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Edited by coenjans: 10/2/2014 7:16:52 AM

A request from Ikora Part II

As stated in the title I'm currently doing this bounty. What is kills/death Spread? I did 1 crucible match with this bounty active and these are my stats. Kills: 3 Assists: 5 Deaths: 13 K/D Ratio: 0.23 I basically suck at PVP. Now the bounty tracker states I have 2 of 25. Before you go explaining I have read several explanations an all do not fit. 1. 25 more kills than deaths: As you see above more deaths than kills so it does not apply. 2. Kills 4 points, assist 2 points, death - 2 points. This would put me on 0 (-4 added up) So how does this actually works? I had 1 occasion where I killed 2 in 1 life. Could it be that you need to kill at least 2 enemies in 1 life and that all those kills count? PS: A reply from bungie would be nice.

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  • Edited by coenjans: 10/3/2014 5:40:48 AM
    I have the shotgun. I still don't know how I could be 2 after the first match. But it is basicly this. The bounty is updated every time you die or the match ends. It is basicly the number of kills (i'm still not sure about the assists) of in that life minus your dead. So 15 gives you plus 14 0 gives you -1 and yes it goes down but never below zero. 1 keeps you level no increase or decrease. But still I got some weird numbers from time to time.

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  • I wish I would have picked the other bounty.

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  • This is what essentially happened, as you cannot go below 0, when you were on 0 all the negative kdr did not count. By the end of the game you had improved slightly and got 2 kills no deaths/1 death and so it increased by 2.

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  • Ok, basically disregard my assumption earlier. Turns out its false. So here's what i dug up: 25 K/D spread = 25 more kills as deaths. Every kill and assist is +1 point for the counter and every death is -1 point. As example, you finish a match with 10 kills, 4 assists and 5 deaths, your counter is 9 (14-5=9). In your next match you have 5 kills, 0 assists and 6 deaths, your counter is now 8 (5-6=-1). Your next match you have 10 kills, 0 assists and 0 deaths, your counter should now read 18. Hope that helps ya.

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    • Hey man. I was stumped on that part too. It's a team based KDR so it don't matter how well or poor u yourself did. If combined your team had more kills then deaths it will go up or vice versa. Just keep grinding it out and you'll get through it in no time.

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      • Just go positive and the bounty will progress a lot. It dose not go of your kd but instead how many more kills than deaths you have. Like when I did it, the score of my first control game was 16 kills and 8 death. My bounty went up by around 10 or so ( it may count assist kills in the bounty idk but may explain why I have 2 more points in bounty than should be there) if you do poorly it will drop a lot as well. It is not that hard even if you only break even you will still gain progress

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        • Classic Warlock.

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        • You get 1 point for every kill or assist you earn. 1 is subtracted every time you die. Stay with team mates and at least damage enemies. That way you can still get points for this bounty. Don't rush into areas headlong or go off on your own. You can easily drop many points by making silly choices.

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          • I always figured it was a k/d spread example: Kills 20 deaths 10. 10 points for that match But this would make your score a little confusing... the only thing I can think of is you got 2 kills without dying before the match ended. So since you would have been at 0 points it would just start from where ever you got your first kills for the challenge. I finished mine in 2 matches and I know it's based on your k/d spread not a point system.

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          • It doesn't take negative into account U could die 100 times then get 1 kill and be on 1 of 25 It just depends if u got 13 deaths then got your kills/assist/kill and assist

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          • It's actually pretty easy, I was able to get it done in 3 games. It's like this. If you get a kill you earn one point. If you die you loose one point. For example, if you get 3 kills and die once you have 2 kills towards this bounty. Get it?

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          • Ok, to clarify a lot of these confusing replies, all you need to do is play crucible and get 25 more kills or assists than deaths. Shouldn't be too hard to do, I managed it in a single game. (26 kills, 9 assists, 1death)

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          • Basically to get that bounty you have to go hardcore and butcher way more players per life than needed to complete the terms of it. Otherwise you will literally be stuck with it forever. Its difficult but do-able as many people have done it already.

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            13 Replies
            • [quote]As stated in the title I'm currently doing this bounty. What is kills/death Spread? I did 1 crucible match with this bounty active and these are my stats. Kills: 3 Assists: 5 Deaths: 13 K/D Ratio: 0.23 I basically suck at PVP. Now the bounty tracker states I have 2 of 25. Before you go explaining I have read several explanations an all do not fit. 1. 25 more kills than deaths: As you see above more deaths than kills so it does not apply. 2. Kills 4 points, assist 2 points, death - 2 points. This would put me on 0 (-4 added up) So how does this actually works? I had 1 occasion where I killed 2 in 1 life. Could it be that you need to kill at least 2 enemies in 1 life and that all those kills count? PS: A reply from bungie would be nice.[/quote] I was wondering the same thing. I played 4 crucible matches since getting part 2 of this bounty. I went negative all 4 rounds and watched my points go from 4, to 8, to 9, back to 4. Any guess?

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            • It's accumulative of your Kills>Death. Ex: Game 1 you go 8-5 (+3), Game 2 15-4 (+11=14) etc etc until you amount 25 more accumulated kills than deaths. The shotgun is definitely worth it by the way :)

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              • Alright, here's how it worked for me. Played 4 Rumble matches and finished it. Match 1: 23-10, so theatrically i should be at a 2.3 K/D, nope, I was sitting at 15/25. Match 2: sitting at 22/25. Match 3: didn't do so hot and dropped to 20/25. And Match 4: Finished Part II of the Bounty. My advice, play Rumble or Skirmish. Get a good Shotgun and stick to close quarters.

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                • This is what Bungie stated about KDR vs. KDS regarding all their previous game releases including the HALO franchise: (if bungie had changed their ways/calculation methods specifically for destiny I would hope they would inform their player base as KDS is a broadly used term in FPS gaming) I am not yet able to explain why the sum does not add up for you, however every bit of (official) info confirms the "how many kills you have over the amound of deaths you have". Kill-Death Ratio is a term used to define how many kills a player gets before they die each time they spawn. A K/D ratio is kills divided by deaths. For example, if a player gets 10 kills and 5 deaths in a given game, they have a 2 K/D ratio. It means they got 2 kills before they died each time they spawned (on average). In other words - for every 2 kills they got, they died once. K/D ratio is not to be confused with K/D spread. K/D spread is a player's (or team's) total kills, minus their deaths. K/D spread is a good metric for single games, while K/D Ratio is a more appropriate metric for a player's career. The reason being is that the more kills a player gets, the less useful K/D spread becomes. For example, a player has 500,000 kills and 470,000 deaths; a spread of +30,000, yet their K/D is close to average. The more a player plays the game, the less useful and less recognisable the K/D spread metric becomes. K/D ratio on the other hand begins to stay fixed the more a player plays, and is much more useful long-term. The average Halo player's K/D ratio is exactly 1.00 (excluding death by suicide or betrayal), as every kill results in a death. An under 1.00 K/D ratio means a player is dying more than they are killing, whereas an over 1.00 K/D means a player is killing more than they are dying.

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                • Edited by Shredfire: 10/2/2014 3:36:00 PM
                  In the simplest way possible to explain. Every Kill or Assist is +1 point Every death is -1 point As for having 2 points after a negitive KDA, bounties & grimoire cards track stats of nearby allies too. So if your next to someone who gets a kill or assist, sometimes the game gives you points for your bounty regardless of what you did.

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                  • I can assure you that the team performance has no effect at all on the bounty (i have already completed it three times). I always choose the shotgun bounty because the crucible part can be done quickly in comparison to others where you have to get 10000 kill points or whatever. The best way to perform is to play defensively in control mode and focus on killing and surviving (not on objectives). Got yesterday 21 kills 4 assists 3 deaths in the first crucible = 22 and went back to orbit after the 3rd kill in the second match. I use a fully upgraded last words handcannon and knucklehead radar. Good luck mate!

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                  • It's a bloody good shotgun once you upgrade it.

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                  • I don't pvp but in pve if your close to someone their kill count for you on bountys 500 kills with heavy machine gun was quite easy in the divide with 2-3 others doing it :)

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