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9/25/2016 4:52:34 AM
Nothing like a new raid to renew my hate for the PvE community, requiring 370+ and "experienced" people only on the second day of its release

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  • Or you could try having "friends" to do this raid with? Just throwing that one out there. If you don't have any friends to raid with after playing this game at all, then you either don't want it that bad, or are an asshole that nobody wants to play with. I'm voting the asshole option judging on your ability to bitch about something here.

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  • Want it that bad Hahahaha oh do tell me how bad you wanted to raid Try again m8

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  • Sigh... Firstly tons of posts that would only require 350... Secondly, can you blame ppl? The final boss fight has level 380 enemies. While requiring experience may seem a lil dumb, it's understandable that once ppl have completed the raid, they only want to play with those whom have completed it as well.

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  • [quote]Nothing like a new raid to renew my hate for the PvE community, requiring 370+ and "experienced" people only on the second day of its release[/quote] What? Are you too lazy to form your own group? I see multitudes of posts from people only requiring 350+. Or do you just [i][u][b]REALLY[/b][/u][/i] need something to cry about?

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  • Fu*K those idiots. You're welcome to join our group anytime. Decent light and ability to learn/strategize is all we want. We're going to go in at 350-360 light. Skill far outweighs light, in my opinion!

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  • Thank you! Might take you up on that

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  • Psst. Form your own groups.

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  • Psssstt try again

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  • Found more posts in the last few days looking for people who wanted to go in blind than requiring 370+ Then again, some people just like to complain.

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  • Good for you I've yet to find any

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  • Edited by PaulM1c3: 9/26/2016 12:55:30 AM
    Maybe make your own party then? I know it sucks, buy sometimes when you want something you have to make it happen yourself, rather than waiting for an invite. Ran the raid totally blind this afternoon with 355+ and we got to the last boss. If I can do it, so can you.

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  • Good for you Not gonna spend 3 hours sifting through jackasses trying to knit a group together Never did any of the other raids Guess im not doing this one either

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  • I almost feel sorry for you but it's really no one's fault but your own.

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  • It's cool I feel sorry for you too No day job must suck

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  • I'm feeling sorry for you while staring out my office window. I'm sure Destiny isn't your only problem so I'll just try to give you some sincere advice: give LFG a try. You'll probably take some licks but you stick with it and you'll hold your own after a short time.

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  • No, what your gonna do is sit here with all the other sackless wonders complaining that things aren't fair. Finding a decent group is part of the raid experience. You fall at the first hurdle, give up then come here to whine. If you're not prepared to do the work to make a team then your at the mercy of those who are, and if they don't want you its your problem not theirs cos there's a tonne more people trying to find a raid group than there are people actually doing it.

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  • Cause * ton* Incorrect PvE community is known for always over requiring items and LL for various activities. I.E- year one ghorn Seems like you've got hours on your hands to construct a perfect raid team, good for you. Also seems like you've got the time to grind in preparation. We in the working world do not. Cheers and try again.

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  • Tonne is the correct spelling, if you were getting at that; I can't quite tell. The PVE community is known for that because people complain about it on the forums. It can appear that way if you take a cursory glance at the recruitment section or the various group walls. Like anything, actually delve into it a little and its nothing like that and its super easy to find a team. If you could steel yourself to get beyond the initial trawling the forums and just ignore all the dumb requirements from people who don't know what they're doing you can get a raid team together in 20 minutes. Run me down if you want, but I'm a "functioning adult" and I've beat every raid in the first week of release using pickup groups from this site. What you need to know is that everyone playing this game is full of shit. Every other guy "knows" some streamer, and has helped out in their videos. They've run every raid 100 times but when they die its cos they 'usually do it differently'. Last week a 14 year old told me he slept with 30 women in the last month. You have to take these requirements with a pinch of salt. Most teams asking for 360s will accept a 355, when they say they want experience they want you to have watched a youtube video etc. Fact is, there are more fireteams than there are players trying to start a raid right now, every recruitment post has 4 spots open, all the group walls are just the same people posting again and again cos their requirements are so high no ones joining. Just force your way in and get on with it. If they kick you, they kick you, who gives a shit? End of the day, all these guys are taking the plunge and raiding and you're sitting there getting pissed of cos you're not, so whose losing out?

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  • Edited by Brindle_Badger: 9/26/2016 3:02:20 AM
    Oh no I've moved on past trying to deal with people and raids. Maybe next week on my day off I'll give it a go Doubtful though Also Ton* Depends on nationality

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  • It takes about 10 minutes tops to build a decent raid team. If it takes you hours the you are doing it wrong.

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  • For the final encounter i can honestly see why they ask for 370+. But the whole 'have experiance' is just retarded.

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  • I know right exactly why I want matchmaking for raids all these lame ass Super nerds in this game freakin ridiculous no skill everyone wants to be carried smh

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  • I only require 367 and emblem. As long as you have the scout rifle to dps the boss, we'll be fine ;)

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  • Yep. Haven't tried the raid yet but I had a quick glance at the recruitment section and some of the posts are ludicrous. "Know what yr doing or you'll be kicked" was one particular highlight.

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  • Raid has been beaten. Guides have been posted. If you want to raid you should study up. Of you want to raid blind then build your own group.

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