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Edited by Cremation: 10/28/2016 11:39:18 AM

Bungie, Your "Automatic" DDoS Detection must be BROKEN - People ranked top ten in the world show obvious wins by disconnecting opponents, several weeks in a row now.

Repost from r/dtg since they claim my wording here encourages witch hunting. So a couple weeks ago I got legitimately DDoS'd out of a match on floating gardens. They kicked me and one other teammate out leaving it a 1v3. Of course the last man in game reported them, and I sent a permalink through their system since I couldn't do it in game. Today I go to check them out and what a surprise, they are STILL at it based off their previous matches. The worst part is, THEY ARE LITERALLY RANKED IN THE TOP 10 FOR ELO. They have been kicking SO many teams out for THREE WEEKS STRAIGHT that they are actually ranked in the top 10. This just makes me wonder how effective their report system is, their automatic detection is or a combination of both. A case like this should have swift action with the banhammer yet [b]this guy has kicked out HUNDREDS of players[/b]. The sad part is this is probably the type of guy that will simply make another account. I know Microsoft can block a console from access to Xbox live. Quote from TWAB: We have several team members whose full-time jobs are to ensure the security of your Destiny experience. They tell us that in-game reports are the best way to send us data on malicious activity. [b]All in-game reports of cheating are monitored, and our security team closely examines all of the top reported offenders.[/b] Well let's see here. [b]I just looked at this guys past 35 games, and he won them with over 100 players marked as "Deserters"[/b] Is this not a top reported offender? Is this not fitting the criteria for your automated systems? Those were just from the past 10 days. This guy's been at it for over a month. I understand the elo system is not endorsed or used by Bungie, but you have team members whose full-time job is to handle these ingame reports, you would think they would have noticed this guy having polar opposite stats. Perhaps it is time to look into more of the data that is being logged. The automated system isn't efficient. If you hit a threshold of wins with "deserters" it should be an automatic redflag for your full-time team to review that player. I'm sorry if this is breaking a rule for witch hunting, but maybe a witch hunt is needed at this point. Just needed to get this rant out there.

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  • It's definitely becoming more popular in Trials. Same thing happened to my team. Two were kicked and only one was left to make it a 1v3. My friend still won the 1v3 game.

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  • It's amazing what bungies priorities really are. Something like this gets overlooked.. BUT OH HEAVEN FORBID EVERVERSE HAS PROBLEMS. THEY'LL FIX THAT WITHIN A 10 MIN WINDOW. GG bungie

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  • Bump for justice.

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  • Edited by JediNate32: 10/28/2016 3:05:19 PM
    You're assuming bungie actually gives a crap. They don't care about cheating. They only care about money. If they really wanted to make ToO somewhat fair in the connection side, they would have dedicated servers just for that mode. Even our the connection part of trials, then it's all about skill

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    • Edited by ChaosMerlin: 10/28/2016 2:45:47 PM
      I know World of Warcraft is a completely different game, but they actually watch players activity logs and they hit cheaters hard with bans. Even the division slammed cheaters who were exploiting the game. I'm just saying that Bungie should treat cheaters the same way blizzard does. Frankly destiny is probably at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to how they handle cheaters. It's also funny how they listen to the community in regards to nerfs and other issues, but once the subject of cheaters comes up your speaking to deaf ears. Trials is very competitive and difficult it should be bring out the best in the community instead it's bring out the worst. If Bungie announced that they have actually banned some of the worst cheaters more ppl would play TOO because the integrity of the game mode would increase.

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      • Edited by Descendits: 10/28/2016 2:51:40 PM
        ITS PRETTY OBVIOUS WHO THIS PERSON IS - GO TO LOOK AT THE TOP 10 ELO PLAYERS ON XB1 AND LOOK AT THEIR KD's. 1 person in particular's KD is suspiciously low. Then look at their recent games and expand them. Every single one has deserters.

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        • Ban them aaaallllll !

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        • Edited by BERSEKAEL: 10/28/2016 1:21:24 PM
          Thats what happen when bungie's talent is focused on the next game, and they put their interns in charge of the current... oh, but they are quick to protect cheater's names. "Student of history" trophy is still glitched...

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          • now i have never visited blizzards website so i don't know for sure but i once heard someone mention that they have a ban list somewhere where you can see the GT's of the people who they have given perma-bans, if this is true i don't see why bungie (and other companies) can't follow suit. of course if it isn't true then fair enough

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            9 Replies
            • I reported one such incident long time ago and nothing happened apart from thread getting deleted. Top 10% are love childs specially if mainline streamers. They are untouchables. Ddos is one prob, u ain't even touching the modified hardware issue... But one thing at a time. Ftw

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            • There's some guy sleazing around PSN guaranteeing carries. Apparently his main platform is Xbox though. He ddos for money I'm told. Apparently this guy also had tons of codes for the NEW emblems like The Resurrectionist. One of my friends took a code. I told them no thanks and he's a criminal. I think what everyone needs to understand is that Ddos CAN be illegal. [u]Legal[/u] "Haha, I just kicked you offline for lol's man. Did you see that?" [u] Illegal[/u] Attach money to the situation in any way. Trials carries for money in this fashion is a crime for SURE.

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              • Edited by PSD: 10/28/2016 3:01:11 PM
                He's actually in the top 5 now. This sickens me. Last week the person with the best stats was removed from our fire team leaving us in a 3v2 yet I still clutch it for the win. Shame on them but this booting ddosers crap must be monitored vigorously for it to be effective. Guess bungie's automated is if it's not out there is doesn't exist.

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              • 2

                Married with children - old

                DDoS'ers are back in a big way now. My team was DDoS'ed on twilight gap 3(?) weeks ago and I was left 3v1. I know it was a DDoS because my 2 friends entire internet was out at the same exact time for about 10 minutes. The team that did it was so bad that I still almost had a 2.0 k/d against them and I actually won a round- I just couldn't keep the revives down- but they get to go to the lighthouse by cheating and knock out our mercy. It's such BS. I watched Wishyou luckk get DDoS'ed last week, too. They are definitely back now and Bungie needed to step up weeks ago. Like you said these cheaters have been doing it since trials came back and NOTHING is being done about it. They are actually all ranked in the top 100 in the world for this crap and no bans given. Come on Bungie, we deserve better than this.

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              • Just go ahead and do it right back to them. Sometimes the best way to get things fixed, is to break it further. Go on and DDOS your heart out guys! **Disclaimer - I have never DDoS'd any players.**

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                2 Replies
                • Edited by l TASTY I: 10/28/2016 2:58:00 PM
                  More than likely this person also streams and we all know that bungie won't do shit to their free advertisers

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                • Unfortunately, Bungie doesn't care.

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                  • Bump Fix this garbage Bungle !

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                  • Until we see numbers it is all talk from bungie

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                  • The Xbox player doesn't get reported because once you get kicked you cannot report. Most games are just immediate wins because all 3 people get kicked.

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                  • But but .... if they actually banned all the cheaters then who'd play pvp and trials?! Not everyone chests obviously, but its a problem when it happens constantly. All for the sake of having sweet holographic gear. Hetes a -blam!-ing idea... perma ban a bunch of this -blam!-ers and ut would stop. Peopke aren't scared of losing their shit and should be.

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                  • can anyone pm me the names I would report these over the Xbox live report system

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                  • Bump for awareness

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                    2 Replies
                    • I find it astonishing that P2P is used for PvP in 2016. The last time I had to put up with this sort of network manipulation was Gears 2. Destiny 2 must have dedicated servers!

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                    • Pm me their gt's please.

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                    • Edited by KayOsS882: 10/28/2016 2:30:57 PM
                      I joined a fireteam last week to do a raid. We had a full team and another person joined. So the team leader explained to him that we have a full team and he's no longer needed. He got upset and started saying racist remarks to us. The team leader kicked him. While at vosik phase 2, everyone in our fireteam received 30-40 spam messages from random sender with weird messages, "show me your titties, I'm a girl too". I'm not saying it was him, but it's a big coincident. My question is how is this possible? How do you report this if we don't know who the person is? I don't want to report a person we suspect and have no proof. 30-40 messages, all from different senders but all have the exact same message.

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