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Destiny 2

Discuss all things Destiny 2.
11/26/2023 5:55:11 PM

Bungie's "balanced" themselves into a corner.

Bungie balances the sandbox around risk and ease of use. Bungie wants to push risk higher without making the reward higher. So people switch to less risky playstyles that bungie purposefully doesn't want us to be doing because it's boring and uninteractive. But you have to for some content because the reward is almost negligible for playing risky UNLESS you have survivability. So if I have less survivability, I'm not going to play as risky. Which means the build diversity you want to create won't happen because you actively punish wanting to play that way because you HAVE to be tanky enough to use it. But then you also punish playing safe by making those weapons and abilities weaker by default in an effort to not replace the risky options you don't want us to use. So the players continue to make survivability the only option that matters and don't look at the higher risk options that are supposed to be powerful but can't be used unless you have survivability. Notice the pattern yet? This is why titans got hit double hard. A large part of our kit wants survivability to play risky or vice versa. But in order to get survivability you have to have upkeep...which is getting nerfed...which means playing risky is less rewarding...and so less of our kit will be used. So then you only use the subclasses which grant the most survivability for the least risk and most upkeep...which also happens to be the strongest kits titans have currently. Since survivability is necessary, all build options give priority to that...which means diversity can't happen for titans. But titans also have the most survivability options because they are built to be risky, so that solidifies their purpose that you are actively punishing. Nerfing sunspots and banner of war (though they definitely deserve it) isn't gonna make striker an option I pick over them. Because striker is all risk, with the least survivability of any titan subclass with the lowest ability generation of the bunch. It's also...not even the strongest for damage despite it directly wanting to be the riskiest subclass we have. But it's strong abilities you have to use to get survivability that it barely getting nerfed to get them less often and has no compensation in sight. And this applies to every class too, but titans is the biggest because their kit floats around the same general playstyle. Be tanky and go in to punch. Go in to punch to be tanky. By directly nerfing the reward of what you need from it to make those nerf the whole purpose of the class. So then what are players supposed to be doing? If I can't play risky without insane survivability...and I can't play safe without being punished...then what's left? I'm not gonna use a pellet shotgun if I have crappy survivability. I'm not gonna use a sniper if the arena and weapons I choose to use, punish me. Enemy damage and the sandbox as a whole has pushed the necessity for survivability to the absolute breaking point and these nerfs are proof they don't see that. You CAN'T nerf survivability (which is directly tied to abilities) and then balance the game around risk when you die WAY TOO FAST without it. I don't care if there are people that can make it work. A majority of the player base isn't using a large chunk of the game's diverse weaponry and abilities...because there's just not enough reward to use it. And if they DO use it, it's because something there is just so overwhelmingly valuable that it supercedes the necessity for survivability if it has little of it (falling star thundercrash, star eater scales blade barrage, warlock stasis as past or current examples). And that makes for terribly linear and boring build options. Which if I wanted to go off on a tangent, directly makes so many of our exotics worthless.

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    Lore-meister - old

    All these nerfs to make us weaker is to prolong time in game…. I’m guessing Sony want to see engagement and this is their approach….

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