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10/21/2017 1:37:34 AM
More whiny toddlers. Makes it easy to find who to mute.

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  • 90% of these forums is hate towards he game, -blam!- off would you?

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  • I love you guys talking about muting people I am sure your life is great filtering out anything that hurts your opinion. Snowflake...

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  • The snowflakes are everyone who keeps posting these pathetic cries for attention. They can't live with themselves unless they surround themselves with other whiny brats who echo their opinion.

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  • You are just as bad if you can not accept criticism on a forum that was created partially for community feedback. I acctually think you are more of a snowflake. You are filtering out anything you can not handle.

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  • I don't think you quite understand. You can keep making huge assumptions if you like, but I can handle criticism just fine. I have issues with this game just like everyone else. HOWEVER, that doesn't mean that EVERY Destiny player needs to make the exact same whiny post, especially if they aren't going to offer suggestions. Most of these posts are simply "Waaaahhhhhh, Destiny 1 was so much better, Waaaahhhhhh". Bungie knows what people think. The point has been made. People need to quit beating the dead horse, grow up, and take 4 or 5 seconds to think about how big changes can't happen overnight. Things will change for the better, you all just need to learn some damn patience and wait for them to work things out. Excuse me for trying to filter out all of the garbage so I can find some meaningful posts.

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  • People would stop "complaining" i.e. giving feedback (which is the purpose of a feedback forum) if Bungie would acknowledge all the posts. Every update is the same B.S. the last response was "we will work on making crucible more fun and look into mass shader deletion" lol. The daily population drop off is real look at the numbers. You're either a bungie apologist or Luke Smith in disguise. Probably both.

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  • Daily population dropoff is expected dumbass, that's what happens to every video game ever. It will skyrocket with DLC/updates as it always has. Not everyone is going to spend every day of their life playing this game, and Bungie doesn't want you to feel like you have to.

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  • Find me some data on another game that's scalable to Destiny, and lets compare. Dropoff is standard but this much volatility coincides with forum feedback have you even seen the charts? D2 is losing millions only 45 days in. People aren't frustrated with specific aspects of this game, they hate it in general.

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  • Just like you whining right now about whiny posts.... Sorry man it's opinions. Stop being a snowflake and filtering your life. People will disagree with you.

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  • Like I said, I actually AGREE with a lot of the criticism. I guess you didn't read that part. If YOU want some different opinions, I suggest looking away from these forums. There might as well be only 1 post on here. I legitimately could not find a post about the Seasons stream that happened. You idiots can't even find the time to acknowledge when Bungie announces new things. I'm leaving this cesspool and letting it rot away as it has been for a long time. Reddit actually cares about this game, and that is where I'll be.

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  • So what's your plan? If people give feedback and it's ignored should they just accept defeat and keep buying dlc for more re-skinned scout rifles? Videogames are supposed to be fun and this game is not tolerable in its current state

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  • The feedback isn't being ignored. Hey, how about you volunteer and go implement all of the coding fixes yourself? Bungie doesn't have a magic wand they can wave to make big changes to the game happen overnight. Get some -blam!-ing patience you bottom feeding piece of trash.

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  • The explicit language and name calling really isn't necessary. When you talk like that you perpetuate the weeb keyboard warrior stereotype and it's not a good look. Moving past that - nobody is asking for change today. There are posts with 2k+ upvotes and not 1 Bungie community manager or moderator comment. Again not asking for a solution but rather acknowledgement. Remember the D2 beta? People were furious Bungie said "oh don't worry that was an old build the new one is great we promise" then they proceeded to push pre-order sales for the Coldhart exotic pack. Think about it. D2 is about to launch on PC there focus is SALES not service. People should be frustrated and you should too. Again - I would encourage you to suggest a alternative method of finding solutions rather then name-calling in chat forums.

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  • That's your opinion. Thanks for sharing.

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  • What is your opinion of Destiny 2? So far all your posts consist of you slamming on the "negativity" which implies you disagree or I guess just don't like negativity in general? What is your proposed solution? What's a better outlet then current methods?

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  • Not really anything new. Just cosmetic and changing soccer field to ice hockey. And snowballs. Well. I am just stating that you calling others babies when you acting that way yourself. Shouting muted is a total baby move also.

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  • I found the information I was looking for immediately when I went on Reddit, so yeah I know. But there are new things and changes coming as well. It's a shame there's really no discussion about it on here. Oh, and I could go on about the hypocrisy in what you've said but I've had about enough with this hellhole. Good luck to you.

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  • Thank you mate. May you have fun in your muting adventure

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  • Won't need to mute much more since I don't plan on visiting very often, but thanks lol.

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  • I'll shed emo tears with you man.

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  • Muted

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  • Thanks! You saved me the effort.

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  • How do you feel about D2? You dont give a opinion or debate but you mute everyone that has a valid opinion?

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  • There's no point for me to give an opinion on these forums because nobody is willing to talk about it. They're too busy shoving their head up their own ass and wondering why everything smells like shit.

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  • I’d be more than willing to discuss.

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