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10/15/2014 4:56:25 AM
getting tired of these nerfs... i have the vex i have used it in pvp and yes i agree it was slightly over powered. but this 35% damage reduction is a bit out of line. in pvp you have 2 major options. great accuracy and range with a low mag or a large mag with less accuracy and range. i have used it plenty of times and i have never seen it 3 shot people... not without the damage perk after killing somone. another thing ive noticed is travel time on the bullets. at long distance you can dodge every shot and i know you can because ive done it against someone else using the vex. if you compare it to other fusion rifles the vex can come off second best at close range.. a skilled player will be able to pre charge (around a corner) and fire (generally a 1 shot kill) a normal fusion rifle before the vex can get off 3 shots (witch although is says it has no charge time if you tap the trigger once you will see it has a small charge time) i have traded deaths on many occasions with suros and shingins more than i could count and shotguns well lets not go there. i think a better 'nerf' might have been to tweek the accuracy and recoil. and a slight damage reduction not 35% rendering it to nothing but a stash gun for show. i also think what people are say is to there a just to many crybabies out there... every gun has different characteristics and that's how it should stay.. if your not willing to work for better guns don't whinge about them so that the people who put in the time and effort to get them enjoy them. but as off the patch it seems bungie is just going to follow the trend and just start nerfing everything one by one.

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