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Edited by Recon Number 54: 2/16/2015 10:44:22 AM

Are You Serious..........? [Vex Mythoclast]

Original Post [spoiler][Edit] I bet you thought I was going to cry about the VMC smacking me in PvP...Nope. [b][Original Post][/b] So rumor has it that the Vex Mythoclast is getting a nerf (No I don't have it.....yet) due to all the continuous crying. My question is are you -blam!-ing serious? The Community gets HANDED a TOP TIER weapon [SUROS Regime] and now that they can't get handed the Vex Mythoclast and it's actually an EARNED Exotic; people are crying like babies and want it nerfed. That's the most idiotic thing I've ever heard. Crucible ISN'T the only part of this game and the Vex Mythoclast CAN be earned by everyone through vigorous means. Shotguns are still OHKO'ing. Fusion Rifles are still OHKO'ing But everyone wants to target the Vex Mythoclast because they can't get it, because they don't have the patience or smarts to figure out how to beat the Raid Mode. [b][Stop Here If TL;DR is Kicking In][/b] [Edit] [i]Where did I hear/see such a rumor: [/i] @DestinyTrack: "The Vex Mythoclast can kill twice as fast as the Suros Regime. Expect a heavy nerf on that. Balance is key" (I believed that they may have some type of Intel seeing as how they have a certain access to player stats that they have some type of affiliation in information with Bungie or just wanted a reaction) [Edit] [i]"It's a Raid Weapon.....":[/i] So? What percentage of people do you think got their good weapons from Raid? Or their gear for that matter? Want to ban the Raid gear from PvP too? C'mon....Seriously? [Truth Edit] Want to know why the VMC is smacking you and making you cry like a baby in Crucible when your SUROS doesn't cut it anymore after you were just spanking some Level 4 with it? In the Regular Crucible the Level Advantage is Disabled. Thus, only Impact and ROF matter. Your Gear's stats can't pad the Impact from the VMC and you get destroyed. Bottom Line. Response to Above Truth Edit: "Oh so you agree that it's OP?! HAHA IDIOT! SEE?!" My Rebuttal: Stop. Because Hand Cannons, Fusion Rifles, and Shotguns can dish out the same TTK that the Vex can in the given conditions. Learn to outstrafe the damn gun instead of trying to rush out just because you have the SUROS and think you're entitled to a kill in every gun fight. Sick of people wanting to be carried through stuff. I've gotten into gunfights with the VMC and actually felt the competitiveness of the game for once where I had to adapt, rather than trading every kill. [As stated in reply to someone else] [i]"Wouldn't the SUROS be declared as "Supremely imbalanced" if it wasn't available to everyone like it was? [/i] The SUROS and VMC are both EXOTIC and should have the advantage of such. They're to be EARNED guns, not distributed like Green and Blue Engrams. The only reason the VMC is considered OP is because it wasn't handed out like the SUROS was, bottom line." [Edit] [i]"VMC shouldn't be allowed because I can't beat Hard Mode Raid"[/i] .......Then look for a good raid team. [DestinyTracker - LFG] As a matter of fact. If you have an Xbox One...Add me - GT: KingFwego Hope that increases your chances of padding your K/D in Crucible. GL.[/spoiler] Phase 2 [spoiler][b]The new patch notes say it all. Here's the big one for everyone:[/b] Exotic Weapons Vex Mythoclast Base Damage decreased by 34% Increased Precision Damage multiplier from 1.25 -> 1.50 (headshot bonus) [u][/u][/spoiler] This Post is Old. Read Spoilers if you're new to Destiny or Forums. Welcome to Destiny and the bit of history that the game has....

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  • I think both should get taken down a notch in crucible. Only shooter I've played where I used auto rifles all the time.

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    • Happens in every mmo, little cry baby pvpers whine and shed their childish tears to nerf everything to the ground. Its pathetic and the sooner people learn this isn't Cod the better, there is more to this game than the crucible so stop jerking off over your k/d's and grow up.

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      5 Replies
      • It's 10x more powerful than anything else in the game and needs to be nerfed. ARs and shotguns are unbalanced and need to be fixed but the mythoclast is on a whole different level of OP and is completely gamebreaking. Bungie isn't going to let the main focus of their game (pvp) be destroyed by 1 gun; they're going to nerf it.

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        13 Replies
        • I couldn't agree with op more

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          • Vex Mythclast and really all guns should have separate effects for pve and pvp which in return should solve most issues with pvp. One can be good at raiding but suck a s s at pvp but become a "God" just because he is good at a pve Hard Mode Raid so in that case PHUCK LOGIC!

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            2 Replies
            • Shotguns and fusion rifles SHOULD one hit kill. You need to be close to see enemy nostrils with shotguns and with fusion rifles you need to charge it up. Both have slower rate of fire than sniper rifle does. Unless you have some uber exotic gun. So yeah, when guns have this many drawbacks, they should kill with one hit.

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            • The Suros sucks. It fires slow af. I hardly see anyone use it in pvp

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              • ANY CRUCIBLE BUFF/NERF SHOULD APPLY TO CRUCIBLE ONLY. That's right. Seeing as the only people complaining about guns needing buffs/nerfs are pvp lifers, let them ruin their own game. I think ANY AND ALL changes to weapons should affect how they perform in Crucible ONLY. It should have no effect on the primary game that Destiny is, which is pve. I swear, this game will be ruined if developers cater to every pvp kiddo's whines and cries. I hope it is possible to nerf/buff a weapon within pvp ONLY, otherwise pve will suffer, and the vast majority of people who play this game for pve and could give two craps about pvp are going to be the ones left out to dry.

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              • You know Xur will be selling it soon so everyone will have it and all will be good in pvp again.

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                • Lot's of scammed guardians are mad here, thank the Cryptarch for that.

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                • Mythoclast is really over hyped. I'd rather let out an icebreaker round to the head.

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                  3 Replies
                  • Vex MC is purple, not yellow. Legendary with better stats than an exotic.

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                    7 Replies
                    • Edited by sergeantawesome: 10/7/2014 6:19:59 PM
                      Couldn't read it because, while it was something that had been earned and players who have it deserve it, it has no place in PvP other than Iron Banner matches. The other game modes are supposed to have some sort of balance and equality to them, which is why there is the iron banner. It shouldn't get a nerf, it should be outright banned from non-iron banner matches. But, I really don't care because crucible has to work first to complain about a weapon. If this weapon is not balanced for PvP, then a lot of others must not be either.

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                    • You are an idiot.....really enough said but just to clarify my statement. I have no problem with this PVE it should be powerful let it be a great reward....its awesome....but 4 shot (2 HS) kill in PVP is unbalanced...and for a PVP to survive balance is the key. I say dont mess with the gun and made all raid lvl weaponry not available for PVP (except maybe the new Iron Banner). Remember balance is >>>>>> any rewards/realism/reason you desire to have a weapon that is clearly head and shoulders above all other weapons. The Suros is def not OP for PVP in fact I have found most weapons to be pretty well balanced but this weapon has absolutely no drawback to using it. If they didnt change the weapon but made any one using this weapon in PVP lose up to 4 armor points that by itself could be enough to balance the weapon by making the user squishier. In the end balance is the key and this weapon is not balanced....can a skilled player beat a less skills player who uses this weapon? Yes but with 2 players of equal skill the mythoclast will win 100% of the time and that is a balance concern.

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                      17 Replies
                      • Edited by The Templar: 10/7/2014 6:04:37 PM
                        Pocket infinity

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                      • People will cry about players who use the Mythoclast, but will use it when they own it. LOL

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                      • Mind linking where it says Vex Mythoclast is getting nerfed?

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                      • HAHA. This is hilarious. I worked my ass off to find a good team to do the raid on hard. I have beaten it twice now and finally got the VMC on this latest run. All you noobs cry so hard about getting beat down with it because the only skill you have is being the one with the best weapons. You strive to have the number one gun. You spend coins on suros or red death expecting to just be Billy badass right out of the gate. Why don't you try playing pve and actually learning something about tactics and REAL teamwork. But in the meantime just keep crying to mommy about getting spanked because I find it most enjoyable. And for those OP believers I have used it multiple times in PvP and gotten spanked myself by everything out there. It all comes down to who shoots first, accuracy and impact. Just because someone had a VMC doesn't mean they are going to beat you. Have faith and just keep playing the game. There will be new and exciting weapons and armor with every dlc. That might be your chance to shine.

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                      • Haven't even earned the VMC yet & I already agree that it shouldn't be nerfed. People worked their ass off for that OP gun and so it should be exactly that... Difficult raid = OP gun as a reward, completely fair. Separates the skilled players from the scrubs, only the skilled groups will get the hard mode rewards. So congrats to anyone that's earned it. I'll be trying for it soon :3

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                      • Rockets too stronk, need 2 be b& now.

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                        • So many edits... It's like revisionist history

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                        • all noobs bro they allways gotta -blam!- with shit that dont need -blam!-ed with

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                        • I don't have the gun but it's only ever op if the person wielding it is good enough. I've encountered it and won against it multiple times. Players who do finish the raid on hard should get that! Players who complain about not having time and saying it's not fair, well it's tough cookies for you. Why does someone who has the time to play suffer because you don't have time? Make time for the game so you can get better. If you don't have the time to, well I'm here to say sorry because the game will continue and people will get better gear and you will be mediocre still. Just because you simply don't have time doesn't mean others who have the time should suffer with you because of your circumstances. Get real. Life isn't fair and Destiny for sure isn't. That Vex gun is one of the few things that you can actually be proud of having because you overcame great challenges to get it. Nerfing it would just lower the guns value. Doesn't need a nerf.

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                          1 Reply
                          • THANK YOU. You put my feelings into words, you're a hero.

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                          • Regime and Vex M need to be nerf.

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                          • The people commenting about how it should be nerfed a -blam!-ing retarded and clearly did not read the post. The power on guns do not -blam!-ing matter. It's all about the impact of a gun, this person is right and you people only want to nerf it because you do not have it. I don't have it but i do want it. Not to really use in PVP but for future raids and because i collect exotics. If anything should be nerfed it is shotguns and fusion rifles, the way i kill people with fusion rifles is ridiculous. I call bullshit on myself sometimes when i use fusion rifles. You people need to -blam!-ing know what you are talking about before posting. So to say again, unless it is iron banner, your stats do not -blam!-ing matter and the only thing that counts in a game is impact. other than that we are all the same as lvl 1 players.

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