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Edited by Girraffalope: 12/13/2018 1:36:04 AM

Blood and Water: Part 25

[spoiler]Cell-3=Celle Briggs Student Nazo=Nate Briggs Snowy=Miss Snow HoTh=John Hothman xX_miniatimat_Xx=Mini (Dead) TheGreatAdidas=Greg Adler Hammerfist1245=Xavier Mjolnirschpang=Mjol NIL=Ninette (Dead) MØØSE=Tom "Moose" Martin Artemis=Arty Crowe (Dead) Verminator=Verm Digsby Zbruh=Zhenya Deatheater200=Jason Darth Turtle=Daniel Turk Ems468=Ems OrangeThirteen=Oran Secondary character: John Watson=Walter "Watts" Hutsen[/spoiler] John stood, gripping a colorful mask in his hand, staring at the wooden door fearfully. He took a deep breath and twisted the handle, but the lock was broken. The door scraped noisily across the floor as he pushed it open. John felt a thud as the door collided with something behind it, and horrid sounding, eerie music began to play. He looked towards the center of the room, at the masked figure sitting reclined in the chair behind a desk. The man pulled an oddly fashioned knife from his coat pocket and flung it across the room. The music behind the door halted, and the record player was broken. "Y-you wanted to see me?" Said John, shaking. He had assumed the knife was meant for him. "Dont stutter. It makes you look weak. And where's your mask?" Said the man John hastily pulled his mask over his face. "Sorry. Didn't think I'd need it now. All the workers have left." Said John "You don't. I just dislike your face immensely. Now, I have a question for you" the man rose from his seat. "What do you see?" He gestured to the room. "Nothing. It's empty." Said John "And can you tell me why?" Said the man calmly "It was Xavier, sir. He told me himself." Said John. "During act seven, he came in here. Not sure for what. He didn't need anything to complete his task. But anyways, he came in here and accidentally turned on the record player when he opened the door. He heard someone coming before he could shut it off, so he grabbed The Omega and ran." "They took everything. All of it. Do you have any idea how important these documents were? Those makeshift "detectives" aren't idiots. They'll figure it out eventually. And now, Xavier is missing." "Should we change the plan?" Said John timidly. "Too late for that. We'll continue on as scheduled. But it seems we're a bit understaffed, and I'd appreciate it if you would fix that for us." "Absolutely. Is that all?" "Yes. Try not to get yourself killed. I've noticed you're getting cocky, and I can't afford any casualties at the moment." "Yes sir." John turned to leave but held back. "What is it?" Said the man roughly. "Just wondering, why the Towhead? It's not really the most secure of places. And to be fair we did invite them here. No disrespect of course" said John. "It [i]was[/i] a secure place until you and Inglewood changed the plans" he slammed his hand upon the desk. "We didn't have time to move all this, and I blame you for the loss of Inglewood, my plans, and The Omega." He pointing an acusing figure at John, who shrunk back at his harsh words. "Sir, Xavier said The Omega was safe. We get in contact with Xavier, and he'll tell us where he hid it." "What are you waiting for then? Get Xavier, get new Gladiators, and get out of my sight. I can see your eyes through that mask. They disgust me. Get a covered mask before you go." John nodded and shuffled out of the room. He couldn't let him down again. ________________________________________________ "So what now?" Said Greg. Everyone was still crowded into Moose's room. Jason and Zhenya had left to escort Xavier down to the temporary holding cells. "We need to Find Robert Elway." Said Verm. Nate nodded and stood up. "Come on. We'll all go. I'm sure all of us are curious and I don't think we should leave each other alone anymore. John has already demonstrated that he isn't afraid to start killing us too." He helped Snow to her feet, and left the room. _______________________________________________ [i]Seven hours later......[/i] "I give up. I'm done. We're not going to find this guy anywhere." Said Celle. "Lemme take a look at that letter." Said Daniel. They were back in Moose's room after hours of searching for Robert Elway. They couldn't find his name on the list of passengers and couldn't find him on any crew members registry. They had even gotten Daniel to ask about him over the loudspeakers on the ship, (a move that Moose was greatly against as he thought Mortis would surely find out). Greg was certain that he probably got off at their last stop, which had been 4 weeks ago. Nate fished out the letter from the pile of paper and handed it to Daniel. "He says this Inglewood fella was his roommate." Said Daniel, frowning "And?" Said Snow quizzically "Well I don't know of a place aboard the ship that's equipped for more than one person, 'cept the suits and the family rooms." Snow suddenly gasped and grabbed the paper from his hands. "What if he wasn't onboard the ship as a single passenger? He recommended his roommate, Inglewood to Mr. Mortis, and Inglewood could be the suicidal gladiator, so what if he's onboard with a mental hospital? Give me that passenger list!" She took the copy of the list and skimmed through it. "There! A mental hospital! They just state the name of the hospital and the number of tickets, but not the names of the passengers! This place booked an Infirmary wars for 12 passengers. Looks like a pleasure cruise for the patients." "It's worth a shot" said Verm. ___________________________________________________ "Good day, how may I help you?" Said the plump woman outside of Infirmary Ward No. 4 "Is this St. Michael's Mental Institute?" Asked Celle. "Ah yes it is. What can I help you with?" Said the woman skeptically. "We were wondering if you take in suicidal patients?" Said Snow. "We do, but I'm afraid we cannot currently take on new patients." Said the woman, eyeing the many people crowded around her. "And do you have a patient by the name of Joseph Inglewood?" asked Moose "Whats going on? What's this about?" asked the woman. "Answer question, you cow" said Zhenya. "Zhenya! There's no need for name calling." Scolded Snow. "But we would appreciate it if you would answer the question." She said the the lady. "We did!" She said angrily. "But he's gone! Ran off and killed himself." "Excellent!" Said Celle. They all stared at him. "Erm, about him being here. Not...ya know...." "Anyways where can we find Robert Elway? We'd like to visit him." Said Jason as politely as he could muster "Room 5, down the hall. Do not open the door, do not give him anything, do not touch him if you want to keep your hands." Said the woman. She turned the key in the door and swung it open. Sounds of screaming and metal clanging echoed through the hallway. The smell of incense clouded their noses, making Celle gag. They plugged their noses, and went in. To be continued

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    [quote]John stood, gripping a colorful mask in his hand, staring at the wooden door fearfully. [i]There were demons in the base.[/i] He took a deep breath and twisted the handle, but the lock was broken. The door scraped noisily across the floor as he pushed it open. John felt a thud as the door collided with something behind it, and horrid sounding, eerie music began to play. [i]He didn't see them, but had expected them now for years.[/i] He looked towards the center of the room, at the masked figure sitting reclined in the chair behind a desk. The man pulled an oddly fashioned knife from his coat pocket and flung it across the room. The music behind the door halted, and the record player was broken. "Y-you wanted to see me?" Said John, shaking. He had assumed the knife was meant for him. "Dont stutter. It makes you look weak. And where's your mask?" Said the man John hastily pulled his mask over his face. "Sorry. Didn't think I'd need it now. All the workers have left." Said John "You don't. I just dislike your face immensely. Now, I have a question for you" the man rose from his seat. "What do you see?" He gestured to the room. "Nothing. It's empty." Said John "And can you tell me why?" Said the man calmly [i]"I want to be on the ships daddy."[/i] [i]"No! You will BE KILL BY DEMONS"[/i] "Should we change the plan?" Said John timidly. "Too late for that. [i]Far too late for now, anyway.[/i] We'll continue on as scheduled. But it seems we're a bit understaffed, and I'd appreciate it if you would fix that for us."[/quote] [spoiler]making Celle gag[/spoiler]

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