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9/25/2014 1:40:41 PM

Destiny: Quality of life suggestions!

Destiny is an excellent step in the right direction but could take another long stride by making a handful of changes. Diablo 3 "saved" it's game by appeasing it's audience with a large patch filled with quality of life improvements. Much like Destiny, Diablo was still considered a success, the patch simply allowed the game to flourish. I would like to take some time and throw out some things I believe would help. -These are suggestions are listed in no particular order- 1. Turn Nameplates on & off Putting a toggle in the settings that would allow us to turn player nameplates off would help with our immersion in your seamless matchmaking. If I want to know a character's name I'll hit the right bumper and inspect them. 2. Allow us to access the grimoire in the Speaker's office Reading on the go is nice but the app is a little broken sometimes and the browser version can be just as bad. I have downtime when waiting for friends in the Tower, this would give me just one more thing to do. 3. Join a game from Destiny As it stands I have to go in through my xbox friends list in order to join a game. It would be conveinant if we could do it from our Destiny roster. 4. Money pits Give us more things to pour our glimmer into, I don't ever want to hit my cap. Games like WoW and COD: Ghost present a plethora of customization options and ways for you to spend your hard earned money. Even if it's weapon camo... we'll still buy it 5. A Second Social Hub If we aren't going to be able to access the Last City then it would be cool to at least have another social area to chill and buy cool gear. This could be in the Reef for example! 6. Faction Homes There's a lot of room in the Tower and some of it could be used as a faction hang out. Somewhere you could only access if you were at least Rank 1 with a faction where you could go to hang out with other members and buy exclusive items. (These areas don't have to be big) 7. Boss Drops This is simple and would make a lot of people happier with the completeion of a strike. Instead of having a chance for a Dreg to drop a legendary why don't we turn down those chances and turn up the chance that a Rare or Legendary drops from a boss. It makes the win feel so much sweeter. These are just a few suggestions to start with, I'll be keeping this forum post updated as people comment and provide more ideas. Some people want a major overhaul of the game, I think we can patch the leaks with a little more story and a few changes to mechanics.

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