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10/21/2017 8:45:01 AM
First of all: Thanks man for sharing, it's so nice to see someone that has so much more experience than we within the destiny universe that I can relate to. The thing I believe is one of the problems for me is that in D1 it took me hundreds of hours just to understand the meta and what to do with the raid, legendary coins, Xur etc. Not only that but it took so much time just to get all legendary gear and to finetune my subclass to something that matches my playstyle. There was a curiosity to explore the game and to understand it. To get an exotic was so extremely cool. But in D2 3 weeks in and Xur is redundant because I already have all the exotics I need and don't care about it anymore. I needed exotics in D2 just to level up, not to make my playstyle better but just to dismantle and infuse. Shure, there is a lot of fine-tuning that has made some of the backend things much better, but the freedom of creating your own character and playstyle is gone. I remember the days when there was almost a weekly tuning of weapon balance. But now I haven't seen that at all. And sure the PC release is coming soon, but it feels like the console gamers are beta tester for the pc release. I get the same feeling like when playing Gears of War 3, Halo 4 or some other release where the heart in the game is gone. It looks the same and it feels the same but there is no innocent happiness in the creation, the monetization and consumerist are too big of a thing. The main problem as I see it is that Destiny has turned from something hard and challenging and that really needed the dedication from the player to become good at and get max light level (no matter what they call it it will always be light level to me <3). There was a lore that was in a way hidden but that felt like a part of the lore, to be in this universe and just wake up time after time and feel the humanity in me had died bit by bit everytime I got killed. And feel how my history disappeared with every step to preserve humanity from extinction, it almost felt like being some kind of Indiana Jones to find the small pieces and understand the lore and share it with others. The soullessness of the NPC from vanilla felt like a part of the lore. In D1 I felt like just another guardian and someone who needed to fight to get acknowledged by my peers (Ikora <3) and I felt a bond to other warlocks since I only interacted with Ikora. But now I am a special snowflake and a superhero and everything, I don't need to fight to do anything I am THE ONE guardian that is awesome. There was a more emotional connection with my ghost in D1, it wasn't a perfect relationship, and sure the ghost felt heartless in its speech module (dinkle <3) but there was something raw and beautiful in that relation. No one saw me as a unique guardian, I needed to fight to get that attention, but on that steep ladder, I always knew that I had a socially awkward ghost that would help me. I don't feel a bond to anyone in D2, not even my ghost. And IF I am this awesome guardian that everyone looks up to but no one understands, then I want to just be able to go far far away to find my purpose in this world. Sorry for all the rambling, I just miss the heart in D2. I was hoping something good would come up in the twitch live stream regarding seasons, but it was just cosmetic and that made me sad. My clan is dying and I don't know what to do.

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