I’m trying to disable cross save between an xbox account and steam account. I usually play on the xbox account and the steam account is a random one i made when i was like 12. I haven’t had access to this steam account for at least 3 years, nor do I know the account information. In order to deactivate cross save so I can eventually connect my actual steam account, I need to authenticate with an account that may not even exist anymore. How can I get around this? Or am I just stuck not being able to play destiny on steam? I’m fine with waiting the 90 day period, I just want to be able to start the wait.
Hello there[url=https://tuxydoh.com/images/hi.gif],[/url] In order to unlink an account you must be able to authenticate the accounts. Bungie cannot forcibly de-link them. [b]I would suggest contacting the platform concerning gaining access to the platform account.[/b] If you are unable to gain access to the account, then you will not be able to deactivate cross save or unlink it from your current Bungie.net profile.
In order to disable cross save & unlink, then you need the account credentials. You may need to reach out to steam support for assistance.