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Edited by Totenswander: 11/19/2014 5:44:57 PM

In the wake of the Return of Iron Banner, some words of advice to those who SUCK at PvP...from one who once did (long)

[i]Edit 3 (Edits 1 & 2 below): I'd like to thank everyone who's responded and been complimentary. I wrote it to help others see that they can get better at PvP if they just see the problems they have and put forth the effort to fix them. For those reading this for the first time, there is a wealth of knowledge that has been dropped by those who know how to do this so I implore you to read through the comments and check it out for yourselves. Again, thank you all for responding and thank you to those who have defended me against the haters who only wish to bitch and not be positive.[/i] Guys, Iron Banner returns this week (or so I've heard) and I cannot wait to jump in there and kick some ass, and this is funny considering that when it first came around I did it sparingly since, the sad truth was, I was [i]terrible[/i] at PvP. I'd ditched the [i]Thorn[/i] bounty three times because of the crucible part and the same was done with [i]Invective[/i]. I'd read of others ditching these bounties and/or avoiding the PvP altogether for the same reasons as I and I just let it go as a part of the game I would never be a part of. But then I got the Invective bounty again ([i]A Dubious Task[/i]) and, as I was half way through discarding it[i]--I stopped[/i]. Looking at the screen and that elusive gold square looking back at me, I had a revelation: I was going to f*cking figure out the PvP one way or another and get that gun! I went to the crucible and got my ass kicked again and again, but this time I didn't mind because I wasn't there to win, I was there to learn: what were the guys who were killing me in firefights doing to beat me, even when I'd gotten the jump on them? How was it that I kept getting caught flat-footed, even from cover? Why wasn't I killing these guys even though I had blasted them dead on center mass (or so I thought)? [i]And how in the f*ck does that damned radar work???????[/i] These questions and others haunted me, but in time, through ass beatings, forum posts, ass beatings, YouTube videos and more ass beatings, I started to figure it out. Slowly, very slowly, I started not to get killed so much and then I started to hit back. I never got that much of a high score, but I was starting to get [i]a [/i]score...and soon things started to change. It took awhile, but I started getting better, and then, on 11/1/14, this happened: [url][/url] Yes, as shocked to sh*t as I was, I was the lead scorer on a winning team (I'd come out on top of a few losing teams before that, but this was the one that got me the most). I couldn't believe it! Was this a fluke? Well, no, it wasn't. I haven't done it often, but I came out on top a few more times on winning teams and yesterday I did something extraordinary (the impetus for writing this post): [url][/url] Yes, that's 32 kills which included a 12 victim long killing spree. I f*cking dominated that match and I had so much fun doing it that I thought I should write this post for those of you who suck at Crucible but wish they could join. The RNG sucks to high heaven, yes (it wasn't until two weeks ago that I got a legendary prize[i]--and from a Blue engram of all things[/i] (Final Boss--f*ck yeah!!!) and the matchmaking is kinda lopsided (one match your team dominates, the next you're getting ass--blam!-), but the fun I have is more then enough for me (though watching that dude in forth place on our losing team-[i]-which I topped--[/i]get Thunderload [i]really [/i]pissed me the f*ck off). So, some words of advice: 1-[u]Don't f*cking stand still--EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!![/u] I can't tell you how many time I've gotten kills from guys who just stand there and shoot at me. In the words of the great Muhammad Ali you gotta [i]'Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee'[/i]. Bob and weave, move your feet--keep moving. All of the best I see constantly keep in motion as it's so much harder to get all those hits on them. 2-[u]Figure out the radar[/u]: it may seem like a challenge, but it's much more simple then you may think. This video will help you out with that: [url][/url] 3-[u]Bring the proper guns!![/u] I know you may love that pulse rifle in PvE, but in PvP, it'll likely get you dead (if you're not good to begin with). Hand Cannons & Auto Rifles are good Primary weapons for the guy who's still learning (leave the Scout Rifles for more polished hands, okay.) For Specials, [i]Shotguns [/i]get a bad rap and some of it I think is deserved, but it'll get you through a tight spot for sure. [i]Snipers[/i]? Don't even bother as those take a practiced hand (and the distances in the majority of matches negate it's pluses [i]except for the very gifted[/i] (which, if you're taking these words to heart, you are not). [i]Fusion Rifles?[/i] I'm an FR lover [i]for sure,[/i] but these also take a talented hand to use and I don't really recommend them for the guy trying to get good. Remember, you're not trying to win every match off of the bat, you're just trying to figure out the essentials so that you'll have a base of knowledge [i]from which you can build on[/i]. 4-[u]Most importantly--Small chunk it[/u]: That's right. Don't go all in trying to win the match or get a high score, go it to answer the questions you're having problems with like [i]I can't figure out the radar-[/i]-go and just try to figure out how it works, f*ck how many times you die doing it. [i]I can't hit these guys in the head-[/i]-spend 5 or 6 matches just trying to figure out the mechanics of the headshot. [i]I can't this, I can't that-[/i]-take your time, take a few matches and figure that aspect out, too. To get good at the Crucible (or anything for that matter) is simply a matter of getting down the various aspects that make it all work (i.e. The Fundamentals). Each part exemplifies the whole and when you take them apart and learn how they work, you start seeing that this isn't that much of a mystery at all, it just seemed that way because you weren't taking the time to learn the language. Do these things and you will get better[i]--I did and you can[/i]. And though I'm nowhere near the best, I have a great time doing it now and that's more important than anything. To all those who have figured this out, please feel free to comment on what you think others can do to get better. Thanks for reading, guys. Enjoy [i]Edit: BTW, I forgot to mention that not only did I get Invective, but I good Thorn soon after. :-D Edit 2: I want to thank those who have complimented me on this post, especially those that are already good at PvP. If you look at my K/D across my characters, you'll notice it's pretty bad, but then that's because of how [i]abysmal [/i]I was in PvP for so long. Those photos don't lie though and they're not the only ones of got of me being top dog (and those are only of the times when my team [i]won[/i]). I wouldn't still be playing if I hadn't improved. Stay strong and persevere.[/i]

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  • That's some good advice, I generally suck at PvP I have the odd amazing game when I'll top the board and it feels great. I've learned that my game mode is Control as that allows me to get kills and help out the team by capping points etc without having to get the most kills in a game. I also learned to not care about my K/D it's just a number and isn't what decides my enjoyment of a game. I used to care and it used to make me angry when I would be on a losing streak. Now as long as each individual encounter is fun and the match as a whole feels good then I'm happy. I game to have fun so that applies to my PvP too!

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    • Don't throw the snipers away entirely. They do take a practiced hand as you say, but are an essential learning tool. Learning to snipe well has two benefits. 1. it prevents you from running blindly into situations that you cannot win. People who do poorly at pvp do so due to a lack of awareness of what is going on around them. By default, carrying a sniper causes you to slow down and consider your future actions. Even in CQB situations a sniper is useful, as long as you anticipate where your enemy is about to be. This is key to success in pvp, you need to anticipate what is about to happen; if you solely react to what is happening you are dead. 2. Snipers improve your map knowledge. Until you have spent several hours with a sniper in pvp your knowledge of sightlines on the map is underdeveloped.

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    • Awesome post! I'm currently sitting on my thorn bounty because of the pvp part. I get too anxious knowing that my deaths negate my progress. But I am trying and hopefully with these tips, I will finally have another hand cannon to my collection. Thanks!

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    • Take this from someone who loves PVP games even though I almost never get a positive K/D ratio: You ALWAYS suck in the beginning! Every game I play, I EXPECT to die instantly for the first 10 matches, and wouldn't have it any other way. Who wants to play a game you can be an expert in after 10 minutes? Imagine how simple that game would have to be!

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      • Nice post! I'll add a few of mine: -N° 1 rule: dammage and survive. -Do your best to keep your teamates alive. Watch their back and teamshoot as much as possible. Awareness and timing are your best friends. -Learn how to control the map. Notice the best spots regarding traffic control, and do your best to keep your team there. And please, don't cap that blam! control zone wich makes your team spawn on the other side of the map! -Anticipate your opponents actions and try to surprise them. Your head is your best weapon. Have fun !

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      • Good. I also have a message to everyone reading: "Do not run around corners blindly, know your maps. You're not helping our team, you're giving points to another". All in all, good advices.

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      • Good tips. I was one of those that despised the PVP because I was getting killed constantly. I had the Thorn bounty and dreaded having to think that I had to get 500 points in the crucible, all while knowing that each death would set me back some. But honestly, I learned using these same techniques and eventually got better to the point that I started averaging towards the middle and sometimes have top spot in the crucible. These suggestions are well written and I encourage those who have trouble in the crucible to follow them to a "t".

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      • One of the better posts I have read, good on ya. My journey with crucible is very similar to yours. I would like to mention or add to your post. The weapon you use must fit your play style, otherwise you could easily get out gunned. Try to stay away from getting ambushed or multiple threats vs just you if at all possible. Stay with others in your team, there is strength in numbers be on the side of multiple vs one or two. Learn when is the best and worst times to activate your super. Try learning how to best use the other guns so you understand the best tactics to use against them. Learn to flank There are others but that is off the top of my head. It does take time. I started out getting smacked around, now it is normal for my kills to average between 18 - 24 for control matches. Still much improvement can be made in my game. Good luck Guardians...

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      • This is me lurking here on the forum for the first time to give a huge warm fuzzy to Totenswander for this post. Gonna take these words to heart and try some PvP this weekend. Mahalos!

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      • Like it a lot! I never consider myself a very good PvP player, I think I'm in the middle of the table, always liked more the cooperative part of a game. But for some reason Destiny PvP has been friendly for me since day one, love Control because it forces you to think for a strategy to achieve victory, so here are my three pennies: -Always keep with the pack, never run alone. -Focus in one goal. if you try to do a lot of things at the same time you will fail. -Use the range of your weapons in your favor. Forget enemies in long range, in middle range is where the action happens almost all the time ( the Pulse or Auto rifle dominate here ) and if you enter in a room the Shotgun is your friend. Only when you feel that you are dominating this weapons you can change to the other types ( hand cannon, fusion rifle, sniper rifle etc....) Hope to be useful, love the post, keep up the good work.

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      • Your story sounds like mine in some ways. I avoided the Crucible because it kicked my azz every time I tried. Even though I used to be a respectable pvp player in COD, I couldn't adjust to the differences and found it frustrating to play. So after deleting a stack of exotic bounties because of the crucible and the bounty exotics being just plain bad, I decided to do the Thorn bounty. My theory was that I would have to get a little better in the Crucible in the process so why not give it a shot. To make it more worthwhile, I would add any attainable bounties to rank up my crucible (wanted Zombie Apocalypse from the crucible quartermaster). My scores now are still often bad, but I will now get the odd top spot and I don't feel like I am getting molested as severely. I would add the advice that all of the headshot bounties you do in pve and pvp are part of the learning process. It was while doing a headshot bounty that I got my first 10+ streak (i12, including 6 sniper headshots). If I hadn't been concentrating on using the sniper for headshots, I doubt that streak would have happened.

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      • I wont say your wrong or arrogant, because i think you are neither of those thibgs. I find your post polite, informative and friendly, and i think all those who are pants at PvP (like myself) can learn from it. To be honest though, i dont know how much i can apply this. See, for me, the PvP in Destiny has been the least frustrating ive ever played, and i feel i enjoy it no matter what. I get some kills, some points, rep and marks...those are what i care about right now. Although i expect once my goals change, so will my way of playing. Still, thanks for a post aimed at helping, rather than bashing :)

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      • Thank you! I needed this.

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      • This is great. I love the iron banner. One thing I think alot of people mess up on is they run around TOO much. I agree with no standing still but don't rush into a firefight. Chill out. Look around. Let your enemy come to you if their right around the corner. You'll get the jump on them if your prepared

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      • This is great. I love the iron banner. One thing I think alot of people mess up on is they run around TOO much. I agree with no standing still but don't rush into a firefight. Chill out. Look around. Let your enemy come to you if their right around the corner. You'll get the jump on them if your prepared.

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      • Edited by JJRR: 11/19/2014 4:48:25 PM
        Great post, man. To distill it down to a few lines: First focus on not dying. When you have that down you can start to play with more aggression. Forgot to add: teamwork will benefit both the team and the individual, so mic up and pay attention to call-outs! I hate being the only one on my team in IB trying to use the new voice chat feature.

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      • Edited by : ^ ): 11/19/2014 8:15:19 AM
        Just out of curiosity, I checked your Crucible stats and my god... How are you going to help anyone when all your characters have a sub 1 KD? I play it for shits and giggles and don't sit far from a 2 KD... ( 1.74 ) Here's all you need to know about the crucible to do well. Put enemies at a distance and remember the heavy ammo spawns. Always remember to pathetically spams supers on one person.

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      • Great post. Don't listen to the haters. I suck at PvP but if others suck too, and have managed to get better, then maybe, just maybe, I can learn to not suck too... maybe :/ Peace. Out

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      • Good post, Sir. I have slowly but surely been getting better at the crucible, through playing with good players and observing movement and strategies, and also just getting more experience and practice each round. One thing you didn't mention that I believe helps immensely is learning the maps. Learn where to post up for a lil' bit, learn where to not run, learn where to watch your back, learn where good kill spots are as well as cover spots. Learn and remember the heavy ammo locations. Knowing a map instead of running around like a chicken with my head cut off has helped me out. If you don't know the maps, stick with a couple teammates and you'll probably pick up a few good routes to run.

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      • I started out bad at crucible bc of one crucial detail...I was using an auto rifle with a low impact, once I figured that issue out and bought the Suros from Xur I've been having amazing games and my KD is consistently rising.

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      • Need 3 more for IB team Psn is BarclayCanary

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      • I SUCk big time in the Crucible, but I am sticking to it and I went from 0 kills and 0 assists up to 5 and 6 kills with as many assists consistently in the matter of a few days. It might take me another year to get close to the top but I'm willing to put the time in. Thanks for the Advice. This is a great post! I have learned alot from reading it

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      • Edited by Boom Shalock: 11/19/2014 8:32:55 AM
        Amen, brother! It just happened to me the last few days, I learned a lot about crucible. I also was one of these "I want to win... NOW" guys and rushed into it, took maybe one with me, sometimes didn't even do that, and got angry about it. When I learned to take a step back was also the Thorn-Bounty. I only had a sniper rifle with void damage and was unabashed enough to think, I can do the bounty with a sniper rifle, and tell you what, I DID, At first, it was rough, but I learned how to take a step back, how to estimate the movement of the enemy groups, where their spawns are, how to wait for them, instead of rushing into them. Most important thing I learned: [b]Keep focused![/b] Got killed badly? Keep cool! The guy you shot back to 2% killed you with a lucky shot? Never mind! Just never ever start to rant, or it will only get worse. After every death, start new, concentrate, where are the teammates, join them, where's the enemy (RADAR!). After the frag is before the frag! P. S. I just posted this an hour ago: Most people don't even know these simple rules. And as I may not even have a 1+ KD ratio atm, it is constantly moving towards it!

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      • Dat's my boy Totes!

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      • Part of it is instinct and reaction time, I have both. Which is good because it helps me in PvP because I can react fast and make them wonder wtf just happened. :)

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      • wow. best advise ever

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