community of Division so please don't make this community a supreme hate fest.

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    • Bad idea is bad, didn't read.

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    • I can see it now. Trying to extract year 3 gally, swarmed by guardians with thorns and full supers. Yup that'll work well

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    • I'd love a Patrol area with PvP enabled. You could get Motes of Light as a reward for hunting Guardians, and always have enemies slightly above the max level. I'd also find a way to incorporate Factions; like getting 10 rep points or so for every Guardian from a different Faction you kill. Blues wouldn't drop, and Legendaries would drop in their place; and Exotics in place of Legendary Engrams. And then jack up the rate Ultras and Enemy Movements spawn.

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      1 Reply
      • Yes...Just yes...I would love to wear other Guardians skull around my belt. :3 ~TheOkayNike

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      • Lol im calling first nerf on supers, tracking on rockets, snipers and all primary weapons.

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      • I just think faction wars (new monarchy, dead orbit, fwc) would suffice. But I do like your idea, it's like the wilderness in runescape which I loved ;)

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        • The dark zone isn't working, groups of high level rogue agents are strip mining casual players and people are turning off in disgust. What it needs is a level playing field.

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        • bump

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        • lemme just get a blanket, ima lay down in my bed, grab some popcorn, then ill be set to read this.

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          • Could be interesting, but no. I don't think destiny needs another excuse for bungie to close the gap between both pvp and pve because they "Wanted everything the same across the boards."

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          • I like the idea of The Jungle. Sounds like a raid/Hunger Games mash up. I think games of 30 would be best. Have 5 teams of six going toe to toe for the best rewards. Maybe have a 40 second elimination time so if a guardian is down for longer than 30 seconds they are out. That and I really wanna fight an Ahamkara. #TheJungle Make it happen Bungie.

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          • I'd love to see [i]The enemy is moving against one another...[/i] and see Guardians flying over the hill. Bladedancers, Stormcallers and Strikers alike would form a great lightning bolt that was the front line, the Sunsingers would hurl fire with the Sunbreakers as Golden Guns fired through the line -that even if broken would never be crossed, who would pass the smouldering Ghost of a Warlock they can't watch?-, Novas and Tethers alike would smother the sun in even Mercury's sky and where the field was it's darkest would be the Defenders.

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