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originally posted in: YOU WANNA KNOW WHY WE'RE FARMING!!??
9/23/2014 5:39:31 PM
Do we tell you how to play your strikes? Do we tell you how to dress? How to eat? No we don't so go -blam!- yourself and stop moaning at people for playing a game how they want to. If you want to attain your legendary gear in strikes, be my guest. Others don't see as much point in spending 20 to 30 mins running the same boss mission over and over using there effort to be rewarded with little or nothing all the time, where as they can take an easy method, which takes a lot less effort to get their items, so they can get to a good level to take on the new different challenges like raids which are meant for higher level players. By saying they should earn their items by doing strikes above their level and failing, your effectively saying that because they don't do it how you do it, they shouldn't 'be given the opportunity to participate in the events which are updated that they also paid 50 quid for like everyone else. Stop telling others how to play their own game and carry on with your own methods to earn your gear.

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  • "Look away, I don't tell you how to play the game properly!" You know how ridiculous you sound? You try to explain your situation like you were pitted with some unique handicap. I went through the same damn thing. I just kept playing the content that was at my level until I made it to the next level, then guess what - I played that level of content until I made it to the next. Most days, I could give a crap if legendary gear drops for me, I'm just working on maxing out what I already have. And don't come into this forum to participate in a topic and tell people they have no right to speak their mind if it doesn't align with your agenda. That's dumb as hell. You're the one who put it out there. Not my fault you're not getting the encouraging words from the rest of us that you sought. You're lame, what you're doing is weak. That's my opinion - Deal with it, ya bitch.

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  • Aren't you a contradicting little whiney bitch? firstly, actually read your own post. You were the one who decided to call other people's choices lame and weak? However it was you slating people off for having a different method to yourself to gear themselves up. And does the fact that you played the same strikes over and over show anything different? No. It shows you did the same shit you're calling everyone else for, repetition. Secondly, don't quote if you can't even remember the words you fool. Shows you have the attention span of an eleven year old if you can't remember 2 lines, never mind the context of them. Get off your high horse and shut the -blam!- up :)

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  • Yep, I came into a thread where some dude tried to justify his reasons for exploiting a well intentioned, but poorly implemented system and told him my opinion that it was lame. Why? Because he opened discussion on it, you moron. Then you're going to tell me that even though it was a topic for discussion, I shouldn't say my piece because you don't like my words? And oh, you don't like my paraphrase of your argument? That's pretty much what you said, no matter how you slice it. I just condensed it into a neat package for you. P.S. Go play Disney Infinity. I hear its difficulty is around the level of play you like to be rewarded for.

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