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Edited by Recon Number 54: 2/16/2015 10:44:22 AM

Are You Serious..........? [Vex Mythoclast]

Original Post [spoiler][Edit] I bet you thought I was going to cry about the VMC smacking me in PvP...Nope. [b][Original Post][/b] So rumor has it that the Vex Mythoclast is getting a nerf (No I don't have it.....yet) due to all the continuous crying. My question is are you -blam!-ing serious? The Community gets HANDED a TOP TIER weapon [SUROS Regime] and now that they can't get handed the Vex Mythoclast and it's actually an EARNED Exotic; people are crying like babies and want it nerfed. That's the most idiotic thing I've ever heard. Crucible ISN'T the only part of this game and the Vex Mythoclast CAN be earned by everyone through vigorous means. Shotguns are still OHKO'ing. Fusion Rifles are still OHKO'ing But everyone wants to target the Vex Mythoclast because they can't get it, because they don't have the patience or smarts to figure out how to beat the Raid Mode. [b][Stop Here If TL;DR is Kicking In][/b] [Edit] [i]Where did I hear/see such a rumor: [/i] @DestinyTrack: "The Vex Mythoclast can kill twice as fast as the Suros Regime. Expect a heavy nerf on that. Balance is key" (I believed that they may have some type of Intel seeing as how they have a certain access to player stats that they have some type of affiliation in information with Bungie or just wanted a reaction) [Edit] [i]"It's a Raid Weapon.....":[/i] So? What percentage of people do you think got their good weapons from Raid? Or their gear for that matter? Want to ban the Raid gear from PvP too? C'mon....Seriously? [Truth Edit] Want to know why the VMC is smacking you and making you cry like a baby in Crucible when your SUROS doesn't cut it anymore after you were just spanking some Level 4 with it? In the Regular Crucible the Level Advantage is Disabled. Thus, only Impact and ROF matter. Your Gear's stats can't pad the Impact from the VMC and you get destroyed. Bottom Line. Response to Above Truth Edit: "Oh so you agree that it's OP?! HAHA IDIOT! SEE?!" My Rebuttal: Stop. Because Hand Cannons, Fusion Rifles, and Shotguns can dish out the same TTK that the Vex can in the given conditions. Learn to outstrafe the damn gun instead of trying to rush out just because you have the SUROS and think you're entitled to a kill in every gun fight. Sick of people wanting to be carried through stuff. I've gotten into gunfights with the VMC and actually felt the competitiveness of the game for once where I had to adapt, rather than trading every kill. [As stated in reply to someone else] [i]"Wouldn't the SUROS be declared as "Supremely imbalanced" if it wasn't available to everyone like it was? [/i] The SUROS and VMC are both EXOTIC and should have the advantage of such. They're to be EARNED guns, not distributed like Green and Blue Engrams. The only reason the VMC is considered OP is because it wasn't handed out like the SUROS was, bottom line." [Edit] [i]"VMC shouldn't be allowed because I can't beat Hard Mode Raid"[/i] .......Then look for a good raid team. [DestinyTracker - LFG] As a matter of fact. If you have an Xbox One...Add me - GT: KingFwego Hope that increases your chances of padding your K/D in Crucible. GL.[/spoiler] Phase 2 [spoiler][b]The new patch notes say it all. Here's the big one for everyone:[/b] Exotic Weapons Vex Mythoclast Base Damage decreased by 34% Increased Precision Damage multiplier from 1.25 -> 1.50 (headshot bonus) [u][/u][/spoiler] This Post is Old. Read Spoilers if you're new to Destiny or Forums. Welcome to Destiny and the bit of history that the game has....

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  • Why cry about nerfing guns in Pvp making them useless in pve? It's not impossible to have the gun stay as strong in PVE and tweak it a little for PVP. There problem fixed. Nerfing doesn't always translate to literally nerf it, or make it useless. That's some borderline thinking right there. Happily continues playing. Happily needing DLC/new content very soon.

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    • I am surprised at the number of posts that basically say, "Yea It's OP but I earned the right to be OP, (insert comment making fun of other players), (insert comment about the sky is falling)" PVP should be about gear variety and this gun will take that away long term as it stands right now.

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    • I dont see the problem.. i dont have the gun..In fact i suck at the game but come on guys if they dnt deserve the right to be over you on the scoreboards go get your own..Wait you cant? So your not as good??... and would die anyway and lose to these guys??? OOOOH i get it now.. SMDH :/

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    • Nobody is earning the Vex lol ENG cannot be earned you moron. Vex needs a nerf, hwavy ammo/special ammo should spawn way less, and suros regime isnt broken. Shoot shingin-e a rare gun out guns it lol. I like how nobody cries about atheons epilogue which is better than suros lol

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      15 Replies
      • Don't see why everyone is so pissed about this gun but the fact that I can pick up heavy ammo and get 6 rockets is no big deal. 6 rockets is pretty much a guaranty 6 kills or more yet no big deal right.

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        • I have bumped into a couple of Vex users, and while frustrating, they earn't it via the hardest thing in the game to date. I am not likely to raid anytime soon, but I won't begrudge someone who has put the time into get this.

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        • People cry for nerfs, then other people cry about the nerfs... Tis the way of the Bungie forums, sickening though it is. But really the VMC needs a nerf. It's TTK is significantly faster than other primaries, including the Suros. Right now if two people play perfecty, and one has the VMC, the one with the VMC wins. They can't have that, because then it will be the only fun people will end up using. Except those who can't beat the raid on hard, and they will just quit.

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        • I don't have the Vex but I want it, and I'm inclined to agree with you.

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        • This is seriously false information.. especially coming from a site like that. [i]@DestinyTrack: "The Vex Mythoclast can kill twice as fast as the Suros Regime. Expect a heavy nerf on that. Balance is key"[/i] I have Vex and Suros max. I've used them both quite a bit in PvP. While Vex is powerful, but it in no way "kills twice as fast" as Suros. People are crying against a gun they havent even used and in some cases have never even been killed by. Just seen videos. But, it will get nerfed. Because this is the most self entitled cry babies I have ever seen in a community. If someone has something they dont, or can use a weapon better than they can. They run here crying. And Devs loves crybabies.

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          • The Mythoclast should be nerfed only in PVP. Every gun should be at the same level in the Crucible. That's balancing. In modes like Iron Banner it's fine when powerful guns are OP.

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            • Edited by iTiyy: 10/7/2014 8:13:10 PM
              All I can say is I have played against a fair share of Guardians with VMC in crucible, and using the right tactics, you can handle them fairly easily. You just can't rush in guns blazing with your Invisible Hand thinking you will clear them out. Competitive play does not work that way. The gun is earned from a very difficult mission, and still has some drawbacks to its stats, not OP if you play against it properly. If Bungie feels a need to nerf it, then the evidence will lie in the metadata from the Crucible.

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            • Please understand that Bungie's source of information for game balance comes from matchmaking metadata, not the forums. If something is nerfed, then it needed to be nerfed. No one has to say a thing on the forums for it to happen.

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              • im assuming you havent played against someone who has a mythoclast. if you saw how its not even close to any other weapon in the game you would understand why it needs a nerf. i have comepleted the raid on hard twice and i dont have a mythoclast so does that mean i havent "earned" it? its all RNG based, so the people who are "lucky" with RNG shouldnt have a head and shoulders advantage over other players

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              • So much rage.

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              • Edited by killer6000: 10/7/2014 7:49:17 PM
                First off none of the exotics are op in my opinion that being said the vex mythoclast i played against it the only thing that kills faster is insta kills. I don't have problem with it though because the guy was bad and it was the only one I have seen so far.

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              • I'll admit that the only thing that might have been nerfed that I minorly "whined about" was the BladeDancer class. Gun-wise, I'm not too bothered by it. Yeah, I still think Sniping is cheap, and to be honest I don't use the Fusion Rifle because I stunk with the RailGun in Halo 4. Other than that, I'm more complaining about the complaining.

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              • I have played 100s of rounds and never come across one, I'm willing to bet only .01% of Guardians have this gun. They deserve an OP gun for what they went through to get it(with most people just getting a stupid shader)

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                • yaaayyyyyyyyy

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                • I was thinking we needed another one of these threads...oh wait, no I wasn't.

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                • In case you forgot the Vex Mytho is a fusion rifle lol

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                • Good post

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                • Thats how i feel :D

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                • Hey if Bungie listens to the whiners and nerfs it that`s on them, they made the game they have every right to hold their ground and stand by their product. Stop caving into the whiners.

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                • Bungies SAYS they're going to nerf the Mythoclast. But Bungie saying they're going to do something vs. them actually doing it is a big difference. There's a whole crap load of stuff they said they would do with Destiny and look where we are. Has the Suros been nerfed? What about other autos and shotties? Has the Juju and Thorn been buffed? Nope. Bungie said they'd do this too.

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                  2 Replies
                  • I got the vex yesterday. Initially the kick is terrible. Zen movement is a huge help to that. The range isn't that great. Close-mid is optimal range. Headshots range from 54-56 a hit (don't have damage buff ability yet). It has a fast time to kill if you get headshots frequently. Body shots are around 44 I think. Understanding the gun's strengths let you find out its weaknesses. It's bad down ranges and shotguns still ohk up close. All numbers are from iron banner if it means anything.

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                  • I think both should get taken down a notch in crucible. Only shooter I've played where I used auto rifles all the time.

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