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10/1/2014 5:16:28 PM
[quote]I love this game and have been playing it a lot... However, I recently picked up an exotic bounty for Toland's Legacy. After researching the requirements, I found out that I have to go into the crucible. WHY? I am not a PvP player. I would prefer to stay as far away from the PvP as possible. Why are you forcing us to go into the Crucible? It is not just this exotic bounty that is requiring me to go into the curcible. If I want gear from FWC, New Monarchy or Dead Orbit - I have to. I remember there was an article where it was said Halo was PvP and you couldn't do both PvE and PvP support. Now you can, so why are you forcing us into the crucible? The crucible part of the bounty gives you +25 for a Hunter or Titan kill and +75 for warlocks - however you are docked -50 if you die. I will never be good enough to get this bounty done. Eventually I will have to abandon this bounty. (EDIT: There are reports that the "death penalty" is no longer active, so it is just a kill grind - if that is true. I will update the thread when I actually try it for myself - Thanks subaqueousReach for the research). Bungie you have a wonderful game - JUST STOP forcing folks to go into the crucible. EDIT: Why so many attacking comments, when the PvE only players want to stay in PvE. It makes no sense to me that you want us in the PvP to bring down the team with our skills. All we are asking for is more options? I just can't understand why more options is being rejected. Update: I have both the Bad Juju and Thorn bounties so I started them both in the crucible at the same time. I have played 10 games of crucible and currently have a KDR of 0.91 and I am slowly getting both of these bounties done. I can confirm that the 10000 points for the bad juju does NOT contain any death penalties. So this one is simply a grind getting kills anyway you can. The Thorn 500 points in VOID kills does have dealth penalties and my KDR is not helping me get this one done very quickly. After 10 games, I will report that I still do NOT like the PvP. I will continue to struggle through it to get these bounties done. I still wish there were options of not doing the PvP. End update.[/quote] I completely agree with you as I'm more of a PvE player and suck at PvP.

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