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Edited by LordHighfixxer: 10/22/2014 3:48:50 PM

Bungie: An Open Letter From A Concerned Player

Bungie, I am becoming exasperated with you. I had been looking forward to Destiny since it was unveiled. It was the amalgam of social FPS and persistent world that I was looking for. Okay so that's not was delivered. Nothing apart from your personal stats and inventory persists. The game mechanics are solid and my friends and I had been having fun so I decided to stick with it & give you the benefit of the doubt because of your history of producing games that I have thoroughly enjoyed. You have asked for feedback and [b][u][url=]I have been providing it constantly[/url][/b][/u] in an effort to try to help improve what feels like a 75% complete game at drop. Your players have dealt with two DDoS attacks along with other ongoing network/server issues. There have been PSN/XBL service issues that are not your fault & I understand that. What I cannot understand is how you are simply ignoring your players. Last week you nerf'd ARs, shotguns, the Vex Mytho & some other weapons in the name of balance, PvP balance. Your players provided you constructive criticism for a week outlining that there needs to be a wall between the PvE and PvP weapon and armor values tables. Agree or disagree I have not seen anywhere where you even acknowledge the suggestion. The weekly update contained a vague & ambiguous statement about balance. However the sentiment of your quest for balance is faulty [u][b][url=]which I tried to illustrate to you yesterday.[/url] [/b][/u] I am not arrogant enough to think I deserve an individual response to all of my criticism but when so many people agree on certain points Bungie should feel an obligation to respond to the community at large. We are largely against the changes being made to the 3rd phase of the Atheon fight, especially considering that[u][b] [url=]this "bugfix" has been prioritized over fixing actual issues with the raid[/url][/b] [/u] like the gates & how the shield sometimes just doesn't work. We've all provided you feedback on [b][u][url=]how to improve the PvE[/url][/u][/b] and [b][u][url=] PvP experiences[/url][/b][/u]. We'd like to see inventory management improved. We'd like to see loadouts due to the Exotic Weapon restrictions. We'd like to see a way to apply ammo synthesis quickly without having to go two levels into a menu. Many people would like to see an opt in proximity chat, better matchmaking for PvE events and overall improved social features. If you are considering these options, great. You have to tell us. We know that "prox comms are coming". That's about it. There are buckets of other criticisms involving the lack of depth in the story, the failure to hook players into the world & the lack of delivery on promises concerning our ability to customize our Guardian to be uniquely ours. People are not happy about having to go to a website to dig into the lore. The grind of the game through 5 strikes & the same repetitive bounties is wearing on many. There are also more concerning accusations regarding what future DLC content was withheld behind a paywall (if any was). True or not those accusations are dividing your community badly. I have done what I can by providing the feedback you've requested. [b][u][url=] I've even indexed my feedback for you[/url][/b][/u]. What stings is that Bungie does not appear to be hearing its players. We get one blog post a week where your Community Liason Deej plays funny. This comes off condescending to many of us due to the pile of issues we would like to see responses from Bungie on. Please, respond to some of our ideas. Positive or negative... respond. Respond with more than "keep on giving that feedback" when people ask for raid matchmaking. You are, as of today, one week away from seeing many of your Crucible players find the airlock when CoD drops. Right now I cannot blame anyone who shelves or sells this game because of the failure to deliver on the advertised promises let alone the inability of Bungie/Deej to provide meaningful responses to valid criticisms and suggestions for improvement of our game. I am personally sticking with you just a little while longer but while I was initially an ardent supporter of Bungie, Destiny, & your DLC pay model I am now on the fence. [u][b][url=]What comes with The Dark Below[/url] [/b][/u] will be my progress check with you. If you have not heard us by then and provided us with clear path and timeline for when some of these needed improvements will come, I will sadly move on. I know I am not alone. Please start respecting the voice of your players. We understand you had a vision but sometimes you have to put the hubris aside and realize that the vision has to change. Many of us are tired of posting to a wall that no one with the power to make changes seems to be reading. Respectfully //Ozman51 (anyone who agrees please bump this post in addition to a Like to keep it on the top of the forums for others to read, thanks) [b]Edit: 10/21/14 12:10p ET[/b] - I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their support and to those of you who have offered comments for largely keeping the tone civil and for generating good side discussions. Keep on bumping, liking and commenting. I have been trying to reply to as many people as I can. I truly do appreciate your input and criticism. [b] Edit 2: 10/22/14 11:25am ET[/b] - DeeJ posted in the main Destiny forum yesterday directly "On Community Feedback". I believe this post from him was motivated by negative reaction to his coverage of a 3rd party website in lieu of addressing real issues but some had suggested that he was talking about this post as well and as such I felt inclined to [b][url=]write a reply[/url][/b] to him.

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  • Could not agree more.

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  • *Bump

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  • Here a "Bump" Friend.

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  • Bump Bungie community relations on these complaints has been...lacking to put it the most mild way I know how. If players really do bail on this game you might see action. As it is now I think they are counting on this blowing over with minimal player losses. I remember a ton of hate around Reach but at the end of the day that was a pretty good game to me. Destiny is by no stretch of the imagination as good as Reach but I think they are waiting to see if this is just haters or if it will really impact their bottom line. They have made a crap ton of money already so it is going to be hard to convince Bungie this is not working without playing CoD for the next year. No matter what everyone has lost here. I hate to sound so pessimistic but our complaining is ignored however, if we just play another game the changes possibly cannot be made because the demand isn't there. This is where good community relations come in. Accountants and executives aside Bungie doesn't want to make a game people buy and then immediately trade in because they hate it. Someone has to step up over there and connect with us so we feel like we are being heard. Maybe this game doesn't get fixed. Maybe we have to wait for Destiny 2 for fixes. As long as we are being listened to I think that will mediate the damage. Blog posts are not CR. There is no relationship there and only Bungie thinks things are being handled in that process. This post is fine but others need to understand mindlessly hating on Bungie is only going to make things worse because they cannot sort out the constructive feedback from the noise and it all gets ignored.

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    2 Replies
    • Edited by PaXXXman: 10/22/2014 3:22:08 PM
      bump. I Approve all that you say. Especially the part where you say you were supporting the DLC economic system. I was the first arguing with people to say the dlc payment method is a way to avoid monthly subscribtion. And then later, i heard the budget for that game.... I was then really disapointed. Went back to Path Of Exile (FREE GAME WITH NO P2W) a game that has been rich in content and deep in his caracter progression (Best Tech Tree in all the games i've played)since closed Beta. I'm not comparing both game since it is not the same genre. I'm comparing both company with what they delivered with what they had... People, go see the PoE forums and you'll see Chris (one of the main developper of the game) answering every single thread. Grinding Gear Games community focus is the best i have seen in a long time if not of all time. Please Hear us Bungie!! We really wanna help you improve ur game so everybody enjoys it!! Destiny's (halo-ish) gameplay is perfect! Even my girlfriend enjoys it when she hates video game. She loves the Horde mode of halo and the easy feel of the overpowered FPS player. Best way to learn how to play FPS is by playing games like halo! So i'm just saying ur game has the potential ofpleasing almost anybody who plays it. But please don't forget the real hardcore gamers who have 20+ hours to spend a week during vacations on video games. Don't limit us to what the last gen consoles can do.. I bought my Xbox One JUST FOR DESTINY, not joking. I'm a PC player and god knows i would not have any problems putting those 600$ (xbox, game, expensions, collector book) in one of those new GTX 980. I'm pretty sure all the people mad complaning about the game is because they don't know how to express their feelings. But they just want to be heard because they love your game and see the potential of what you gave us. If the developpement was to take place for ten years, from my point of vew, they should have taken at least 25% of the game at lunch. the next 25% in the next 3 years so they can concentrate on balancing and community focus. An then for the next 7 years, give us the rest of the 50% of the game that you will create while we play the actual done content. Sometimes a pause between new ideas can be refreshing and gives you time to read our post for the new ideas we have and wanna give you. For me, from what i see, this is 10% of the games potential. When i see games like planetside 2, Rift, or SW Battlefront coming out in the next years (Chek out the new pre-alpha feed!! The game looks Awesome!!) or many other games, when i see games like that i really feel like you could dosomething really BIG and EPIC! We are all waiting for that!! :) Love you Bungie! Please Hear us! Please Deej, Make them hear us. Just make them answer so we know what is goin on!! I don't care about a new comunity/leaderboards website. Improve this one!!Make it Synch with the game or Xbox-Live account. Xbox One delivered some nice friendly user comunication and stuff. Use the platform they gave you!

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      3 Replies
      • Fully supported bump. I'm mainly a PvE player and I've been salivating for an improvement to the story model. It's lackluster. I believe this is because the dialogue is bland beyond repair. Peter Dinklage is the only character you truly interact with and he has a grand total of two lines in the entire campaign that are memorable. The "don't do that" response to the "little light" comment was the highlight of the campaign in my opinion. I understand the dilemma of trying to make a game where YOU are the protagonist interesting while trying not to overpower your own personality with stronger personalities from NPCs and more dynamic cast members but in my opinion, that is the opposite path to immersion. There are no ties to the world that are created or strengthened. The Grimoire cards annex your interaction with the lore and compartmentalize your experience with the game. You did not have to reveal everything. What NEEDED to take place was a solid introduction that laid the foundation for a continuous storyline that would prompt a return to the world to discover more myth and more legend. I believe it is fully possible to play as yourself while still feeling like a part of the storyline. I could name a number of other games that have done this well. I enjoy immersion. I want dynamic and compelling characters with humorous and memorable dialogue that both enlightens my understanding of the world but leaves me with many tantalizing questions. Please Bungie, do what you did so well with the Halo series. I feel this is a far cry from your past lofty storytelling genius. #Deej please listen. I was terribly saddened when I realized the #liveactiontrailer was more interesting than the entire #storyline of #destiny thus far. This is my #feedback.

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        10 Replies
        • Well said my friend.

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        • Edited by TheKnuckleMonkey: 10/22/2014 2:58:27 PM
          What he said^^^^ /roll on November

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        • Bump

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          2 Replies
          • This right here expresses my feelings completely.

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          • Edited by Ruddley: 10/22/2014 2:58:36 PM
            The biggest thing is the communication. Bungie could quell a bunch of the bitching just to bitch if they would show up and communicate on the forums. I also think that a community that is some 3 million strong needs more than just 1 community manager. There should be a community management team that is on the forums. Edit: spelling

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            • I think the reason destiny failed to live up to all expectations is because sections of it have been done so well before Think about it Great sci fi shooting-Halo Great sci fi storytelling-Mass Effect Great character customization- Mass Effect again, skyrim etc. I think because the Gaming market is so saturated with good games and content its becoming harder to find good games let alone great games. Dont get me wrong this isnt at excuse they should still be trying to be top of each aspect. What do you think?

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            • If this shallow, hollow, boring games does not get radically fixed soon, the player base will evaporate. Its gonna be hilarious when the pitiful defenders of this disappointing travesty, find themselves alone in the Tower, wondering where everybody went.

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            • All of the bumps

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            • Bumping

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            • A bump, for you my fair sir

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            • I didnt read it all. But i just hate you because bungie. So bumpity mother fackin bumpity bump bump bump batch

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            • Bump tho I doubt bungie cares

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            • It is becoming concerning. Blizzard and even squares FFXIV team try to communicate regularly with players about their concerns and upcoming changes and patches.

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            • bump for justice!

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            • Edited by BurpeesOnTheBeep: 10/22/2014 1:07:46 PM
              This is worded perfectly!

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            • Really great post

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            • Edited by sro26: 10/22/2014 12:33:07 PM
              Still nothing about rocket launcher self termination... Deej responded to the community in the Destiny forum, its general, but it's a response with replies that reference this post.

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              • Bump

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              • This.

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              • bump (again)

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