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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by Alpha Lupi: 2/17/2013 8:04:20 AM

Something is falling towards you. Or are you falling towards it?

[url=]7 - Only the trusted few...[/url] [url=]6 - Every moment matters...[/url] [url=]5 - Is this how it's always been?[/url] [url=]4 - Persistence is the key...[/url] [url=]3 - You draw deep inside...[/url] [url=]2 - Pushed to this place for a reason...[/url] [url=]1 - There must be meanings in its roar...[/url]

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  • I think an issue may be the way the nodes light up. If Australia is as key a piece as we think it is, even with a good turnout from the area we may end up not lighting up the proper sector because Australia's population is pretty much entirely coastal. We'd always be missing the middle of whatever sector they light up.

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    8 Replies
    • Going to sleep, good luck on today's (Thursday) puzzle.

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    • Edited by TTL Goose: 2/14/2013 6:18:39 PM
      Here's what I'm doing to keep the activity up. I'm using a tool called Selenium to record and playback activity. I have it setup right now to open the ARG, enter the correct glyph, and then restart the process after a minute. It's fire and forget, and doesn't even take away focus of your work while it is running in the background. Step 1. Download Firefox. Step 2. Download [url=]Selenium IDE for Firefox[/url] and install it. Step 3. Download [url=]Flow Control for Selenium IDE[/url] and install it. Step 4. Download [url=]Test Case[/url]. Step 5. Start Selenium (Firefox Menu->Web Developer->Selenium IDE), and Open the Test Case file. Step 6. Success...

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      8 Replies
      • Each day it seems to be getting harder and harder because of dissension in the ranks.

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        • i need a new F5 key...

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        • It's time to start rallying - we are so close.

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          • Edited by gestuart88: 2/15/2013 1:05:38 AM
            just saw this over on misriah solutions - anyone got any more details on it Snow guys from concept art? Edit: Came from RaHaN - Co-founder & Editor-in-chief, Maybe it was snapped at media day, someone is going to get fed to raspy.

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            • Edited by Skittles x: 2/14/2013 9:49:20 PM
              Does this ARG seem.... i dont know... a bit pointless to anyone else? [url=]ILB[/url] worked because no one knew what it was. It was insanely cryptic and only those dedicated to the ARG had any any clue that Bungie was behind it or that it was leading to a new Halo game. With Iris, everyone expected a third Halo so the shock-and-awe aspect was out the window. Iris worked because it was [i]truly[/i] viral. It started with emails, moved to the forums and website and was perpetuated by cryptic posts by "AI" users on The puzzles were very interactive and people who solved them were "[i]rewarded[/i]" for their efforts. (As far as I know, some users are still awaiting prizes. lol) Now we have this... We already know what it is. (Hell, every unlocked image is marked "Bungie" and "Destiny".) We already know when it will end. We already know what's waiting on the other side (Granted, we don't know exactly how the ARG will end -- I'm sure there will be some "holy crap" moment in one of the images -- but we know what it's leading to); we [i]know[/i] Bungie will reveal their new game "Destiny" on Sunday, February 17. They've told us on facebook and twitter, and many gaming sites have featured stories about the release already. I just don't see the point of this one. There isn't even any challenge to it. It's not a puzzle, it's just a coordinated effort. The only hard part about it (after the initial breakthrough of FF Transforming the images) is managing to get enough people online at the same time... which is not fun; just frustrating. The process has been automated now as well! No one even needs to do [i]anything[/i]! Just click the buttons every five minutes and you're done. In a few hours, out pops another image. And what if we don't get the link in time? We miss out on a chunk of a narrative? (Actually, not quite... you can still go back and complete previous days. We'd just need to coordinate again at a later date. It's just delayed.) So what?! I get it: it's probably related to Destiny's back story. But we're going to learn that in four days anyway! What is the point? (brb gotta click the things again) Where was I? Oh, right. Guys! Bungie's new game is coming out soon! This is so exciting! I can't wait for Sunday!

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              19 Replies
              • Edited by SepheusIX: 2/15/2013 3:34:40 AM
                Here's my latest composition in RGB. -Edit- Odd, Even, Even, Odd, Even, Even... perchance?

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                16 Replies
                • Not solved yet? Harder than yesterday I assume?

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                  • Are these lines running at 30 degrees? This is the composite before geomasking is applied.

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                    • Edited by TFOcelot: 2/14/2013 11:39:56 PM
                      If you haven't liked this thread yet, now might be a good time to do so. It's currently sinking to the bottom of the page. (at least on mine it is)

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                      3 Replies
                      • Edited by freefall722: 2/15/2013 12:19:28 AM
                        Day4 is up (always updating composed B&W version): Edit: Bungie is storing info on individual color channels - so a little more coding is in order. Thanks to SepheusIX for his help on this. Edit2: and we're back up!! Edit3: Link to version with separate color channels:

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                        26 Replies
                        • 3. Make the City safe again. Bungie just tweeted that.

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                        • Sorry I'm late to the show today fellas. How has today been? I noticed it looks almost like the same thing as yesterday? Just more FFT'ing?

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                          • Edited by Anroll: 2/14/2013 10:35:54 PM
                            Maybe... 12616 _ _ _ _ 3463667?

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                            • Edited by gestuart88: 2/14/2013 10:23:54 PM
                              Could use some help - does anyone know how or even if its possible to link a photo to a url? it would be great if we could post that picture so when clicked it sends people right to the puzzle page then we can branch out quicker over more forum to get more people - thoughts props to ncsuDuncan for 99.9999% of the work on that image Edit: typo fixed

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                              2 Replies
                              • Bungie Community, use this as your rallying cry. Repost this image wherever you can! Spread it to Reddit, to 4chan, to your grandmother's Facebook page. We're in danger of losing momentum - let's keep the voice of the Seventh Column strong! [b]Challenge:[/b] Post your favorite motivational speech in the comments below. (Personally I prefer the one from Independence Day, but let's see what you've got.)

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                                11 Replies
                                • more weird figures

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                                • I got too sleepy and had to give up. Was yesterday's mission accomplished?

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                                  4 Replies
                                  • this one is strange, it seems like the shapes have square edges

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                                  • New Theory based off the added phrase to the instructions page yesterday: [quote]Think not of locations, but the spacings between, as seen from each target. While one hemisphere provides a strong center, the other must heed the call in order to bring light to the unknown[/quote] Imagine for a second that each person adds a dot to a real world map back on Bungie's servers - not the dotted image on the right side of each day's puzzle. Now imagine that each pair of dots on the hidden map give a magnitude. Two people in the center of the US would have a small magnitude (Line A - B). But if someone logged in from Australia (C)there would now be 3 magnitudes {A-B, A-C, B - C}. One small magnitude from A-B, and two very large magnitudes A-C and B-C. This could populate the dotted visible image with 3 dots. One dot near the center and two dots near the edge of the image (given some rotation possibly based on time of day). Now imagine you have a cluster of people within the US. All you need is 1 person to log on from Australia and then you instantly get a cluster of points near the outer region of the image because you automatically gain the magnitudes from that one person to the entire cluster of people within the US. So like the instructions say it's not about the location. It's about the spaces between the location that allow us to see different areas. The hemisphere part is only slightly relevant just because you can't get any further apart from another single person than half the world. So it may not just be we need people in the southern hemisphere. Another possible method for getting rotation would be that you actually use the direction from person 1 to person 2 and use that vector to populate a dot. (You automatically get the positive and negative vector which makes since since the FFT is mirrored that way anyways) I don't know if this changes anything but I would be interested in setting up some experiments on the earlier day's puzzles to test out this theory if someone is interested.

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                                    9 Replies
                                    • Enjoy.

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                                    • i have a feeling that we are not going to make it this time

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                                      • Curently logged in. Here's a newer image using the most recent image aligned to the map as well.

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                                        2 Replies
                                        • From looking at people's pictures that they've been making, it seems we've got around 16 numbers in today's URL.

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