Hello, I've heard reports of trials mementos not dropping. I personally haven't attempted for trials yet however I've attempted to get the gambit one to no avail. I have completed over 50 matches with wins in over 40. Almost Guilded my Dredgen and I am close to resetting my gambit rank for the 2nd time this season yet it seems like the gambit memento doesn't exist. Does anyone else have a similar experience. I know Skarrow got 3 in about 30 matches, however that was early in the season. Could it possibly be bugged and stopped dropping? Please help.
Hello, The issue related to trials mementos not dropping should have been fixed in the recent [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/51206] hotfix[/url]. I haven't heard of the gambit memento being bugged as of now, so let me know if you are able to get it to drop at any point. [quote]Fixed an issue where Trials of Osiris Mementos were not dropping when players claimed their first Flawless chest of the week. [/quote]