We have a solid group of people that run content from Gambit to PVE content and powerful gear grinds. We do have occasional PVP players, but I don't see a lot of requests for it on the server. We're working towards running more raids as much of the clan has never gotten to raid, so we're working towards getting everyone experienced.
Point being: if you need a hand with something and there are people on, there is a good chance you will find someone to help you.
Discord is required as part of membership of the clan and being active on it is important for maintaining in the clan.
Working together is a key attribute of making a strong clans, so members that are active and helpful is highly desirable. One thing to point out: Life obviously comes before video games so it's understandable that things may come up. Communicating that you may be away for a while is not only helpful for you to keep your spot in the clan, but it's also helpful for me to not kick you when you're away for a reason.
We don't discriminate against anyone for age, skill level, power level or any other arbitrary thing you can think of. Maturity is ultimately the deciding factor of whether you stay in the clan or not. Screaming or raging at clan members will not be tolerated. Toxic behavior will be shut down immediately.
Please don't join if you are not going to be active. I have and will do regular purges for inactivity both on the Discord and in-game without notice. We are looking to add more active people so that the active people we currently have will have more people to play with. It's not fair to them to take up a slot if you don't plan on playing with the group at least somewhat regularly. And no, I don't expect everyone to play every day, but going two weeks without playing without letting anyone know you won't be around is a bit much when joining a clan setting.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
I'm looking forward to meeting new guardians for our clan.
Check your messages if you request to join for the link to our Discord.
I am looking to recruit around 23 more people.
Edited by chaos0720: 12/8/2018 3:03:20 AM