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7/14/2014 3:20:28 PM

So all the money and contracts signed by Sony, Bungie and Activision are supposed to just dissappear and be irrelevant? I think not. I mean I hate to be a grinch here but, nothing is going to affect the exclusivity with Playstation. It's business. Just because their consumers are bent out of shape (for no real reason, other than, they feel entitled to something) isn't going to change what they have legally set in stone. They can tell by trends that people will get pissed and "betrayed" but still she'll out $60+ for their product. Why don't those of you who fall into this category speak with you wallets and not buy the game so that you will get some real attention? Honestly, the quicker you guys get over this and just accept it, the quicker we can all get on with our lives and look forward to enjoying this game. 4 days of a Beta is not going to kill you. You're still going to buy this game and have a ton of fun with it so who really cares? Xbox will get extra content that Playstation won't, I can all but guarantee it. Again, I'm sorry for being harsh and im not pointing a finger at you or anyone in specific, but, I think I can probably speak for a lot of gamers here who just want to move on from this constant fishing for sympathy. It's old, it's annoying and it's really destroying this forum. Bungie knows your upset and they have commented on it on more than 1 occasion. You're getting the same game Sony fans are getting, be grateful for that at least. So you don't have a few guns or pieces of armor amongst the estimated hundreds. That's really going to ruin a game like this for you? Grow up guys. Seriously. If you were that into this game from the start and you knew it was going to be premiered on Playstation, then it's your own fault for sticking with xbox. It's like standing in front of a train, then being mad at it for running you over.

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  • So true man. I am so sick of seeing xbox people just bitch and complain because of something their company (Microsoft) didn't do. They didn't give Bungie money to get exclusives so it's not Bungies fault. Sony paid and made a contract with them for exclusives! Grow up kids. Don't you know by now that the world is run by money?

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  • Awwww look, it's a PS fanboy. Aren't they cute?? Well here's hoping that your cute little Brick gets some game time in now that Bungie made something for you guys.

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  • Lmao, Xbox fanboys are always mad about something.

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  • Barricade when you try to post you lower the collective IQ of everyone on the forums

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    What he said was true tho. Its business

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  • Agree 100%. It's all in how the deals were struck, and like it or not, that's how it'll stay. And as far as the complaining that Xbox users are getting shafted, weren't many of last gen's DLC's xbox 360 timed exclusives? Sorry Microsoft didn't pay up for this game, but things like this have been going on for years; just deal with it.

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