I need someone, preferably like one of the older users, to educate me on how to make DnD weapon stats.
Fanks Humans
No idea
Edited by Sylver: 1/16/2021 3:48:24 AMTo get a solid understanding of the stats and makeup of a DND weapon I’d read a selection of basic weapons such as that found [url=http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/weapons]here[/url]. For your purposes only specific qualities will apply. Since you’re inquiring about DND, I’m assuming you’re implementing [url=https://dungeonsdragons.fandom.com/wiki/Hit_points]health[/url], [url=https://olddungeonmaster.com/2020/03/09/dd-5e-armor-class-ac/amp/]AC or Armor Class[/url], [url=https://dnd5e.info/combat/making-an-attack/?amp]damage-rolls and chance-to-hit[/url].
Is it a magic weapon that already uses a template, like a sword or axe, or is a brand new thing?
Well, I've never played DnD but I have a general idea on how to make weapon stats. I usually use these stats, rolling each stat with a 1-20 dice: Sharpness (how dull or sharp) Weight (how heavy) Mobility (how fast you cna handle the weapon) Range (maximum range) Accuracy (how accurate it is) Strength (how much damage it does)