Link cut off for obvious reasons.
Hopefully nobody actually falls for this shit. Throwing this out there for our less experienced members so they can be informed that this guy [b]will[/b] take your log in information and use it for his own nefarious purposes.
Also the mods or Deej might want to ban the dude.
Never click links you're unfamaliar with. Report. Mute. Move on.
Edited by PandaJerk007: 4/14/2014 5:12:10 AMWhere can I download this "Your Floodian Bot!"? [spoiler]jk but no, seriously, where?[/spoiler]
Edited by MoonDawg: 4/14/2014 5:07:13 AMI don't know... TheJizzguy seems like a trustworthy fellow. ;) Don't click suspicious links kids. The more you know!
Edited by EZ: 4/14/2014 2:23:48 AMThanks for sharing, I'd report the member if you feel you should and others will also. [url=] Information Desk[/url] |[url=] FAQ[/url]| |[url=] Destiny Beta FAQ[/url]|