Core of worlds seeded with potential life and individual consciousness...
(Those from old forum posts, D1 Reddit, and where the hell that forum that discussed the design went)
Vex "milk" brings life, but not thought???
(Still wrong, it's not to say life, something else)
Did Nessus grow in size???
The old theories of the egg, it all deals with ego, freedom of choice, the definition of man and how it's influenced...
And capturing the idea of infinity, and eternity without the bell....
Edited by MC 077 Lasombra: 1/30/2025 3:25:41 AMI got one along this vein. Was thinking what Bungie might try to pull with Gardener and Winnower. In the Witness origin material the Traveler comes out of the planet itself. Always thought that was weird. The Veil has no mass. That’s when it hit me. What other entity in Destiny have the traits of no mass and dealing with the interior of a planet? The Nine, and they are trying to find a way to exist bodily in the material plane. Bingo! What if the Witness home planets entity found a way to make a body but due to its mind being connected to the dark matter, the two separated into “different” entities? Cause the dark matter bands are what make them conscious, when life forms interact with them and make them vibrate. Per lorebook Dust. And dark matter has no mass. And the Pale Heart would just be the paracausal domain it once had, like how The Nine have their own plane Unknown Space. The only thing missing is an origin for paracausality but there doesn’t have to be one. Like any fictional universe, it can just be a thing. It was an intriguing thought, noticing the similarities and running with it. And since it doesn’t require wholly original creative thought, might be up Bungie’s alley.
I understand now... [url=]Witness Origins[/url]... The rough interpretation of how this thing was formed... 😉😉😉 Purpose and meaning... It fled and they followed... Children of Sol... Who cried out... You were brought back to your beginnings... And the entity at the center of us all... The consciousness of every design...
You will know yourself... [url=]Reddit Post[/url]... And a decent question to ask... ((I am grateful))
A ritual with logic so fundamental to reality, that it is and always will be... Lol, understand, players completed a literal ritual thousands of times over... ((I still hate that my decision was influenced from a stupid random click of a button...a "choice", and it "felt" like a good choice, because of the concept of life and consciousness, but more importantly...the choice was there and the immediate outcome was not shown...but then there many other choices exist without an influential moment))
So each one seeded... Time adjusted moved forward... Evolve species... -Place logics -Uplift Each planet a story in terraforming issues with systems like SIVA in place... SEED may be the issue...
Lol, I am going forward and experiencing the past... The future explaining the past, so it feels comfort in their futures design...
Edited by Architect Mind: 1/25/2025 4:33:02 PMWe may not be able to see the future... But knowing that there is an obvious option to leave... Put faith and trust in someone else's design... That their design allows you to live outside of prediction... ((Is this the, her rule is harsh kind of thing)) //You always choose it// Because there is no future to be seen unless you make the choice to step past the barrier and trust that you were always real... In every design, even the one immediately [DELETE|OMIT|ERADICATE]... End of eternity.... A love story....