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originally posted in: Angry Review is up
Edited by Sean: 9/21/2014 6:29:47 PM

[b]EDITED IN NOTE:[/b] Don't bother responding if you aren't going to actually read the whole post, and spouting that the game has 10 years of content is just so wrong. The game does not have 10 years of content, the SERIES is projected to last 10 years, and being sold the actual story bits when the game needed proper exposition is just wrong if we are already paying full retail price. The game is lacking in plot other than somehow knowing where to go next with little to no explanation (or reasons as to why). A chapter of a series still should have a beginning, middle, and end (to the first section of the overarching plot), and shouldn't be stripped away. --------------------------------------------------------- Wow, so reading the comments here, and I am disgusted at the people who just ignore the faults with the game. The one that sickens me most of all is how they are proud of paying for the game where the story is not presented in any real and exciting telling, and instead how there is no context for anything in the game itself. Why are people wanting to pay for content that should have been in the game from the start (story itself, and not things that would add on to it). These are the people that are going to ruin games for the future, as companies will continue to slice off content (or plan to leave out story, and just make it later while doing this) as they will be able to sell it to people post-release. The intital game that you pay a full retail price for SHOULD feel like a complete chapter in a saga if that is what it is going to be, and not just have small repetitive missions, copy / paste patrol missions, and a complete lack of story telling. It is utter disgusting at the complacency in some people. This isn't about wanting all the expansions that are worked on post-release (key words: worked on), but wanting the story that is attempted at being told to have some depth to what is delivered. There is no real story beyond "You were dead, now you are alive, and without any context I want you to mass kill aliens". The protagonist doesn't question their resurrection, what they're being told to fight, or anything that a sane and rational person would actually do. They have no reaction to being brought back or even how so much has changed since they are alive, and instead just blindly follow. Maybe that in itself is why these other people are so at home with that story, because that is how they act in real life: sheep. Also going to add on by saying that we were shown more story based content years ago than what was actually given in the game, and were told complete lies such as Jason Jones talking about the grand exploration to the mountain off in the distance as it was all explorable space. Sadly, both had seen the cutting room floor, but we were made to expect that level of depth to the game, and when they were asked, they just side stepped and gave a non-answer to the questions from worried fans.

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  • I strongly agree with you. Destiny is a fun game, but lost a lot of potential and overall a disappointment because it could have been a lot better game

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  • I agree, I feel let down with the story, I was expecting a deep story like halo, I understand they also wanted to market to a slightly younger audience as well so the lack of mature themes is bearable, but you don't need that to make a deep, gripping story. As much as I am angry, those expansions better have some blaming answers, because I should already know the story from playing what I had on release.

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  • I won't bother reading cause you sir are flat out wrong. This is a mmo-ish game, and will last for 10 years, and you are right it doesn't have 10 years worth of content it has several more than 10 can handle. Sense it is a ever expanding universe with 4 enemy empires that we just got introduced to.

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  • This is one if the most retarded game-related things I've ever read. You described several of the most hackneyed elements about the plot, but proceed to laud it rather than proper highlighting its absurdity. Toppest kek, Bungie's screwed (as if they weren't dead the second the signed on with Activision). It's reliant on the most useless player demographic, peons with short attention spans that'll fellate them for awhile until repetition drives them to pursue the next shiny bauble. That's you pal; you're the bane of the industry. Who needs quality when they've got drones with prolapsed wallets?

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  • Edited by Sean: 9/23/2014 10:24:53 PM
    what? When did I praise the story? Did you even read what I posted, or are you replying to someone else and mistakenly clicked on mine? I did mute a few of the trolls, so it also may be just because I don't see some of their idiotic posts, because I do see that you did hit the like button on a few of my posts. So, I will just go with the latter idea until informed otherwise. :)

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  • Filthy casuals

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  • Edited by Sean: 9/23/2014 12:46:26 AM
    If you can't bother reading the post and actually learning facts for the game from other sources other than your own mind then you are useless. You have no real opinion obviously, and even Activision (since it is they who discuss this) have said they have a 10 year long plan for the series as a whole. So congrats, you went full retard, and I will now mute you, because you are just a troll (or just plain dumb since you can't even read a post, and you still post in it without actually reading it).

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  • You obviously have no real opinion either other than that you are a entitled gamer that thinks he deserves everything. Go ahead keep on sulking. Bungie is ignoring all complaint threads, long written witty emo gamer threads, and story based criticism. This is their game and their plan is not subject to change no matter is much you gripe. The only thing they will listen to is buffing nerfing and balancing gameplay. so this post is for nothing other than patting you and all the other edgy gamers on the back,

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  • Edited by F3nix13: 9/24/2014 4:51:45 AM
    Its like Angry Joe said, the "10 year plan" does NOT make it an excuse for the lack of content NOW. You talk about casuals.....sorry but REAL gamers are actually interested in a STORY that can hook them into a game to keep them coming back and wanting more. But Destiny has little to NO story. NOTHING is explained about ANYTHING in game. The ONLY way to actually know PARTS of the story is to come to this site and look at the grimoire cards. That is very sh*tty story telling. NEVER should ANYONE have to put down their game, go to a second party venue to find out about what the game is trying to tell you.....NEVER. And this game may be "mmoish" as you said, but even MMOs have better story telling than this sh*t. WOW, GW2 and many more are MMOs with WAY better story telling than this. Your excuse is pretty piss poor in terms of the MMO side. Us REAL gamers expect a game that will keep us playing for hours with at least a decent story and worth while game play mechanics but Destiny cant even do that. I got as far as level 11 before I gave up. The constant grinding with little to no payout due to a sh*tty loot system is what drove me from this game. I have to say that I have been gaming all my life and you claiming people like us are "casual" gamers due to the kind of views we have about this game just sickens me and I really hope you dont consider yourself a "hardcore" gamer because you are far from it. Just because people dont want to play a certain game doesnt mean they are casuals, it means why play something that we wont enjoy? We are not going to sit through a game we dont like just because we payed for it and there are a bunch of fan boys like you out there refusing to listen to criticism about something you personally think is fine while telling us we are wrong when all we do is give our opinion just like you. If that is how YOU view gaming then that is just sad.

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  • And there is way more content in this game AT RELEASE then any other next gen game to date

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  • [quote]And there is way more content in this game AT RELEASE then any other next gen game to date[/quote] This is a bold-faced lie.

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  • No it is not, name me one next gen title that does?

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  • Edited by Wiseone1: 9/24/2014 4:46:08 AM
    I can't hear you over all that entitled bologna im hearing

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  • Oh that is a very logical and well thought out non-childish response to my comment. If you cant even respond with a logical comment then dont bother posting at all. What entitlement? We dont think we are entitled to anything except a decent game with a story that not only makes sense but can also follow. You are just being childish by not responding with something logical to defend your own comment. You cant make accusations without backing it up which you clearly failed to do. But what else should I have expected from someone who thinks he is better than others just because he is playing a game that others dont find enjoyable just because he is a fan boy that refuses to acknowledge or accept any criticism that does not share his views?

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  • You sound "childish"

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  • Game is great till you hit 27. Awesome content I can't do. Tons of items you will never get to try. So many damn shards you can't max level. Level 27 still running rare primary . Bungie sucks. So much cool content I can't and will probably never try. Too much grinding and loot almost impossible to get.

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  • I'm going to ignore reading your post because it is right...just with the first bit i already know you have the same opinion as me, gg.

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  • Lets all agree not buy a single DLC game thats out there , Maybe, just maybeee the stupid game creators will know that gamers dont like to get ass -blam!-ed with this DLC bullshit

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  • .......i already got the expansion pass included =( i was a fool i thought this was the same bungie that created a weapon spawn changer then realized people were abusing it in unintended ways and instead of "fixing" it they supported the players creativity allowing them to abuse the feature known as forge even further but now i see they have fallen away from the travelers light and embraced darkness

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  • The fact that it 'sickens' you reinforces what a sad, lonely little sod you are.

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  • So, you think that because of actually having a brain, I smoke pot or have a tin foil hat. The fact that you even think that just shows the type of idiotic troll that you are. Coprorations within any given industry will mimic other avenues of succesful business, as that is just good business. This game made 350 million dollars in 5 days off the name Bungie alone without any shred of story. Even how you pretty much say that story is pointless is pretty much shoveling the money towards them since they don't have to put the work into something beyond a gun. No plot. No characters. Just shooting. Nothing to get people invested in the story like with other succesful games like Mass Effect, Halo, or The Elder Scrolls. More recent games have been shedding story, and it is hurting the industry as it is backwards. This is a recent trend, and luckily other comipanies are still focusing on big story titles such as Naughty Dog, Bioware, and Bethesda. You are not just a troll, but you are an uneducated troll, and one that isn't even worth any more time, as your posts degrade the forums.

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  • Edited by GrandBlue: 9/25/2014 9:22:19 AM
    It's not because you have a brain, it's because you're completely bonkers crazy & need to be checked into an asylum ASAP. Seriously, sickened? disgusted? LOL, get a ****ing life mate. It is kinda hilarious though I guess, the fact that you're so disgusted at the mere thought of people enjoying the game. You really are a sad little mushroom aren't you? Also, I'm not trolling, I'm dead serious. Your viewpoint on this is radical & extremely extremely abnornal.

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  • Edited by Sean: 9/22/2014 3:39:54 PM
    It only sickens me due to the amount of sheep that are in this world that will blindly follow anything, and will continue to ruin industries and allow corporate greed to continue to get away with anything. The game shows that it is there to make a quick buck by going on the name of Bungie and not providing depth to the game for the people that have been with Bungie for a long time. It degrades the term gamer and is practically an insult to where Roger Egert is basically right, as he always said that games are not art, because they cannot present a story. Destiny is a prime example of that, as it has no story. It's many steps backwards to what gaming as a whole as been able to get to over the last 40 years. Your post only reinforces what type of shallow, lonely person you are, as you cannot see beyond what is right in front of you.

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  • Edited by GrandBlue: 9/24/2014 3:07:47 AM
    Oh I see now, you're an insane, tin-foil hat wearing lefty that's sickened by even the slightest hint of corporate greed. Provided you haven't smoked a fat one yet today, here's a dose of reality for you; plenty of people find the game for what it is incredibly fun, regardless of the repetition and on top of that, people realize it's a game that's set to last a long time with several updates & DLC packages incoming. If it sickens you so much that people see the game differently to how you do so, perhaps you should visit a mental hospital, because that is very very abnormal. You don't need an incredible story or 100+hrs of new and original missions to be well worth the pricetag; for normal people like me, 20-30 hours of fun is fantastic, and it's even better when you can have over 50 hours of fun redoing Strikes & the Crucible.

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  • lol all the mad in your post and the replies makes me happy.

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