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Edited by Totenswander: 11/19/2014 5:44:57 PM

In the wake of the Return of Iron Banner, some words of advice to those who SUCK at PvP...from one who once did (long)

[i]Edit 3 (Edits 1 & 2 below): I'd like to thank everyone who's responded and been complimentary. I wrote it to help others see that they can get better at PvP if they just see the problems they have and put forth the effort to fix them. For those reading this for the first time, there is a wealth of knowledge that has been dropped by those who know how to do this so I implore you to read through the comments and check it out for yourselves. Again, thank you all for responding and thank you to those who have defended me against the haters who only wish to bitch and not be positive.[/i] Guys, Iron Banner returns this week (or so I've heard) and I cannot wait to jump in there and kick some ass, and this is funny considering that when it first came around I did it sparingly since, the sad truth was, I was [i]terrible[/i] at PvP. I'd ditched the [i]Thorn[/i] bounty three times because of the crucible part and the same was done with [i]Invective[/i]. I'd read of others ditching these bounties and/or avoiding the PvP altogether for the same reasons as I and I just let it go as a part of the game I would never be a part of. But then I got the Invective bounty again ([i]A Dubious Task[/i]) and, as I was half way through discarding it[i]--I stopped[/i]. Looking at the screen and that elusive gold square looking back at me, I had a revelation: I was going to f*cking figure out the PvP one way or another and get that gun! I went to the crucible and got my ass kicked again and again, but this time I didn't mind because I wasn't there to win, I was there to learn: what were the guys who were killing me in firefights doing to beat me, even when I'd gotten the jump on them? How was it that I kept getting caught flat-footed, even from cover? Why wasn't I killing these guys even though I had blasted them dead on center mass (or so I thought)? [i]And how in the f*ck does that damned radar work???????[/i] These questions and others haunted me, but in time, through ass beatings, forum posts, ass beatings, YouTube videos and more ass beatings, I started to figure it out. Slowly, very slowly, I started not to get killed so much and then I started to hit back. I never got that much of a high score, but I was starting to get [i]a [/i]score...and soon things started to change. It took awhile, but I started getting better, and then, on 11/1/14, this happened: [url][/url] Yes, as shocked to sh*t as I was, I was the lead scorer on a winning team (I'd come out on top of a few losing teams before that, but this was the one that got me the most). I couldn't believe it! Was this a fluke? Well, no, it wasn't. I haven't done it often, but I came out on top a few more times on winning teams and yesterday I did something extraordinary (the impetus for writing this post): [url][/url] Yes, that's 32 kills which included a 12 victim long killing spree. I f*cking dominated that match and I had so much fun doing it that I thought I should write this post for those of you who suck at Crucible but wish they could join. The RNG sucks to high heaven, yes (it wasn't until two weeks ago that I got a legendary prize[i]--and from a Blue engram of all things[/i] (Final Boss--f*ck yeah!!!) and the matchmaking is kinda lopsided (one match your team dominates, the next you're getting ass--blam!-), but the fun I have is more then enough for me (though watching that dude in forth place on our losing team-[i]-which I topped--[/i]get Thunderload [i]really [/i]pissed me the f*ck off). So, some words of advice: 1-[u]Don't f*cking stand still--EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!![/u] I can't tell you how many time I've gotten kills from guys who just stand there and shoot at me. In the words of the great Muhammad Ali you gotta [i]'Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee'[/i]. Bob and weave, move your feet--keep moving. All of the best I see constantly keep in motion as it's so much harder to get all those hits on them. 2-[u]Figure out the radar[/u]: it may seem like a challenge, but it's much more simple then you may think. This video will help you out with that: [url][/url] 3-[u]Bring the proper guns!![/u] I know you may love that pulse rifle in PvE, but in PvP, it'll likely get you dead (if you're not good to begin with). Hand Cannons & Auto Rifles are good Primary weapons for the guy who's still learning (leave the Scout Rifles for more polished hands, okay.) For Specials, [i]Shotguns [/i]get a bad rap and some of it I think is deserved, but it'll get you through a tight spot for sure. [i]Snipers[/i]? Don't even bother as those take a practiced hand (and the distances in the majority of matches negate it's pluses [i]except for the very gifted[/i] (which, if you're taking these words to heart, you are not). [i]Fusion Rifles?[/i] I'm an FR lover [i]for sure,[/i] but these also take a talented hand to use and I don't really recommend them for the guy trying to get good. Remember, you're not trying to win every match off of the bat, you're just trying to figure out the essentials so that you'll have a base of knowledge [i]from which you can build on[/i]. 4-[u]Most importantly--Small chunk it[/u]: That's right. Don't go all in trying to win the match or get a high score, go it to answer the questions you're having problems with like [i]I can't figure out the radar-[/i]-go and just try to figure out how it works, f*ck how many times you die doing it. [i]I can't hit these guys in the head-[/i]-spend 5 or 6 matches just trying to figure out the mechanics of the headshot. [i]I can't this, I can't that-[/i]-take your time, take a few matches and figure that aspect out, too. To get good at the Crucible (or anything for that matter) is simply a matter of getting down the various aspects that make it all work (i.e. The Fundamentals). Each part exemplifies the whole and when you take them apart and learn how they work, you start seeing that this isn't that much of a mystery at all, it just seemed that way because you weren't taking the time to learn the language. Do these things and you will get better[i]--I did and you can[/i]. And though I'm nowhere near the best, I have a great time doing it now and that's more important than anything. To all those who have figured this out, please feel free to comment on what you think others can do to get better. Thanks for reading, guys. Enjoy [i]Edit: BTW, I forgot to mention that not only did I get Invective, but I good Thorn soon after. :-D Edit 2: I want to thank those who have complimented me on this post, especially those that are already good at PvP. If you look at my K/D across my characters, you'll notice it's pretty bad, but then that's because of how [i]abysmal [/i]I was in PvP for so long. Those photos don't lie though and they're not the only ones of got of me being top dog (and those are only of the times when my team [i]won[/i]). I wouldn't still be playing if I hadn't improved. Stay strong and persevere.[/i]

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  • There is a quote from Borderlands 2 that always come to mind whenever I play PvP in any game : "You don't need to be a better shot, you just need to shoot more bullets " and this one pertains to Destiny : ' If it took more than one shot, you're not using a Hawkmoon " But, all in all solid advice. I still have Thorn bounty ( had for about 2 weeks now ), but I don't like PvP, so might be a while before I complete it.

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  • What is the best strategy if you have slower than average Hand To Eye Coordination due to a nerve disease? Not using it as an excuse but I will probably never be a good twitch player. Should I just focus on being defensive, trip mines and invisibility?

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    • Just read your post and I have to say its highly informative. I'm one who avoids the Crucible because I suck so bad, but over the past couple of nights I've watched my nephew play and it completely changed my perspective on it. What put me over the edge was your post. I'm going back to the Crucible and use my new found tactics to try and get better. One thing I noticed that he did was he moved sparingly and only to get in a better position. He also used a scout rifle to great success whereas when I played in the Crucible I'd use an auto rifle and pretty much just spray everywhere but where the enemy was!!! Thanks again for the excellent post and I'll see you in the Crucible. Cheers

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      • Need 2 more people for Iron Banner, must at least lv 29, psn jiMmy_SpaRda

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      • NIce read, I'm a fairly skilled crucible player if I do say so myself, but the words you offered were useful still. I have never taken the time to figure out the mechanics of what I'm doing wrong or right, and the way you laid it out would definitely improve my gameplay in the long run. Even if its just a few more kills difference, I'll take those gladly. Oh and snipers are great. Just saying :)

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      • Good post! I used to be consistantly 0.25kd. Now I'm near 1.0kd lifetime and it's taken a lot of work to get there. There are plenty of times I still suck. But then I'll go on a great roll and do great. Then I'll suck again. Dems da breaks. Never stop learning. And never give up!!

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      • Awesome post man. I've been doing PvP since forever, so I havent been in the same boat. But sometimes I could imagine that people starting from scratch in PvP gets steamrolled, and when that happens you often dont wanna keep trying to get better (as you did) Cause there are so many small nuances that you have to be good at, it all adds up - like you mentioned, one step at a time. Thanks for taking the time to post this to the community, I hope others will benefit. Good job on hanging in there as well, glad to see you reap the benefits now :)

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      • I'm good at crucible and their was one match i did better then you and your right i want to help those in need for help i am not allways on but when I'm on add me I'm lvl 27 hunter my Id is o0_slo _om_0o Bye

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        2 Replies
        • Great post, probably going to hang onto my THREE exotic bounties requiring crucible now.

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          • Auto Rifles, Fuzion Rifles, Rockets, Over powered specials= PVP it is for children so keep catering to them.

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          • Bump

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          • STICK WITH YOUR TEAM. dont go running off alone and try to take on a group by yourself (unless you have your super, then pew pew it up)

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          • Excellent read! Great points. I would add: GO SLOW and BE CAUTIOUS... meaning don't rush into the battle without first doing the RECON. So many times I've seen players go on 'TILT' meaning they die and then in a huff go running and gunning for the guy or guys that killed him which by the time he spawns and gets back have moved into cover or more advantageous postiions than they even had the first time around. All this does is get the person killed again. DISPLACE AFTER A KILL. Don't get cocky... if you kill an enemy MOVE to a place where you can kill him again if he comes looking for you!Be the guy who TAKES ADVANTAGE of the guy on TILT Learn the MAPS! The traffic flow, the areas of congestion. Use this information to your advantage. If you know an area is wide open and prone to being flanked... DONT GO THERE. Staying on the outside of the map is a good beginner tip. Keep a wall or map corner to your back where you know you CANNOT be snuck up on. Then you only have to worry about the 180 degrees in front of you as opposed to the 360 panorama. CROUCH! Crouching makes your radar signature drop and in some cases disappear (if you don't move). This is great for sneaking up to enemies or for ambushing them. Don't venture out alone until you are ready. Stick with teammates. An Assist is better than a death.

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            7 Replies
            • Thanks for this post. My story is very similar, and I was going to make a thread called, 'How I learned to stop ranting and love the Crucible,' but you beat me to it. I would just add, 'don't go rushing into every firefight.' This isn't Unreal Tournament; often you'll do best hanging back a bit, scouting the action, and picking off who you can. Make [i]not dying[/i] a higher priority than [i]killing this guy[/i]. And stick with your team. I still tend to do atrociously for the first couple of games each day, then get into the zone. Anyone else find that?

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              • 98% of people who play iron banner are retarded and do not understand that capturing the objectives increases your points per kill, increasing your team points and making you win. Most people will not bother capturing the objectives, leading your team to certain doom, and never ever ever winning a match in iron banner. Thank you dick faces who just want kills!

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              • Dude I use to rock a 0.47 as my K.D. I sucked hard at it, I just couldint figure it out, and anytime I turned a corner i got shotgun to my face. I have been steadily increasing it and playing better, and its all about relaxing and finding what works best for you....good post :)

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              • To be good at PVP, IMO, you have to camp with a Shotgun or a Fusion Rifle. That's how I got the Thorn (I think) and the Pocket Infinity. Also, I'm glad that the Iron Banner is back, because I could use some armor and I like the fact that the Armor cap is now better. With they'd fix Atheon, and nerf the Archeon Priest (not take what they fixed away, just make it a little easier ^_^). If this goes to show why I'm asking for the only nerf I will wever ask for, is that I was level 29, got a nightfall or weekly bounty, and got my @$$ handed to me by level 22 NPCs. Soooooo....I used to speedrun this, and now I'm not able to. lol

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              • Join us. And I've been owning no matter the level for the most part, it just sucks they put me with players that don't know how to play control. So I end up performing the best but still lose. What a waste

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              • I also suck at PVP but that didnt stop me from completing those exotic bounties. It took me a couple hours to do the invective pvp step, but took me almost 7 to do the pvp step for the Thorn, but I wanted them in my collection so as fustrating as it was I didnt want to give up.

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              • Bump to read later

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              • Fantastic post brother. That is a big problem with first timers or people who generally stink at multiplayer. Every player has a game (mine was Call of Duty 4) where they think "Man I'm eating it. Huh, maybe I'm doing something wrong here." Then from there they figured out the mechanics slowly until they get most of the basics down and can get a good score continually. Players that do this will normally have a decent multiplayer experience. I did that and almost every multiplayer game I'm on I can pull down at least a 1.4 k/d, which is good enough for me haha. My friend has never really had that moment. He pays too much attention to his k/d and if he starts dying, he get's hot headed and bull rushes, gets killed a bunch more and rage quits. Now the only way he can get a decent score is by camping and that only rewards him with less than 10 kills a game usually. But anyway, I'm glad you posted this. This is how everyone should go about learning competitive multiplayer. That and watching tips and tricks and maybe MLG games on youtube. Happy Slaying, Arazos

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              • Now this post I like!

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              • Props to you sir! I hit the same learning curve and finally got my personal play style figured out it's been amazingly fun. I even got thunder lord to drop last night (only the 2nd exotic I've gotten from RNGesus) my K/D might not reflect it yet but my last several matches have started to look pretty good. Bring on iron banner

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              • While I haven't sampled Destiny's PvP a great deal a few things are always essential and I typically do them in this order. 1. Learn the radar 2. Learn the map 3. Learn common thoroughfares 4. Learn the guns Without prior knowledge of where things are your going to be SoL in many situations. I also like to learn in team play rather than solo. Being able to watch a team mate can be just as valuable if not more valuable than the 4-5 seconds you see the enemy before/after one of you gets dead. Finally, stick to one game type at a time. The rules of engagement can change a good deal based on map objectives.

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              • 1st, great post. 2nd I´d have to say that one of the biggest things about getting better at PvP is not giving a damn. If you just go in with a clear head and play for the hell of it you will in most cases do better than when you set silly goals like "I will carry all my games today". 3rd I must say is that never play when you are tired, it´s a given that your reaction times will be slower and you will just end up frustrated, even more so when you get better and die in situations where you knew you could have done better. The final and most important reason for getting better at PvP or any competative game out there, be it DoTA2, LoL, CoD or Destiny. Never ever ever ever ever result to blaming the lag, the servers, the framerate, the OP weapons, the gear or that annoying person talking to you and is distracting you from doing well. If you result to blaming everything and everyone else for your shortcomings you are gonna be a bad PvP player for all bloody eternity. My score is not impressive at all, however when I started Destiny I had not played a console shooter for years and compared to the first month of destiny and now I am usually averaging a 1.4 - 2.5 KDA per game. Blaming others will not get you anywhere and is the main reason people keep sucking at PvP. It´s always someone elses fault, but if you know there is lag, and the fps is shoddy at best and there are other things in your way then rest assured that the other players are having some of those issues from time to time aswell. The reason they have a better KDA than you is that they adapt to the environment and make the best of it and when everything is working without lag and other issues they perform even better. A final tip I have is that if you are on the PS4 at least you can save games you played and watch them later and see where you did good and where you did bad. Did you see that guy in the video but you didn´t see him in the game when you played? What different spots are the most disadvantageus for you? In what spot on each map do you usually die and why? Do you see a pattern in how other people play? Take in that information, ask the right questions and bringt that knowledge into the next game. Cheers from Sweden :D

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              • Your guide's fantastic, by the way. I will add this: There is one time it's all right to hold still - when you're camping or capping. In both cases, it's important to remember that crouching (or sitting) hides you from the radar. Do not underestimate how useful this can be! A player who relies heavily on their radar (and there's a bunch) won't be able to spot you using it via this method, making it vital should you be trying to sneak around, ambush, or stealthily hold an area. Almost as important: Snipers have a really obvious scope flare when aiming, intended to prevent snipe camping, so if you're planning to camp, it's better to do it with a hand cannon, scout rifle, or pulse rifle.

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