Anyone who has played Last of Us, or any other shooter on MP, knows how sad the PSN is compared to the xbox community in terms of shooters/communication. 15% of PSNers use a mic, hardly ever use any teamwork, and have terrible dueling skills. [b]It is not your (PSN) fault[/b], you haven't had the proper shooters to cultivate your shooting skills into an honest to God FPSer's paradise of ownage. The time has not been put in to develop the skills necessary for a proper shooter.
Who saw it in the beta? PSN players would do the dumbest things, jumping in the air like a clay pidgeon, and take the worst routes to an objective, while xboners would take you head on and duel you for control of the lane, and use their mics to coordinate an effort.
Xbox people have had many FPS games to cultivate their skills, while PSNers had what? I'm sorry to say this, but Xboxers know how to fight in a shooter. PSNers are but peasants compared to the true kings of the shooter.
Debate all you want, but the facts speak for themselves. Facts are: tournaments, competitive play, and MLG. Which system do they usually choose? Xbox.
Here's hoping Destiny transforms you into the shooters we need you to be. Welcome to the realm of FPSers.
Which must be why I dominate so easily in shooters on the PS4 after I made the switch with this new generation. Honestly people are complete idiots on PSN - it's the most infuriating thing
You talk like their from different worlds. I, myself, am not a "PS4er" or an "xboner"; I am a Gamer. I've played nintendo playstation and xbox.
Speak for yourself, not for the whole xbox community. I play on all 4 consoles and there are always bad kids on both sides.
With the ps4 controller and and Destiny on its way, the PS guys will catch up to us pretty fast i think.
Sorry but I just want to play the game and enjoy it, I don't feel like being MLG or whatever
Kill your self please!! True FPS are on PC!! [spoiler]please kill your self!![/spoiler]
It's really sad how many people respond seriously to posts like this. It's also sad how almost every post is a troll.
Uh...tbh it doesn't really matter. I'll never see a ps4 player, much less anyone on a Microsoft server. Sooooo...Meh. Also, chalk me up as someone not concerned with competitive multiplayer. I'm in destiny for the raiding, the comraderie, the glory...the story.
Not going to lie when I say 95% of the XB community shouldn't use a mike...... Last thing I want to hear are a bunch of racially intolerant west coast stoners or 12 years kid on his snow day.....
Mate...360 didn't have Uncharted 3 or Metal Gear Solid 4s online and on the Xbox no one speaks either. I blame party chat systems. Before that in a game like the first Gears of War people were talkative.
You do realize that PSN will become better than Xbox Live, and that 60% of gamers who had a 360 only last gen went to PS4.
Is it weird that I receive a smidgen of pride when PC, and Xbox people call me a peasant? There's something down-to-earth about the term.
Lmao...he has a point though...
Ps4 comes with a mic, your argument is invalid. The last of us doesn't have many people communicating because most people are in a party
Sorry some people don't need social life to play games and enjoy.
I played on xbox 360 for a long time. Then I went ps4 for this generation (obvious reasons). And I can tell you there is little to no difference between "skill" level. Plus, you apparently play on xbone. Why do you give a shit about PlayStation players? You will never play against. Deal with it.
Edited by CLEMO86 v2: 8/20/2014 6:16:07 PMLoL your forgetting that a large portion of the current PSN community have come from the 360. Bringing their communication, team working and FPS skills with them. Your point is invalid. FACT! EDIT; Also, the playstation brand has existed longer the XBox. Meaning the ratio of FPS's is still in Sony's favour.
Good glad I changed to PS4 I hope its quiet. And the only PvP I plan on doing in Destiny will be me running around messing with my team and trolling people and probabably not getting any kills.
Why do you open with TLoU? It's a survival game and no where near a FPS. I'm going to assume you're basing everything you said on the fact that PS owners didn't get Halo because all other shooters also came to PS.
You honestly believe that someones skill is based on the system they choose to game?
I was on 360 since it came out, halo was the good ol' days
Dammit! I wouldn't be wasting my time reading this crap if Destiny was out.
I love how people (Idiots) assume that because someone has a PS/Xbox they were born with it.. Don't bother replying to me OP, I've muted you.
15% of stats given in forums are 80% 100% true
*Looks at post* Nope. Magic Conch Shell, what do I do to get rid of this fanboy? Conch: Show him who is boss then mute him. THE SHELL HAS SPOKEN!! If you go to you idiot, the top player of the Beta was a PlayStation player. Not to mention that there is no evidence that Xbox players are better than PS players. Especially with the Dualshock 4. You cant say that the DS3 made us bad at shooters because since you can now use the DS4 to play PS3 games we are just as good, or better than Xbox players. Do not base your biased opinions off of your fanboyism.