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Edited by TheyCallMeHodor: 10/22/2014 1:06:21 PM

Im too old for this shit?

Im 29 turning 30 in Feb and I feel like im too old to be playing, I have a wife and 2 kids in which I spend quality time with and work 6-7 days a week usually. I play Destiny whenever I find the time to do so but lately I keep getting invited to do VOG (I still havent done it yet) and the other 5 fire team peeps are like screaming 12-13 year olds and that is also the reason I refuse to use a mic. Tbh, I feel embarrassed because these people are young and being the only adult just makes me feel uneasy, like if I used a mic and spoke they will probably give me shit about my age and some of the people wont let me come do VOG unless I use a mic anyways. It was like when I played mw2 when it came out and the lobbies filled up with screaming trash talking kids and it spread like a cancer so I quit and haven't touched a CoD game since lol. I bought the game to enjoy it,not to listen to kids yell at each other going on about being molested by their dad or gay this and gay that. I just dont know what to do? I think I might just stay at level 29, any other adults here that feel like they can somewhat relate to this? [EDIT] So much positive feedback, I was not expecting so many replies and you can believe me when I write that I have read every single comment in this thread and it warms the heart knowing just how many others are just like me. Thank you so much everybody. Oh and I noticed a few people asking what console im on, im on the PS4 and I will be sure to check out the mature clans out there that were suggested.

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  • Any older player clans on ps3 that I can join? 42 y/o firefighter from Holland here.

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  • honestly, I have tons of playtime, am 32, and can count on one hand the amount of times I was partied with annoying kids

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  • I am 32, 2 kids, play as often as time allows. It isn't a big deal for me if I get young kids in a group. If things start getting out of hand I just drop the group and go back to the forums. The raids are the meat of this game. Everything else is just the appetizer.

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  • I know 4 50 year olds that play this game sooo... Ur fine buddy

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  • Join a dads of destiny clan. I think it will fit the play style youre looking for.

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  • Edited by vvvORTIZvvv: 2/20/2015 9:47:57 PM
    Im 38 have wife and 3 kids and I love video games i have started a mature clan +35 years only i have no members I want quality not cuantity so check out my clan

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  • Not being funny but i'm almost 20 and i've never came across kids and I play every day, they may not be that old but the majority are 20-30 !

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  • 28 years old on Xbox though. I have a kid, and really do usually enjoy spending time with my wife when my kid goes to sleep. Sometimes it bothers me that I feel like I'm getting left behind by some of the younger gamers, but then I think to myself f*ck it. I like the game and nobody is going to make me feel like I'm a burden, because I can only find time to play 1 or 2 times a week. You bought the game, and you should do all you can to enjoy it man.

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  • Nah man. I'm 30 and marries w 2 young kids too. Usually have to stay up super late and don't use a mic so I won't wake the house. Slowly but surely worked my way up though to 31. Add me if u wanna run strikes nightfalls heroics. Same as name.

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  • I'm 20, most players I play with sound about 14-18 then you'll have the other half that sound 30-40. I hate playing with kids 12 and younger no offense but it's just painful

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  • I'm 40, going on 41 this year. I play with others, some of them in their 50's. Try "the 100". It pairs a group of 100 players, with the same age and play times.

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  • heh I turn 50 in a few months so you are not to old and I believe there are a few 60 year olds around somewhere.

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  • Add me, I'll help you out anytime you need

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  • 30 will be 31 in march. [b]The Help Doctor[/b] is a PS4 and Xbox One clan. We are all about helping people out. You can add me if you like [b]SkinnyDrMitch[/b] on PS4

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  • Believe me, I know what it's like to listen to screaming 'children' over the mic. I tend to either be mute unless I'm with a group I know can be mature. Now, this isn't to say the teenagers can't be mature! Because a few of them can, and that's why they occupy some space of my friends list. All of this being said, I say don't give up on playing, just look for a steady, easy-going group of people who are mature, and don't care that you aren't geared to do the latest raid as soon as possible. Your family comes first. Oh, and for the sake of things considered, not quite an active clan save for ME, but the Fancy Pants Society upon the PS4 would be glad to welcome you.

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  • The thing that bothers me is that people think it's "weird" when there are adults on any gaming community. I have no clue why, since this stuff originally was for 18+ lol

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  • I'm 34 and the guys I run with are 41 and 45 respectively. Just sayin

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  • I'm a cardiac intensive care nurse. For me this game I helps me to unwind. Relax and have some time for ME.

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    1 Reply
    • Add me on your friends list as my group is a bit older than you and we run VOG, Crota and everything else each night. We have everything in the game so we just play for fun and prefer to run inexperienced players through the raid so they can get some gear. I'm sure we will be on VOG tonight after the kids go to bed.

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    • Join True Hellfire. We are a tight knit clan of mature adults always willin to help eachother out! Ps4/360 whatever you like. Recruiting now!

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    • Never EVER change who you love, what you love, and the manner in which you love, man. Play til the arthritis takes over.

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    • Dude if you look at the age group of the players that play destiny the most it's 25 and up

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    • I would suggest joining my clan 8 bit legends. We are mostly older married dudes that play when we can and are pretty good. Send me a message if interested.

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    • Im a 37 yo married gamer. Own my own buisness. Nothing wrong with gaming adults. I grew up with it (atari bitches! Lol). Have a large clan with all adults of various ages. Luckily my wife is a gamer as well.

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    • Was going to do VoG not too long ago, upon entering that party I backed out. That and for the ten minutes I was there, we sat in the tower. I kept my mic muted.

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    • You can join the Dads of Destiny clan

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