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9/18/2014 8:33:43 AM
O.K. I'm going to try and keep this post as to the point as I can. In short I find both sides (Bungie vs Engaged Fans) have valid points. The first point I'd like to make is that I typically don't like MMOs. I come from the FPS crowd. I do love RPGs, I just find MMOs have terrible game play and that turns me off. Destiny has bridged that gap and created some of the permanence of an MMO with "great' game play (shooting and moving is way better then clicking and watching numbers IMHO.) That being said, I am not a grindy person. I'm not used to playing the same section over, and over, and over in order to get better gear. I am looking for a challenge. This game, which I love by the way, does not present me with much challenge. It had about the easiest story mode I've played in any FPS and within the first week I already have exotic gear which in theory is supposed to the the most grindy hard to get MMO element of the game. I am not anti-social, and I do have lots of friends who play this game. My issue is I work night shift. I can't call my brother at 3 A.M to come play or hit up the guys from my COD clan or w/e. I may have the one friend up really late to party up with but that is about it. Now these are the arguments that I've heard from both sides. Bungie: "It is super hard, we want it to be the ultimate challenge - weak players need not apply." O.k. that is fine, I'm really cool with that, especially coming from the game where I mentioned I found neither the gameplay nor the grinding difficult/challenging. I think the game needs a backbone, something to sink my teeth into. That is cool. This point I agree with. No one wants to get 2 hours into something to have someone leave, afk, or just be an idiot. I get that and I appreciate that Bungie is trying to protect us. Players: "Let us make our own decisions, let us take our own risks and stop holding our hand." This I also think is a valid point. I don't think the game devs should have to baby proof everything. I think it shows a lot of disrespect to the community. Yes I get that there are trolls, 12 year olds, etc etc out there. There are also adults/teens who are dedicated, can communicate, and have a shared goal. These points I find valid. There are also points on both sides that I think are silly. Players that threaten game devs - sorry they have your money get over it and try and make it better. They don't owe you anything besides a finished game, which they did. Devs that insult their audience by saying something is "too hard" or that "it must be done" in a particular way. The raid may very well be mindshatteringly hard, coming from one of the easiest games ever that is hard to imagine, but it could actually be that hard. Give us matchmaking and let us make that conclusion. Don't assume ever match will be 100% failure, we may adapt and surprise you. I don't even care if they don't have matchmaking. The REAL issue is that they don't have matchmaking AND they don't have any social features. I've met a good 80% of my x-box friends online playing games like halo 3 and COD. Yes they are a gem in the rough, but some have even turned into IRL friends. In Destiny you can't even talk to the guys ON YOUR OWN TEAM when in crucible. This is where the real issue is. If I could wander around the city, meet people that are on when I am, maybe do some strikes with them. I could get together a group to do a raid, but the tools aren't there. So at that point I'm left to the mercy of a matchmaking system to let me access large portions of the game, but THAT TOO is gone. The game feels alone and empty, players often feel like husks and especially for the tower that literally says "social" on it that is not ok. If its just a FPS you are pumping then fine, I can get away with not talking, but if you expect coordination to complete game objectives you MUST give us the tools we need. Trying to type out messages, jumping into random parties via the system is not a solution. Bungie needs to trust its players to make their own decisions. Ok, its hard I get it. Party only is fine, but please Bungie allow us to MAKE parties, allow us to socialize and reach out. I like the game, but I've already run out of things to do besides multi-player and its been out for a week (and I work and go to university, and I'm married) so if someone like me can be end-game ready in a week the game needs difficulty/content...and if you then provide that content/difficulty don't disclude 90% of your player base. There are LOTS of solutions, chat options, opens to segment the raid (break it up into 8 save spots and jump in with people on the section you are in, you do that any way for fireteam lead), open up matchmaking. But please, respect us to make our own decisions and don't make such silly barriers. Online this sort of thing is fine, when I can type and chat and meet. In destiny it feels like I am Legend and you are asking me to party up with the last 6 survivors on earth. NOT all my friends own this game NOT all of them are on at the same time NOT all of them are at the same level and NOT all of them want to even do the raid. Stop telling us how to play and just let us play, thank you. TLDR : Bungie needs to allow socialization, stop alienating their players, and let us make our own decisions. Players need to offer solutions not just make threats.

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  • How long did it take you to type this?

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  • Edited by Chief X17: 9/18/2014 2:49:43 PM
    This exactly what I am thinking. How am I supposed to do this? Find strangers on the internet? Well this might filter out annoying 12 year olds that just want to piss people off, but its essentially the same as getting put with randoms from a group finder. I cant exactly converse with other destiny players, or am I going to find people who want to do the raid by waving, pointing, sitting down or dancing? At least there should be a level 24 mode that has the same rewards as a level 24 strike just so everyone can experience all of the games shiny content.

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  • I believe matchmaking is not the way to go. HOWEVER, I also think a large scale "fix" to this problem is allowing clan management in game. Adding people in-game, having a clan chat with channels in-game, offer chat invite via R3 inspect instead of using console UI. Maybe even put a timed and limited character text chat(to prevent spam and rocketships everywhere) at tower. This may not play like the stereotypical MMO you do not like, but the social aspects of Wow, GW2, and FFIV have proven that they work. So yea bungie, I agree with no matchmaking, but I also agree that there should be a better form of socializing in a game that requires communication. I have bypassed the need for it by using your site to create a clan and my stream and bungie forums to build it. It could have been alot easier, and still can be easier by adding a few more options to the R3 menu and one more tab on the "pause" menu. My 2 cents.

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  • Well done for keeping it short!

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  • Yeah I went a little long :P but I did add a TLDR ... to be fair.

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