We are a very casual clan that doesnt expect anything out of members. We are all adults, nobody under 18 allowed. (Most of us are 22+) We all play at different times and are all across the country, (most members reside in EST). We speak English, but a couple members are fluent in spanish.
As leader, I am on late at night, MST, and am always willing to play with chill individuals in the late night hours, perfect for anyone on west coast. (I work day shift) The full clan is usually on during weekends.
We are just looking for relaxed, normal adults than want to casually raid, strike and crucible together. All of us played Destiny, some from Year One, most from Taken King onward. Most members are on daily.
We are a very laid back group of guys, ten strong, and are willing to accept anyone in as long as they are cool and patient. We have no requirements, other than dont be an asshole.
Message bernie_lomacks on PSN or bungie.net for more details. Or post here to get a response out of me!
PSN: TroubledKhaos Send an invite my way
Also, only a few of us have done the raid, alot of players just got started back up last week, so we may be a little behind but we are quickly catching up as we grind away! We plan to do Raid, Nightfall and Trials all in the very very near future.