I have been playing destiny since the beta and recently I saw a video of destiny1 and I wanted to download it to remember and see if I could do some activity, but I am surprised that I can not, it asks me to buy it again, I have played all the dlc and can not be that I can not play it now on ps5, please if anyone knows how I can do or what I should do I will be very grateful.
First thing to try would be [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049196071-Accessing-and-Restoring-Licenses-to-Destiny-Content]restoring licenses[/url] Other than that, as platforms handle the game license you will need to speak to Sony to have them look into why your license isn't being recognised. Did you possibly have it on disc rather than digital, or if it was digital had purchased it on another account?