originally posted in:TFS The Floods Sanctuary
So considering I'm not making very much money this summer, I can't go all out and buy a crap load of new summer clothes like I normally do. So this year, I went and bought a couple of plain tank tops and I'm just going to put my own images on them. Anyone got any suggestions of what would be neat or funny, to put on a shirt?
Get a job.
How about a massive hole around the chest area?
Edited by TGI Skuldier: 5/29/2013 11:05:58 PMI put this on the back of a blue shirt a while back worked out nicely.
Edited by Chad Quibs : 5/28/2013 9:27:41 PM[url=https://www.facebook.com/pages/Last-Man-Standing/120622634669647?directed_target_id=0] Basically anything here.[/url]
I know everyone is recommending ones like this (and you probably have more than enough already) but this is my choice.
Cocks, cocks everywhere.
Can't go wrong w/ tie dye tees (yes, I made those)!
[pop culture reference here] just put that on your t-shirt!
I swear if this user wasn't a bang-able female, this thread would die.
A more detailed version of your emblem maybe?
Either a pot shirt or one with the great Judge Andre Napolitano.
Use this.
How exactly are you going to put an image on the shirt?
That shirt that has a controller on it and has the analog sticks where your titties are
Edited by BlackHeaven: 5/28/2013 2:30:48 AM^for the back of some shirt, or a simple design on the front Another idea is that my sister took a plain black shirt and lined the collar the [url=http://www.learnersdictionary.com/art/ld/safety_pin.gif]pins[/url]. It's kinda odd, but it looks cool. I don't have a picture, so I can't show you though. I can't remember where she got the inspiration for it either. They would be placed perpendicularly to the collar line, so they'd go like the pins on the [url=http://www.the-black-angel.com/2144-thickbox/safety-pins-queen-darkness.jpg]on the sleeves of this shirt[/url] around the collar. Except packed together tightly. It sounded like a better idea in my head.
Not sure if you could make that, but it sure does look damn cool. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9OfBcjyxKY]Source[/url]
Edited by I Senor Skwid I: 5/27/2013 9:48:16 PMImages on your T-Shirts? What kind of madness is this? I normally just wear plain coloured T's. I hate having images or logos on my shirt. The shirt up top is about as far as I go for stuff on my shirts.
http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcq1cr2GgM1qhhjs2o1_1280.jpg Not too shabby I mean you don't like Superman but.... https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/5328225792/h27ECC542/ I keed
Edited by Gatsby: 5/27/2013 9:29:45 PMI'd like to have a T-shirt with this on it, but I only wear plain tee's.
Except your face, and not Smoke's but Felicia's, and not poutinerie but, well that's up to you. If you wanna be a bit too full of yourself.
"Tank Top" is such a weird name for a shirt.
You can never go wrong with this!
"Misuse of literally doesn't actually bother me a whole lot."
"I designed this shirt!" Meta, [i]and[/i] informative!
Here is a cool one.