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Discuss all things Destiny.
9/29/2014 6:09:19 PM

It seems I'm having a very different experience with the game than most...

I'm a software developer in my 30s. I work all day, come home, hit the gym or go for a bike ride, make dinner, and take care of the dog. After dinner, I boot up the PS4, create a party with 4 to 6 of my friends... work friends, childhood friends, friends I've just met... We hop in a PS4 party, then we all load up the game. We battle through all of the game's missions together. We take on the strikes. We take on the queens wrath missions. We're working on building up our light levels. We do patrols and bounties, and we all enter the Crucible together. I am having an absolute blast playing Destiny with my friends. Maybe the difference is that I have a dedicated set of friends whom I can play the game with that make it so much fun, but reading through this board is very interesting to me. It seems that many of the people writing here are having a very different experience than I am having. Is it simply because I'm playing with my friends that I find what the developers at Bungie have given us so entertaining?

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  • Maybe its the fact some of us aren't playing the game 24/7 cause of work that makes it so much fun for some of us. I'm with you though, 29, construction worker, I'm usually already on my way to work before 4am and probably booting the ps4 around 6 or so in the evening. Less time to play might translate to lots more fun during the little time some of us get.

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  • Edited by TX-Alpha-84: 9/29/2014 8:36:56 PM
    If anyone is having problems making friends and/or finding people to just do raids or make fireteams with then you could always start up a thread similar to this one and have people that you know are gamers who play Destiny (Since they are on this forum) provide gamertags. You can block all personal information so that "strangers" don't learn anything personal since you don't know them, and just add gamertags. They also have Clans/Groups that you could join and get other players to fireteam with. I don't have a lot of people who play PS4/Destiny at the same times as I do so I joined up with a Clan and even though it is small (22 members), I now have 22 other people that I am able to fireteam with. I love this game and look forward to playing it everyday, so I figured I would offer a way to get people to build fireteam gamertags the way that I figured out how to. Anyone who wants to can add my Gamertag, I am always down when it comes to joining Fireteams. Gamertag - Docien84

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  • I'm loving the game as well and have a few friends that are on randomly. It's fun playing with friends/strangers/alone. There's always something to do and it can be different based in who's with you/alone.

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  • If they would just add a damn PARTY/CHAT app to allow people to communicate and create partrys in game people might not be bitching so much?

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    • Ok, this is what I, and almost everyone on my friends lists thinks of Destiny. Graphics are great, gameplay is great, raid is great, sword of crota is great, PvP is slightly unbalanced(already addressed by Bungie), the rest is lacking(samey missions and nothing much to do), but we still have fun playing it because of the solid gameplay. Just because a game has faults doesn't mean we dont like it. Some people have valid points, like the amount of content available not being worth the cost of the game and the fears of the expansions not making up for it. Again, it doesn't mean we dont like the game, on the contrary, we want it to be er, all that it can be potentially, so we will voice our concerns. Granted some people are either too immature to do this properly or are making pointless arguments due to ignorance(lack of skill or knowledge about gameplayand tactics).

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    • I think you are playing the game the way Bungie intended you to, with others, more specifically with friends. If you are a lone wolf gamer such as myself and you prefer your games to have a very strong narrative then you kind of get to point in a Destiny ( after you've finished the storyline ) where you wonder why you are doing what you are doing and why you keep coming back since in the grander scheme of things all of Destiny's activities are pointless.

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      11 Replies
      • I'm in my late 30s, play only a few hours a night with friends, and that doesn't make the game any less boring or mind numbingly repetitive. Oh the Queen needs me to kill the Devil Archon for the 5th day in a row?!? YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY

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        • Ditto :)

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        • Just like to chime in here and say it is nice to finally see an adult conversation on these forums. Very refreshing to read. I happen to agree with almost all of your points as well. This game is fun, but it does have some dull parts. -Nox

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          • Thank you. Me too. I have a tough time getting frieds together long enough to play as often as I'd like, but I'm absolutley loving it.

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            2 Replies
            • If anything I've had more fun on this game than any other. Meeting new people doing raids and helping eachother doing strikes/etc. This game is honestly great.

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            • Exactly, same thing for me. Except with an Xbox one.

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            • I definitely agree that it is bearable when playing with a group and its good that you are having fun with it. It definitely will go down in my book as one of the most polarizing titles I think I've ever seen. Clearly there are many like you out there but also clearly there are just as many that are not. That I fear is because of that will it tip the scales down the road.

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            • My friends are a few time zones away since I'm stationed in California. It's hard to set a time to play with them. I've enjoyed my fair share in the game but having some kind of chat ability would bring on a whole different experience, especially when I'm essentially doing everything by myself or with people who can't say anything.

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            • Amen, OP... A-MEN!

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            • I'm in the same category as you. A late thirties computer programmer with a family. I have played destiny more than any game I have played in a long time. I enjoy playing with my friends, playing alone, and playing with the matchmaking feature. I feel about this the same way I feel about movies. If I was entertained during the movie than I feel it was worth it. As long as I feel entertained I'll be playing. I am uncertain about the DLC. From the moment I saw it I have had questions. My main concern was how much content was going to be in it. I was not going to purchase it if it only added a single story mission. But from what I've seen this weekend it seems like it adds multiple elements to the game. I hope they actually tell us everything that is in the expansion pack before it comes out. If not I guess I'll just wait for other people to get it and share what is exactly on it.

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            • I'm having a blast too.. got a lot of new friends to play with destiny.. I just think that all of us having fun with destiny are too busy playing..

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            • in honestly the current state of the game really only needs one important thing to make everyone's time so much more enjoyable. Voice Communication. I mean that was and will forever be one of the best features for multi-player games. I know Bungie already addressed this issue in a "update" thread but i just hope that this is at the top of their to do list. Everything else can wait IMO.

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            • I am having the same experience. You never hear the praise anymore. All about what can I have and when can I have it? These people who are complaining need to do some research, as well as, learn to have some empathy. We need to get rid of this 'MURICA mentality.

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            • My experience exactly OP! Loving destiny, glad i got it would buy again. hob

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            • Actually I pretty much play solo except for strikes (matchmaking) and thoroughly enjoy the game. So its not just playing with friends. It might actually be a pretty decent game dare I say? I am in my late 30's and after work and getting kids to bed I login for a few hours each night and just do whatever my heart decides at that time and bottom line "It's Fun"! Can the forum moderators start filter all the complaints to their own channel Ha Ha! It really distracts from the useful posts. :D

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              2 Replies
              • It does make a difference. Too many people are looking at this game as a self-contained, story driven game. It's not. Sure, there's a subtle story at work, but Destiny is more or less a big playground for people to use together, with friends.

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              • Human nature, it seems. We have a tendency to speak loudest about the things that are displeasing. Most people don't come here to 'high five' Bungie for a job well done. It's a rare thing for someone to go out of their way to pay compliments.

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              • i have to say this game imo is a good game. i solo alot but have also made 10 or so friends on this game ...what matters is that u find good working folks who share the same goal as you do . aka i wana raid i have completed it 2 times now and have loved both times . a raid isn't a test of your skill unless you are the first one threw the door. after those trail blazers all there is to do is refine what they did. what its a test of is the people who are there to see if they have a brain , or they want to yell it was billy's fault ect .this is how i chose who i want to be around a repeatedly faild raid will show u a mans/woman's true nature fast . and I like that so if you are enjoying it. just keep going at it and let the nay Sayers nay say

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              • In reality> Is a fast food cook in his 30's. Has actually never been to a gym. Rides a bike because doesn't own car. Has a cat (multiple cats) And friends list consist of people he met on okcupid under a fake profile.

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                • No its because all these 9 year old call of booty fans want the game and it's content handed to them day 1 or they cry because hey you have to WORK for something... work is hard. Work is for idiots who have to work. 9 year olds don't have to work so hand it to them.... that's the differance.

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