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10/10/2014 11:09:13 PM
Ok, maybe I'm doing it wrong or something then because I don't see how people are earning so many strange coins and can't see how it is a gimme or not earned. For me, it's difficult because I have to rely on matchmaking and have to lean heavily on the 1st player experience because my friends aren't exactly gamers. I do the daily's and often times on the 2nd highest setting. I can't play all the time because I do have a full time job and a family. The weekly's are difficult because I don't have a fireteam (I can usually hold my own until the tank boss and then it's downhill from there). I do the vanguard missions and I haven't dabbled too much in the Crucible. (5 times when I was a noob at most about a month ago and got destroyed). I'm Lvl 25 Warlock with 2 legendary pieces of armor and sitting on a massive *sarcasm* 9 strange coins. That being said...I've earned those coins through a lot of hard solo work. I can hold my own and often times do when in Matchmaking strikes but if there is no matchmaking, I can't really do it. Bottom line is this: I consider every strange coin and mote of light well earned. I've spent weeks building those coins up and when my time comes to buy from the great Xur...I don't see how I worked any less than anyone else who has an exotic. How is that not 'earning' my eventual piece of exotic hardware I will buy? You can play Destiny in so many different ways and earn it.

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  • I'm on ps4 psn Id captain_molo would help anyone grind out strange coins on weekly.

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  • HA...I remember back in the day...when I was a level 25 warlock and I wrote this post. Good times. I still say strange coins aren't raining down but I've got a little nest egg to save for a rainy day. I do have to knock out the Weekly still though.

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  • Sorry, I'm at work and did not even look at the date (facepalm self and look to sky while muttering under breath) DOH!!

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  • Edited by Walter Melon: 10/11/2014 4:54:08 AM
    Ok check it I can make up to 27 in one day, but it has to be a good day. I have 3 characters. I have a 28, 27, and 25. I said good day because its hard to find somebody willing to take a low level. I usually have to tell them I have done it twice and have exotic weapons and sometimes they let me tag along. Thats how I get strange coin. Also you can try doing strike playlists for a few hours and spam engrams at that trolls face to get some. I would average 4 by doing this. If you are on PS4 my PSN - DrunkenMonkey303

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  • I know how you feel mate I am same it takes weeks to build up strange coins

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  • [quote]I know how you feel mate I am the same it takes weeks to build up strange coins[/quote]

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  • I'm crcruz3 on PSN. I have a lot of friends on PS4 and I will help you with Weekly Strikes and Raid if you like.

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  • Dude, you totally just described my situation as well. I've never been able to do any VoG raids at all. I do play in Crucible a lot so I get a few of the coins and motes of light. I honestly think I wasted some on a cape or something like that, not realizing that I could use them to buy exotics with.

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  • I would love to give that a crack but at the rate it's taking me to get to level 26 just to qualify by the time I'm ready then I have to try to find a fireteam that won't consider me dead weight as they run through it for the 400th time. I hear the VoG raid is the most brilliant FPS design in a while. Too bad I can't be 'matched' in a group to solve it. I don't understand how there is matchmaking in parts of this game and in others where it is absent. Stinks being left out but it is what it is I suppose. Still a great game. I was excited today because I thought I only needed 13 motes of light for an engram which I do have....but it's actually 23. Bah. I'll get there. I'll get there... I wish there was a reward (more than a trophy) for maxing out a subclass. I just finished Voidwalker last night and now am working on the Sun. It'd be awesome if there was something for maxing both. My guess there isn't...

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  • Don't feel like you would be dead weight, I will help anyone grind out marks, engrams, strange coins. Even played on my sons character today to try and get the little man enough coins for IB from our. I will try and help anyone as I am sure would the ( majority) of good people on here would. Captain_molo ps4

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  • if you're on x box one ill help you get coins, i know the struggle

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  • I made 23 notes of light in one day by running tiger strikes. At least one out of every three blue engrams is a light and one out of ten change to a legendary. For me anyway.

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  • hey if you need a hand in game send invite if im alvalibe to help i will no problem. i play between 6 and 11 west coast gt. GINO DeMAZZA

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  • weekly heroic on highest level will get you 9 coins and you can do that once a week

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  • Thanks Postmaster. Unless I'm wrong, I think the highest I can qualify for right now is +6 strange coins given my level. The problem though is the tank boss in the end of the strikes. I can handle the mass of the other enemies leading up to that but the tank takes forever if you try to take it on solo and one misstep and you're toast. I like a good challenge like the next guy but the weekly strikes where you try to take it solo definitely feel like (for a Warlock maxed Voidwalker) you need others or it takes FOREVER.

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  • Haha, I feel your pain, I got one shotted by the tank and had ZERO ammo!! I restarted and killed that Blammmer with grenades, it took ages. My advice is build 2 characters then you can do easy level and still net 6 coins going solo.

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  • There are strategies to solo the strikes, specifically the bosses. I do it all the time. There was a thread on here listing a bunch but I couldn't find it for you. Punch 'solo nightfall' into YouTube and you'll see what I mean. Otherwise come find me online and I'll show you. PSN:n_sii

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  • Thanks Spoon I'll check it out.

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  • Completely agree. If you are playing the game, you earn it. Maybe more than the person who got the lucky drop while also playing the same thing you were playing. I've yet to turn on Destiny and have an exotic just waiting for me for free. Everyone earns them, just in different ways.

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  • Ok I have to ask how did u get a completely free exotic without playing? Just curious

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  • I said I've yet to get one free lol. I don't think anyone gets anything free in the game. You play anything you earned it.

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  • Ha my bad. Exotic or no I'm still having fun. Wish there was more reward for exploring every nook and cranny and maybe a few more missions.

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  • Yea me too. I just bought my first exotics today and you honestly don't need them for PvE and that's all I play. Don't get me wrong though it is a nice addition. Hopefully they release some new unique weapons.

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