Was playing trials and matched against a cheater next thing I know I'm the one banned?
I have over 10K in the game also 18 years of service in steam and I have never been banned or cheated in any games before. ( I now have a VAC )
and you can look at my KD , I main hunter for pvp.
out of words.
Hi there, Thanks for reaching out. If you incurred a restriction as you said, the way to contact our Security team about it is through the Appeal Ban or Restriction [url=https://help.bungie.net/hc/en-us/articles/360049024492-Contact-Form-Appeal-Ban-or-Restriction?_ga=2.188461352.1899742874.1733155105-1420294048.1731346808]Contact Form[/url]. If you have already submitted a ticket, you have done all you can, and will need to wait for a response. Ban appeals are not conducted on the forums.