originally posted in:Septagon Media Club
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This thread is full of spoilers for the most recent episode of Game of Thrones. Please do not continue reading if you do not wish for it to be spoiled.
Game of characters moving super fast across the world because they didn't make it clear how much time passed.
Overall, good episode with the closure that a season should have. Definitely didn't have some of the things I wanted, but I'm not writing the show so I'll see where this goes. Overall, not too thrilled by the season, but S06E09 made up for it.
That opening music piece was so beautiful. I was actually rooting for Margery to gtfo the building; i liked her and wanted to see what her plot was this whole time I cheered when Arya pulled the face off and sliced the Freys throat Benjen said the dead cant pass the wall cuz magic. Soooo.... y r we worried about the white walkers? Jon is a trueborn stark and taergaryn (spelling) :gasp!: